Should Trump Be Sentenced to Prison?

Merchan has followed the rules scrupulously up to date. I have no reason to suppose he will change in the future.

That's a dumb lie. I don't think you can post without looking dumb and lying.

The reversable errors committed by this Judge are profound.
you're a dope

Projection. You, ironically, are the definition of a clueless, lying leftist dope given your comments on this thread.

What is apparent, however, is that you gobble up MSNBC narratives like a clueless gullible fool and the parrot them on this forum.

When the facts get slapped in your face, you resort to childlike insults and crying. Typical low IQ leftist.

The Case for Prison Time for Trump​

By Norman Eisen

I am a lawyer, not a judge, but I have practiced criminal law for over three decades. Under New York law, sentencing should be based on the gravity of the crime — and the 34 offenses on which Mr. Trump has now been convicted are profoundly serious. To find him guilty of felony business record falsification, the jury had to determine that he intended to commit, aid or conceal a second crime by making or causing false entries.

Ain’t happening, if I had to bet, I’d say the Judge will postpone sentencing till after the appeal process plays out, and then it will be something like limited home confinement or community service, interesting to see him teaching elementary kids in the South Bronx
Ain’t happening, if I had to bet, I’d say the Judge will postpone sentencing till after the appeal process plays out, and then it will be something like limited home confinement or community service, interesting to see him teaching elementary kids in the South Bronx
No, sentencing has to take place before an official appeal.
Hey asshole, read and weep some more!

It's so cute when triggered assholes call others asshole. :laugh:

The crime of falsifying business records is included in New York’s penal code. Falsifying records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, but it becomes a felony if the person falsified business records with an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission of a crime.

Yet, there was no proof of any intent to conceal another crime. Perhaps, being such a legal authority, you would like to debate what that concealed crime was because Bragg was incapable of it and even refused to name them, a violation of the Constitution, when he took the case to court.

What we will find is that you're incapable of thought, reason or coherent debate, and instead, believe that pounding your tiny insignificant little fists on the table and yelling.
No, corporate (network) news shows have always been conservative and Republican.

Another moronic statement lacking in facts or reality. There's only one partially conservative TV cable network. Yet that's one too many for the Fascistic autocrats in the Democratic Party that believe that malfeasance, malaise and Banana Republicanism are awesome.
Ain’t happening, if I had to bet, I’d say the Judge will postpone sentencing till after the appeal process plays out, and then it will be something like limited home confinement or community service, interesting to see him teaching elementary kids in the South Bronx

I am doubtful that a conflicted partisan hack like Merchan is capable of what you are suggesting. One can only hope it turns out this way. But sentencing right before the RNC convention is a further sign that this judge is a hack and conflicted, even afflicted with severe TDS.
Has anyone noticed that Trump has gone after all the witnesses except PECKER?

Do you want to know why?

Because Pecker has so many stories he could tell about who all Trump has paid off to stay quite about his sexual misconduct through the years, HE COULD PUT TRUMP AWAY FOR YEARS! Pecker knows where all the bodies are buried and every skeleton in Trump's closet!


There is just no other logical reason why! :unsure:
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Has anyone noticed that Trump has gone after all the witnesses except PECKER?

Do you want to know why?

Because Pecker has so many stories he could tell about who all Trump has paid off to stay quite about his sexual misconduct through the years, HE COULD PUT TRUMP AWAY FOR YEARS! Pecker knows where all the bodies are buried and every skeleton in Trump's closet!


There is just no other logical reason why! :unsure:
So why don't you tell about your tryst with Tucker.
It's so cute when triggered assholes call others asshole. :laugh:

Yet, there was no proof of any intent to conceal another crime. Perhaps, being such a legal authority, you would like to debate what that concealed crime was because Bragg was incapable of it and even refused to name them, a violation of the Constitution, when he took the case to court.

What we will find is that you're incapable of thought, reason or coherent debate, and instead, believe that pounding your tiny insignificant little fists on the table and yelling.
Should I tell you to go kill yourself now? Like you are known for..

You can roll around in your ignorance about what happened all you want. No skin off my back. Just don't be surprised when people think you are an idiot for your comments on this topic.
Should I tell you to go kill yourself now? Like you are known for..

You can roll around in your ignorance about what happened all you want. No skin off my back. Just don't be surprised when people think you are an idiot for your comments on this topic.
Trump people are like those standing in the rain declaring they are not getting wet.