Should your office be a 'no politics' zone?

Yes, our office is a politics-free zone. I couldn't imagine bringing that kind of controversy here after the union crap.
In an office situation I think you should avoid politics and religion.

Luckily the people I work with don't seem to want to discuss either subject.

I did have to stop an employee in one of our field offices from preaching to the other employees. I think I scared the poor kid though. lol
In an office situation I think you should avoid politics and religion.

Luckily the people I work with don't seem to want to discuss either subject.

I did have to stop an employee in one of our field offices from preaching to the other employees.
I think I scared the poor kid though. lol

Really? Was the kid actually trying to convert people at work?
Really? Was the kid actually trying to convert people at work?

Oh, he was doing more than trying to convert. He was actually telling people that they were going to burn in hell if they didn't.

I work in the telecomm construction business. We mainly use subcontractors as our work force, so we have less HR issues. There are a lot of linemen that would scare the average person. I was actually asked to go to Virginia and talk to this kid before someone hurt him.

I told him I was from the corporate office and that I was a Wiccan. He would either stop his preaching or I would be back and start doing rituals and casting circles at the office.

Never had a problem with him again.
Oh, he was doing more than trying to convert. He was actually telling people that they were going to burn in hell if they didn't.

I work in the telecomm construction business. We mainly use subcontractors as our work force, so we have less HR issues. There are a lot of linemen that would scare the average person. I was actually asked to go to Virginia and talk to this kid before someone hurt him.

I told him I was from the corporate office and that I was a Wiccan. He would either stop his preaching or I would be back and start doing rituals and casting circles at the office.
Never had a problem with him again.

:readit:You just got 10 cool points.
I disagree that the office should be a no politics zone. Christ, people don't participate enough in politics as it is. Then setting aside half of the hours that you are awake as politics-free doesn't make much sense to me. Additionally, I view the office and work not just a place to go to do some stuff and get paid for it but as a chance to interact with others and grow not just professionally but personally as well. Politics is a part of that.
I grew up hearing "don't talk politics; don't talk religion." It's kind of a bogus attitude. What are people afraid of? Most people hate having their beliefs challenged, and I think it wouldn't hurt to have a little more of that in America.

That said, I don't really talk about politics or religion at work (except here, of course...)
Political stances can impact your opportunities at work. Either in a negative or positive way. Usally negative for liberals.

Although I got a promotion one time because my manager was impressed that I had not killed a whiney republican that was always aggravating me to vote for Bush and running down clowntoon. I think at the time I was one of the few to have admitted voting for clowntoon.
behind closed doors me and my boss make fun of all the winning odd democrats in the department (why do most oddballs and complainers seem to be dems anyways?) But when we are in group meetings we play nice. I told him i was thinking of voting for obama and hes like.. are u fucking nuts??
behind closed doors me and my boss make fun of all the winning odd democrats in the department (why do most oddballs and complainers seem to be dems anyways?) But when we are in group meetings we play nice. I told him i was thinking of voting for obama and hes like.. are u fucking nuts??

damn! Hitting up yet ?
damn! Hitting up yet ?

its never an issue for me. i got Boston, Worcester, providence, Hartford, Springfield, and all the in between all within commuting distance to me. Type in analyst and there are thousands of jobs regardless of the economy.