Sign the petition send a coat hanger..

Because they are not children. Simple as that. Children are born.

a mere want to kill them, regardless of the name you permit them to wear.....all of your excuses are disguised with the claim that it will cause harm to the mother.....the simple fact is, in the vast majority of the cases you wish to permit, it won't cause harm at all......
It's got nothing to do with the weight of the argument. Either the lives of all human beings are considered equal or they not are.

absurdity......the lives of all human beings are considered equal, yet society makes balancing arguments every the example I quoted....are the lives of those killed in plane accidents of less value than the lives of those who fly without injury?......are the lives of those who receive kidney transplants of more value than the lives of those who don't?......there are countless examples where a greater number of human lives are 'discounted' by society than the situations you have put forward to justify abortion......
BS! If the question is: You risk life or limb if you stay pregnant that IS a game changer. The very fact that less than 2% of abortions are actually for these reasons show that abortion is not about anything other than lifestyle for 97% of the women that have them.

46+ million killed and the beat goes on...

So what is the life of a human being worth? A foot? A leg? A finger? Diminished eye sight? A 50% change of damage? 25%?

Let's get some numbers here and discuss it.

Are we going to subject women to trials? If a woman's doctor tells her his opinion is she will suffer damage will an estranged, abusive boyfriend be allowed to call his own qualified witnesses? Will he be allowed to fight for the life of his son/daughter? If not, why not?

Doctors make mistakes. Some women don't want to be tied to a guy through having bore a child.

Will we have a society where people like Terri Schiavo, people in a vegetative state, will garner national news because of the sanctity of life while a GP can say there's a "reasonable" expectation of damage and that effectively signs the death warrant of the zygote/embryo/fetus?
So what is the life of a human being worth? A foot? A leg? A finger? Diminished eye sight? A 50% change of damage? 25%?

Let's get some numbers here and discuss it.

Are we going to subject women to trials? If a woman's doctor tells her his opinion is she will suffer damage will an estranged, abusive boyfriend be allowed to call his own qualified witnesses? Will he be allowed to fight for the life of his son/daughter? If not, why not?

Doctors make mistakes. Some women don't want to be tied to a guy through having bore a child.

Will we have a society where people like Terri Schiavo, people in a vegetative state, will garner national news because of the sanctity of life while a GP can say there's a "reasonable" expectation of damage and that effectively signs the death warrant of the zygote/embryo/fetus?

I can't understand why so many rabid righties are so concerned for these aborted foetuses. Surely if they are mostly from poor mothers and mainly black and Hispanic to boot, then they should be celebrating about it. After all, they are always saying that the welfare bill is too high already.
I can't understand why so many rabid righties are so concerned for these aborted foetuses. Surely if they are mostly from poor mothers and mainly black and Hispanic to boot, then they should be celebrating about it. After all, they are always saying that the welfare bill is too high already.

Oh you betcha.
the thinking of a warped lefty mind written down for all to see..:rolleyes:
And what "natural right" is that? A woman's right to protect her own life?

Isn't it a man's natural right to protect the life of his son/daughter against a person with a defective body who is trying to murder them?

Should a man petition a court to prevent his wife/lover from obtaining an abortion on the grounds she is going to murder his son/daughter what moral counter-argument could be put forward?

She may damage a kidney? It's possible she may have diminished eye sight? There is a chance she may require amputation due to impaired circulation?

Do any of those arguments justify killing an innocent, healthy human being? If so, perhaps you can enlighten us on your definition of the sanctity of life assuming you believe so.

The baby is not trying to murder the woman. It is innocent of any crime, and is the one who is being murdered. The baby has a natural right to life.
I can't understand why so many rabid righties are so concerned for these aborted foetuses. Surely if they are mostly from poor mothers and mainly black and Hispanic to boot, then they should be celebrating about it. After all, they are always saying that the welfare bill is too high already.

Why don't you celebrate death? You're the rabid lefty.
Why don't you celebrate death? You're the rabid lefty.

I am just playing Devil's Advocate here. Surely if these foetuses are unwanted, for whatever reason, they are not suddenly going to turn into wanted children if they are born. Having said that, it is dismaying that so many abortions occur because the progenitors are seemingly incapable of taking precautions.
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I am just playing Devil's Advocate here. Surely if these foetuses are unwanted, for whatever reason, they are not suddenly going to turn into wanted children if they are born. Having said that, it is dismaying that so many abortions occur because the progenitors are seemingly incapable of taking precautions.

Maybe if liberal males would take some responsibility and keep their pants zipped, there wouldn't be a problem.
I can't understand why so many rabid righties are so concerned for these aborted foetuses. Surely if they are mostly from poor mothers and mainly black and Hispanic to boot, then they should be celebrating about it. After all, they are always saying that the welfare bill is too high already.

in my case it's because of these two...

their birth mothers risked foot amputation so I could adopt them....

by the way, abortion is not "mostly poor" or "mainly black and Hispanic".......

Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.
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in my case it's because of these two...

their birth mothers risked foot amputation so I could adopt them....

by the way, abortion is not "mostly poor" or "mainly black and Hispanic".......

The figures that you posted state that minorities have a far higher rate of abortions than whites, so surely you ought to happy that they are not a further drain on the taxpayer?
The baby is not trying to murder the woman. It is innocent of any crime, and is the one who is being murdered. The baby has a natural right to life.

Am I correct to conclude you believe that if a problem pregnancy occurs it should be allowed to continue and let nature take it's course?
3D, you KNOW the liberal mantra is that 'there are no natural rights'.

Quite the opposite. If zygotes and embryos and fetuses are considered human beings then the current idea that the mother's health takes precedence needs to be re-examined.

It is the pro-life who want the human being designation for zygotes and embryos and fetuses while denying them the same rights as every other human being.

Problem pregnancies are invariably the result of a woman's faulty body so it's absurd to kill a healthy zygote or embryo or fetus in order to prevent further damage to the woman.
The figures that you posted state that minorities have a far higher rate of abortions than whites, so surely you ought to happy that they are not a further drain on the taxpayer?

I'm not happy that you continue to be a drain on the taxpayer....why did you attempt to misrepresent the fact that the majority of abortions are had by white women who are not low income?.....did you think you could just slip it by unnoticed?.....
Quite the opposite. If zygotes and embryos and fetuses are considered human beings then the current idea that the mother's health takes precedence needs to be re-examined.

It is the pro-life who want the human being designation for zygotes and embryos and fetuses while denying them the same rights as every other human being.

Problem pregnancies are invariably the result of a woman's faulty body so it's absurd to kill a healthy zygote or embryo or fetus in order to prevent further damage to the woman.

And it is the pro-abortion side that just wants to kill people, period.

When faced with the possible death of two human lives, I will always support saving the one's which can be sparred (meaning the mother's). When the woman's health is endangered, we are dealing with her natural right to life as well.
I'm not happy that you continue to be a drain on the taxpayer....why did you attempt to misrepresent the fact that the majority of abortions are had by white women who are not low income?.....did you think you could just slip it by unnoticed?.....

I should have said that if the majority of abortions, as implied by certain elements on the right, are from minorities.
You are obviously not the sharpest tool in the box else you would know that I'm not from your side of the pond and therefore not a US taxpayer.
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