
There are at least two striking similarities between bin Laden and Bush: bin Laden calls his most ardent followers, who are its members, al Qaeda--al Qaeda means literally "the Base." Bush, being much more possessive and materialistic, calls his most ardent followers "my Base." bin Laden claims he talks to God and that he gets his directions for jihad directly from God who talks back to bin Laden. Bush also claims he talks to God and that he got his direction to attack Iraq and spread democracy directly from God who also talks to Bush. Let's assume for a moment that both men are telling the truth, that in fact they talk to God and He speaks to both of them.

These similarities perhaps strange coincidences provoke several questions: If there is only one God why is he talking to these two men? If there are in fact two gods, then which is the true God? If there is only one God why does God want to play "let's you and him fight" with Bush and bin Laden?

You could have simplified this by just stating "I HATE BUSH" Why go into all this rhetoric just to state that simple fact.
In neither of the cases mentioned by prak do the leaders claim god talks to them. They interrupt what they see and know from their respective religions. when someone says god spoke directly to them. Better sit up and take notice and be prepared to open the rubber room.

al queda is the base. They started the ball rolling. All the other fanatics in islam are following their lead. even if they don't agree with thier brand of islam they are joining in.

Bush's "base" is just those that follow his polical agenda. They are not out to destroy the world. Its purely a political term. Hiliary has a base too. bin kerry has a base.

Its apples and oranges.

al queda is the base. They started the ball rolling. All the other fanatics in islam are following their lead. even if they don't agree with thier brand of islam they are joining in.

To any extent to which the are "uniting", its because of your war on Iraq.

Deep divisions and animosities exist between shia Iran, sunni jihaddists, and socialist arab dictators.

They are there for your president's to exploit, if he had the intelligence and knowledge to do it.