Site DBase Restored From 9/27/07 Backup...


Staff member
Unfortunately I was unable to gather posts from today as the backup was made beforehand.

We therefore have lost Posts from 9/28/07.

Thank you for your patience, and I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Your friend,

Since it appears it is just you and I, I may just do an upgrade on the software at this time as well.
ANd I was brilliant yesterday!

Let me see if i can remember my best post

"Let me break down your stupidity to you this way: You use the premise of nationalism (separate countries) to defend barbarity, but switch to the premise of internationalism to denigrate western ideas of civil and individual rights. You're quite confused"
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ANd I was brilliant yesterday!

Let me see if i can remember my best post

"Let me break down your stupidity to you this way: You use the premise of nationalism (separate countries) to defend barbarity, but switch to the premise of internationalism to denigrate western ideas of civil and individual rights. You're quite confused"
Yep: SSDD. AssHat's still half a wit in search of a clue.

I'd say the restore operation was completely successful.
Let me see... I wonder what Damo said or was said to him that was embarassing to him? Anyone got any ideas on that?

hehe j/k Damo

But I wouldn't be surprised to see Doniston return and make the claim that he handed you a good tongue-lashing and you did this so you could remove his posts.

I noticed alot of posts disappeared from...

Unfortunately I was unable to gather posts from today as the backup was made beforehand.

We therefore have lost Posts from 9/28/07.

Thank you for your patience, and I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Your friend,


Yesterday! And I also noticed that soco edited/rewrote his diatribe to me on the Iran thread matter..I may or may not respond...yesterday was a blast...but the moment was lost in time!:cof1:
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Personally I believe.........

What do you think caused the glitch?


It was a hack job by The John Kerry camp...I posted a link to the 25thaviation site... I also posted this link on the uk site I am a member of...In essence this article written by a Army Major listed all the facts about John Kerry and his service including his dishonorable discharge from the Navy and the subsequent pardon by President Jimmy Carter changing the discharge to also posted pictures of John Kerry being shunned by US troops on his visit to Iraq!.../Lots of other info on the comparrison of VN to Iraq and the reults thereof! I may also note: since the posting all links to the 25thaviation site are blocked on the entire internet...this is censhorship at it's worst!

Up-date...contacted 25th they said the problemo was fixed...they are so good!
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I've pounded your ass on multiple occasions, retard. And I'll repeat the feat on any topic.

Aye aye!


Fighting the prejudice, all power to you.
But in reality, the noahide movement stands for subjugation under a jewish supremacist world theocracy.

Yeah, but when contrasted with the capitalist running dogs who force 'American Idol' and it's generic progeny down the throats of the working classes of the globe, is it the altenative that bad?