Smokers should be banned from nation’s top office

Damo smoking isn't going to be a campaign issue, sorry.
That would be a secondary point. Somebody pointed out that it should be criteria for the WH, then another stated something about somebody who isn't running. That is sad distraction.

I couldn't care less about whether somebody was a smoker. Why would I? I smoked for some time myself.
That would be a secondary point. Somebody pointed out that it should be criteria for the WH, then another stated something about somebody who isn't running. That is sad distraction.

I couldn't care less about whether somebody was a smoker. Why would I? I smoked for some time myself.

Ahh mentioning someone else who is not running. What a sad distraction.
Ahh mentioning someone else who is not running. What a sad distraction.
Yes. It was. Notice how it distracted? We got Darla all, "This race won't be about this!" and me answering it because it amazes me how silly people can get.

Imagine if this was something more serious.

Poster1: This should stop anybody from gaining the White House!

Poster2: That's all you have?

You: Rush Limbaugh does it!

Me: Rush Limbaugh isn't running...

Poster3: Blah, blah...
Smoking is legal ( it is still legal right? I mean overnight the Gesundheit Minister didn't make it a crime?) No it is not good for you if you smoke a pack a day. BUT the science on secondhand smoke, the science on moderate smoking, etc, is all just about where the science is on global warming. I know for some of you that means that you know that secondhand smoke is going to kill everyone that comes into contact with it, but in REALITY there is very little hard evidence of any direct causation with second hand smoke. I have sleep apnea, my doc started his life out as a cardio-pulminary physician. He was aware that I smoked no more than 5 hand rolled cigarettes per day and told me the damage I was doing was negligible, his words not mine. I now smoke 2 cigars a day, I don't inhale because cigar smoke has a high level of alkalines in it and that is what makes you feel sick. Smoking is not a disqualifier. If you smoke a pack or more a day you may disqualify yourself from life but not from holding office.
He could have a point here.

Published Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Editor, the Tribune: I voted for Barack Obama in the Missouri presidential primary. I now regret that vote after discovering that he is addicted to cigarettes.

I believe this is a defining issue of character and judgment. I believe that smoking is indefensible in terms of health and family impact, and therefore anyone who smokes has exhibited very poor judgment. My opinion is that any person who is incapable of exerting enough self-discipline to quit smoking should be void from holding the most powerful position in our country.

Self-discipline and good judgment are necessary for great leadership.
So you think he might have a point here? So Dick Chain-ee would also lack the judgement to hold the nations second highest office? He smoked himself into a heart attack in his thirties and then smoked some more. Hell there were some people that said he continued to smoke as VP. So if he has a point about Barack he has the same point about Dick right? RIght?
I know I know Dick ain't running. (eww anyone else get a really bad mental picture there) but it would mean, IF this guy was right, that Dick didn't have the judgement to be VP.
So you think he might have a point here? So Dick Chain-ee would also lack the judgement to hold the nations second highest office? He smoked himself into a heart attack in his thirties and then smoked some more. Hell there were some people that said he continued to smoke as VP. So if he has a point about Barack he has the same point about Dick right? RIght?

{puts on meme hat}

So you think he might have a point here? So Dick Chain-ee would also lack the judgement to hold the nations second highest office? He smoked himself into a heart attack in his thirties and then smoked some more. Hell there were some people that said he continued to smoke as VP. So if he has a point about Barack he has the same point about Dick right? RIght?

GOD caused Cheneys Heart Attack for being such a lying scumbag ;)