So don't forget socialism

The United States is not a socialist country...

You coulda fooled me!!!!!

Actually socialism is a theory and activity instituted by “degree.’ Some countries are more socialist than others. Even the American Constitution has a ”degree” of socialism incorporated in it whereby it gives certain powers to democratic actions like election of representation. But that’s where socialism ends for our federal government in the Constitution.

Of course our Constitution has been trashed by the communist sympathizer authoritarian socialist and authoritarian fascist/socialist sympathizers in the federal government as far back as Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and the actual “Father Of American Socialism” Franklin Roosevelt and the “New Deal.” America has become more and more socialist over the centuries. “Socialist Security,” “Socialist Federal Welfare,” “Socialist Federal Subsidies,” “Socialist Medicare/Medicaid,” “Socialist Bank Bail Outs,” “Socialist/Fascist Drug War,” “Socialist Abandon Of The Gold Standard,” “Socialist Federal Reserve Bank,” “Socialist Income Taxation,” “Hundreds Of Other Federal Socialist Programs Like Student Loans” and on and on and on all the way to “socialist Obama-Care.”

Socialism pretends to be able to eliminate all necessity of government, when in fact socialism is the instigator and establisher of the BIGGEST of governments because socialism is the anti-freedom, anti-individualism and anti-human nature philosophy of pro-slavery and authoritarianism. It pretends that “the collective” is made up totally of brain-dead followers only interested in their fellow worker bees and has no desire for “personal” freedom and the American Dream of self-worth, individualism, self-interest and economic independence.

Socialism pretends that capitalism is “greed,” when in reality capitalism is the tide that raises all boats. The so-called greed of capitalism creates invention, ambition, successful industry and billions of “JOBS” for anyone who wishes to participate. Capitalism created the highest of living standards and gives us economic independence, wealth and the items of the best of living.

Socialist tap out their slander, propaganda and pie-in-the-sky bullshit on computers and an internet created by capitalism. What kind of asshole takes socialism as anything other than a road to bankruptcy, slavery and squalor?
Sure was nice having him during the war, though, huh? Anyone who says that about capitalism clearly hates freedom. That's like calling a person an oxygen bandit for breathing, or a pedestrian a road hog for choosing to walk down the sidewalk on his own power.

Well, he sent troops against my people, and he was drunk most of the time during the war. I have just been to Norway to lay a wreath for one of my family he saw off unnecessarily, as it happens. He would also have unleashed a mad war in India to keep them down, and lost. We'd have been better with some other leader if you ask me, since leaders seem to be de rigeure, why I don't know.
Churchill was rightly rejected when it mattered, decisively by the British people. Capitalism is theft and nothing else, ever. Anyone who supports it is a villain or a mug.

without capitalism what you have is a system run by people with the means to corrupt a system just as badly as any corporate master can.

Your not getting it.

You are only seeing part of the problem.

The problem is this world contains a shit load of sociopaths who will find a way into power no matter what that power structure is or how its designed.

without the free market and the way the free market allows for IDEAS to be king you end up with a system which will be bastardized by the very same people who bastardize caplitalism into tool.

any attempted solution to this worlds problems that does NOT include calipitalism will FAIL.

I have always told you people Im a capitalist.

I will ALWAYS be a caplitalist.

the idiot right has caused these kids to think its smart to hate capitalism.

See what happens when you use words you dont understand to insult people you dont undestand?
without capitalism what you have is a system run by people with the means to corrupt a system just as badly as any corporate master can.

Your not getting it.

You are only seeing part of the problem.

The problem is this world contains a shit load of sociopaths who will find a way into power no matter what that power structure is or how its designed.

without the free market and the way the free market allows for IDEAS to be king you end up with a system which will be bastardized by the very same people who bastardize caplitalism into tool.

any attempted solution to this worlds problems that does NOT include calipitalism will FAIL.

I have always told you people Im a capitalist.

I will ALWAYS be a caplitalist.

the idiot right has caused these kids to think its smart to hate capitalism.

See what happens when you use words you dont understand to insult people you dont undestand?

Either you destroy the world or your insane system is replaced by working-class democracy. A system based on constant lying, thieving and war is about as 'free' as the incredible numbers in American prisons. Capitalism works in much the same way as heroin. Pack it in and grow up.
without the free market any system will become a closed system where cronies rule the day.

Only the free market has the ability to provide a path that allows the system to be shaken up by emerging powers.

without that element you will have a world that looks much worse than anything we have now.

WISE regulations on caplitalism is what tames the beast you fear.

if a world without capitalism could provide freedom then it would already exsist somewhere.

pretending something works when history proves it doesnt is pretty dumb thinking.

Unfettered markets are a fools idea.

Your pretending that free exchange of goods is bad is just as dumb
without the free market any system will become a closed system where cronies rule the day.

Only the free market has the ability to provide a path that allows the system to be shaken up by emerging powers.

without that element you will have a world that looks much worse than anything we have now.

WISE regulations on caplitalism is what tames the beast you fear.

if a world without capitalism could provide freedom then it would already exsist somewhere.

pretending something works when history proves it doesnt is pretty dumb thinking.

Unfettered markets are a fools idea.

Your pretending that free exchange of goods is bad is just as dumb

The capitalists, as you know, have always murdered working people who try to establish democracy, setting up state capitalist regimes instead, if they have to. All capitalism, as you know, moves to monopoly and total robbery. You've been brainwashed, I think.
The capitalists, as you know, have always murdered working people who try to establish democracy, setting up state capitalist regimes instead, if they have to. All capitalism, as you know, moves to monopoly and total robbery. You've been brainwashed, I think.

Where has socialism ever established a “democracy?” Hitler’s National Socialist Party killed at least 6 million Jews and Gypsies and unknown millions of other folks. Stalin’s Soviet Union’s Communist Socialism killed even more people. Are Socialist Cuba, China and North Korea democracies? Where has socialism ever succeeded or lasted? Where is the great pie-in-the-sky socialist state to be envied by mankind? Why did the 60’s Hippies & Flower Children so quickly abandon their socialist communal living/sharing experiment and become capitalist?
Where has socialism ever established a “democracy?” Hitler’s National Socialist Party killed at least 6 million Jews and Gypsies and unknown millions of other folks. Stalin’s Soviet Union’s Communist Socialism killed even more people. Are Socialist Cuba, China and North Korea democracies? Where has socialism ever succeeded or lasted? Where is the great pie-in-the-sky socialist state to be envied by mankind? Why did the 60’s Hippies & Flower Children so quickly abandon their socialist communal living/sharing experiment and become capitalist?

Hitler, as you know, was THE capitalist. As I said, your masters always destroy working class attempts to introduce democracy by mass murder. Have you not been allowed to hear of state capitalism? Come out of your McCarthyite dreamworld and find out what has happened in the real one, do.
The capitalists, as you know, have always murdered working people who try to establish democracy, setting up state capitalist regimes instead, if they have to. All capitalism, as you know, moves to monopoly and total robbery. You've been brainwashed, I think.


I am a capitalist and have never killed anyone.

Your being a silly idolistic fool if you think placing all the Power into the hands of a government will produce heaven.

Your not facing the reality of mankind
Where has socialism ever established a “democracy?” Hitler’s National Socialist Party killed at least 6 million Jews and Gypsies and unknown millions of other folks. Stalin’s Soviet Union’s Communist Socialism killed even more people. Are Socialist Cuba, China and North Korea democracies? Where has socialism ever succeeded or lasted? Where is the great pie-in-the-sky socialist state to be envied by mankind? Why did the 60’s Hippies & Flower Children so quickly abandon their socialist communal living/sharing experiment and become capitalist?

1. Has there ever been a democratic capitalism? Capitalism has established what amounts to a global dictatorship, not the magical utopia you see when reading Hayek.
2. Hitler was a right wing nationalist. He may have used that word, but only because it was popular in Europe.
3. Stalin established a kind of capitalism. There are a lot of reasons for it - we can go into that specifically, if you'd like -, but in simple terms, it's because he was a morally deficient leader who didn't listen to the opinions of his peers.
4. Cuba is a democracy. Mao's China was not. NK is not.
5. Socialism has faced a lot of challenges, from overzealous leaders who didn't correctly understand the Marxian process, to capitalisms using military force against revolutions. There have been some success stories, like Venezuela, Spain and Cuba, but most have fallen victim to the aforementioned. And all the bits that make up a standard socialist model have been put in place here and there (usually to prevent socialism), but once you piece them all together, Stalins and Reagans get in the way.

I recommend you choose one of the topics I addressed in this post - one, not all! - and make a thread about it. Because as of now, this discussion is too broad to go anywhere good. :cof1:

I am a capitalist and have never killed anyone.

Your being a silly idolistic fool if you think placing all the Power into the hands of a government will produce heaven.

Your not facing the reality of mankind

When did a capitalist ever have the guts to do his own dirty work, man? You underpay people to murder as you underpay them to do everything else, stealing the benefits, as well you know. You live under a capitalist government that serves capitalism, as you know. We want a government of working people that serves humanity. Get out of the way, since you have nothing to offer.
This thread is hilarious, the righties don't know whether to shit or wind their watches - Desh defending Capitalism! I thought she was a commie like Obama?
Capitalism without elements of socialism is fascism. Socialism without capitalism is communism. No ISM works by itself.

The United States Military is one of the most efficient, best run SOCIALIST institutions in the world. You get pay, housing, education, in addition to the brainwashing. That's just a bonus.

I got some dirty looks when I said that in the bleachers at Sea World in San Diego, a little too loud.
GenX slackers compared to whom?
Baby boomers ruined this country. They basically threw out everything their parents ( WWII ) generation worked for.
And now their children, are a bunch of lazy whiners.

Yes genx were a bunch of slackers, hopefully y'all take a cue on hard work from older folk
I love what Margaret Thatcher once said ,

"Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money".
