So is Biden going to kill it or vomit?

:lolup: Thinks Democrats are killing it.

Well, Biden's never been a skilled debater. He says whatever is convenient and thinks will get him votes. In that respect he's unscrupulous, dissembling, and pandering. He's notoriously well known as a "gaffe machine."

I figure Biden won't blow it tonight but Trump won't nail it either. It will be interesting to see who can get under the other's skin the most.

If Biden does lose it, ends up spewing gibberish, or can't last the 90 minutes at the podium, he's done. Trump on the other hand, just has to avoid saying some of the hyperbolic, nonsense that drives his opposition crazy but gives them ammunition to pillory him with. I'm not sure either can pull it off.

The CNN moderators, at the same time can't come off as playing favorites. They too are likely to fail on that note.

On the whole, they probably should have held the whole thing in a sandbox on a playground.
Biden has been known as a gaffer due to his long-time stuttering problem. When he was running against Trump. I was pleased because that guy says things that are ridiculous, often deliberately. Biden gaffes. Trump does not know the truth and does not respect it anyway.
Biden cares about America and did his best to improve it for as many Americans as possible. Trump does not care about the people. He wants the rich to get richer and more powerful. He seeks power and immunity for himself.
Biden has been known as a gaffer due to his long-time stuttering problem. When he was running against Trump. I was pleased because that guy says things that are ridiculous, often deliberately. Biden gaffes. Trump does not know the truth and does not respect it anyway.
Biden cares about America and did his best to improve it for as many Americans as possible. Trump does not care about the people. He wants the rich to get richer and more powerful. He seeks power and immunity for himself.
Biden has been known as a gaffer due to his long-time stuttering problem. When he was running against Trump. I was pleased because that guy says things that are ridiculous, often deliberately. Biden gaffes. Trump does not know the truth and does not respect it anyway.
Biden cares about America and did his best to improve it for as many Americans as possible. Trump does not care about the people. He wants the rich to get richer and more powerful. He seeks power and immunity for himself.
You have it reversed. Biden will pander to any group. Hell, he just gave the Teamsters Union $5.7 billion to shore up their pension accounts--GAVE TAXPAYER MONEY TO PRIVATE PENSION PLAN! That's on top of $36 billion he gave them in 2022! Does "quid pro quo" (I'll shore up your pension accounts if you vote for me...) get any more obvious?

When Obama wanted to get Bin Laden--A thing any American would agree with--Biden was against it! Biden does what gets Biden elected and rich. He got rich while holding public office on modest salaries. Trump was rich before he ever thought of holding public office. Like it or not, Trump gave his presidential pay away and essentially held the office for free.

So, it's Biden that's power hungry and greedy, not Trump.
You have it reversed. Biden will pander to any group. Hell, he just gave the Teamsters Union $5.7 billion to shore up their pension accounts--GAVE TAXPAYER MONEY TO PRIVATE PENSION PLAN! That's on top of $36 billion he gave them in 2022! Does "quid pro quo" (I'll shore up your pension accounts if you vote for me...) get any more obvious?

When Obama wanted to get Bin Laden--A thing any American would agree with--Biden was against it! Biden does what gets Biden elected and rich. He got rich while holding public office on modest salaries. Trump was rich before he ever thought of holding public office. Like it or not, Trump gave his presidential pay away and essentially held the office for free.

So, it's Biden that's power hungry and greedy, not Trump.
And where did that get him? No one has even seen him for days ..
How many days is too many for you? You apparently think there is a number of days allowed. You have no idea how weird your "thinking" is.
Jill isn't talking...that's all...he's still president as you know... I help pay his salary ...why can't I ask?