So trumppers are upset about Walz's retirement from Army...

It is clear you never served. Walz did not "quit". He did not reenlist. To reenlist, he would have had to go through a whole process to get around the fact he was too old to reenlist.

He had 24 years in the National Guard. You do not get a pension from that. He got all the benefits that you get from being in the National Guard for 24 years, including being called up for active duty. That is not a pension, but it is also not "nothing."
You're an idiot. After you do your first contract--it used to be six years, now it's eight--you are serving voluntarily. That means you can technically quit any time as an enlisted, which Walz was, but the military will not allow you to reenlist if you do. I know of only one other case personally where somebody did that. A Seebee with about 18 years in did it because he got pissed off about something and quit. He was gone and got nothing.

You do not get a pension if you quit. You have to file paperwork and retire. That usually takes about a month at the minimum.

No, that's not how it works. Walz QUIT the service when his unit was called up for duty in Iraq. With 24 years in, he could have retired and gotten his pension and other benefits. By quitting, he got nothing. That he did it right before a major deployment is to bag his unit rather than be there when they needed him most.

Walz is a shirker and in some sense a deserter. He ran from active duty in a combat zone.
No, he did not.

He quit BEFORE his unit was called up.

There is a big difference.
Walz was a command sergeant major while in the service. Because he did not complete his training, before retiring, he reverted back to master sergeant on retirement. The National Guard then restored him to command sergeant major.

In short, he was a command sergeant major. Callinectes is completely wrong. If Callinectes had an ounce of honor, he would apologize.

That asshole won't even start receiving retired pay until he's 62. When he does, show me an LES that says E9 on it and I'll say it's probably fake, prove to me it's real, and I'll lose a lot of respect for the U.S. Army. I find it difficult to believe the army would so disrespect the real CSMs who did the work and served full tours by letting this wannabe communist join this elite group. Apologize? Fuck that!