So...which party REALLY cares about 9/11 First Responders?


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Fox & Friends on 9/11 health care bill: A whitewash of GOP obstructionism set to music

December 13, 2010 1:40 pm ET by Christine Schwen

As regular Fox & Friends viewers know, it's sometimes hard to separate the hosts' truly outrageous segments out from the non-stop barrage of falsehoods, GOP talking points, and cheap shots at Democrats. Today, however, was not one of those days, as Fox & Friends contributor and frequent guest host Peter Johnson Jr. set a new low in faux sanctimonious outrage, and in carrying water for the GOP. That's because today, Johnson gave an entire monologue attacking the U.S. Senate for not acting on the 9/11 health care bill in which he completely whitewashed the shameful GOP obstructionism that led to its failure. Instead, he lectured both sides of the Senate for failing to pass the bill, and punctuated his speech with music:

Yes, in perhaps the first ever example of conservative spin beat poetry, Johnson declared "shame" on the Senate for turning its back on the first responders and decried that senators will excuse themselves for doing this "injustice [which] makes words hard to come by."

It is a shame that members of the Senate unjustly decided to play political games with the health of our first responders. The problem -- and the real travesty of Johnson's remarks -- is that he attempted to cover up the real culprits responsible for this travesty with his "a pox on both their houses" rhetoric.

See, what was missing from Johnson's ode was what actually happened. The House passed the bill, known as the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, in September with strong bipartisan support. Then something really ugly happened. Senate Republicans decided to refuse a vote on any legislation that didn't deal with millionaires getting a tax cut, and filibustered the bill. That's right, every single Republican in the Senate voted against moving the debate to the floor, and as a result, the Senate was three votes shy of sending it to the floor for a final vote.

As Media Matters' Eric Boehlert noted, Fox wasn't the only network to ignore this aspect of the story, but as usual, they chose to be the most disingenuous in doing so.

And contrary to Johnson's suggestion that no one in the Senate cared about the bill's demise, several senators, like Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), argued that there was a moral obligation to assist the first responders. But those arguments did not dissuade Republicans that the need for tax cuts for the rich was more important than the health of the heros of 9-11.
Well media matters said it so it must be true. They're about as accurate as Mike Singtary saying the 49ers would be ready to play tonight.
Well media matters said it so it must be true. They're about as accurate as Mike Singtary saying the 49ers would be ready to play tonight.

Is that it?

Oh it's Media Matters so it's a lie...

Are you going to deny this isn't an accurate recap of events in the Senate?

"Senate Republicans decided to refuse a vote on any legislation that didn't deal with millionaires getting a tax cut, and filibustered the bill. That's right, every single Republican in the Senate voted against moving the debate to the floor, and as a result, the Senate was three votes shy of sending it to the floor for a final vote."
Well media matters said it so it must be true. They're about as accurate as Mike Singtary saying the 49ers would be ready to play tonight.

From the Wall Street Journal...that evil lair of Liberal propaganda...


Senate Republicans on Thursday voted down a bill to provide health care and compensation to sick Ground Zero workers, a major setback for one of New York's biggest legislative priorities and one that left the bill's supporters scrambling for one more chance against shrinking odds.

In a straight party vote of 57-42, Democrats fell short of the 60 needed under Senate rules to advance the bill.

New York Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand said they would try every means possible to revive the measure, including adding it to a massive tax-cut package likely to pass in coming days, or holding a new vote on the bill once the tax vote is finished.

"We can't gloss it over, today's vote was a tremendous disappointment,'' said Mr. Schumer, who complained that Republicans have been making excuses about why they won't support the bill. Ms. Gillibrand said the GOP put "politics above people.''

Republicans raised numerous objections to the bill, principally about its cost. They have said they will not vote for any legislation before they get a vote on the deal between the White House and congressional Republicans to extend Bush-era tax cuts and a number of other tax measures.
I could honestly care not care less about media matters. The 49ers just got their ass kicked on national TV. We look like hell. Alex Smith is an embarrasment. 8 straight losing seasons for the Niners. That is fat more important than media matters jerking off to fox news.
Maybe, just maybe media matters can explain how an uber stud on the field can become so conservative as a coach.
Oh my..... it's just awful! Those mean old greedy republicans running the House and Senate, won't even give aid to the heroes of 9/11! Republicans who control both houses of Congress and the White House, are sitting on their hands, refusing to help the poor first responders who are literally dying in the streets due to lack of care. It's such a shame Democrats don't have any political power in Washington whatsoever, because we all know, they would certainly pass legislation to help these unfortunate people! The only reason they can't, is because Republicans run the show, and won't allow the Democrats to even speak, as they cram through their tax breaks for rich people, why our heroes die. I'll be so glad when 2012 gets here, and we can vote Democrats back into power again, I don't know how much more of this Republican-controlled Congress we can stand!

I could honestly care not care less about media matters. The 49ers just got their ass kicked on national TV. We look like hell. Alex Smith is an embarrasment. 8 straight losing seasons for the Niners. That is fat more important than media matters jerking off to fox news.

I was embarrassed for you! Go SD!
Oh my..... it's just awful! Those mean old greedy republicans running the House and Senate, won't even give aid to the heroes of 9/11! Republicans who control both houses of Congress and the White House, are sitting on their hands, refusing to help the poor first responders who are literally dying in the streets due to lack of care. It's such a shame Democrats don't have any political power in Washington whatsoever, because we all know, they would certainly pass legislation to help these unfortunate people! The only reason they can't, is because Republicans run the show, and won't allow the Democrats to even speak, as they cram through their tax breaks for rich people, why our heroes die. I'll be so glad when 2012 gets here, and we can vote Democrats back into power again, I don't know how much more of this Republican-controlled Congress we can stand!


It is awful and if the shoes had been reversed you would be on here screaming in color!
It is awful and if the shoes had been reversed you would be on here screaming in color!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And instead we get see you on here screaming about any and everything, day in day out, giving new meaning to the term, mindless drivel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my..... it's just awful! Those mean old greedy republicans running the House and Senate, won't even give aid to the heroes of 9/11! Republicans who control both houses of Congress and the White House, are sitting on their hands, refusing to help the poor first responders who are literally dying in the streets due to lack of care. It's such a shame Democrats don't have any political power in Washington whatsoever, because we all know, they would certainly pass legislation to help these unfortunate people! The only reason they can't, is because Republicans run the show, and won't allow the Democrats to even speak, as they cram through their tax breaks for rich people, why our heroes die. I'll be so glad when 2012 gets here, and we can vote Democrats back into power again, I don't know how much more of this Republican-controlled Congress we can stand!


Make all the cutesy excuses you feel are necessary to assuage your guilt.

The fact remains that the vote was 57-42...with EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN voting to DENY first responders the help they need.

make some more really shows how much concern you truly have for those who risked their lives in the days and weeks following 9/11.

A pity really that Righties can only be counted on the reference 9/11 when it will be politically advantageous for them to do so.
Make all the cutesy excuses you feel are necessary to assuage your guilt.

The fact remains that the vote was 57-42...with EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN voting to DENY first responders the help they need.

make some more really shows how much concern you truly have for those who risked their lives in the days and weeks following 9/11.

A pity really that Righties can only be counted on the reference 9/11 when it will be politically advantageous for them to do so.

The 3,000 people that died on 9/11 only served the right as an excuse to kill 100,000 Iraqis whose only crime was living under a dictator we could no longer control. The first responders who worked 24/7 shifts to retrieve the remains of family's loved ones have outlived their use. The site is now cleared. The right could give two shits about them.

I think it’s just crazy. It's part of that worldview that led us to where we are. Think about it. The United States went and negotiated with and supported Saddam Hussein himself against Iran under this notion that sometimes my enemy is my friend. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That emboldened Saddam Hussein and allowed him to invade Kuwait. It made us go to war that we did not finish and did not take Saddam Hussein out.
Former Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) 12/11/06 (The Hill)
It is my theory that 94% of Fox viewers are Media Matters contributers salivating and waiting for them to say something that can be taken out of context and construed in a negative light.