So...which party REALLY cares about 9/11 First Responders?

Feel superior? How about just FEEL? Many of those first responders will be facing a lot of 'last times'...These people gave of themselves for this country, for their countrymen and for the families of the victims of 9/11, now their names will be added to the rolls.

and we've provided funds for them already.....there's no reason to ignore that fact other than partisanship.......
and we've provided funds for them already.....there's no reason to ignore that fact other than partisanship.......


I fully support Rep Weiner!


"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter
The Bill was just passed this morning. Bout time Pubs got off their ass. Guess the public back lash was more then they can stomach. It's disgusting what they wlll stoop to. This opposing just to be opposing is fuckin mindless.
So...which party REALLY cares about 9/11 First Responders?

Is that the point?

Yeah, there was one party that cared for the 9/11 responders and for them only....along with the political points it could earn them and the billion dollars worth of great PR , sympathy, and votes it could create for them....

Then there was the party that not only cared for the 9/11 responders but also for the rest of the country's citizens and the folks that actually have to pay the taxes that give the responders and some of the rest of us the entitlements....the responsible party.....the party that knows there is no free lunch anymore...and wants to preserve whats left of the country for our grandchildren's children....
So...which party REALLY cares about 9/11 First Responders?

Is that the point?

Yeah, there was one party that cared for the 9/11 responders and for them only....along with the political points it could earn them and the billion dollars worth of great PR , sympathy, and votes it could create for them....

Then there was the party that not only cared for the 9/11 responders but also for the rest of the country's citizens and the folks that actually have to pay the taxes that give the responders and some of the rest of us the entitlements....the responsible party.....the party that knows there is no free lunch anymore...and wants to preserve whats left of the country for our grandchildren's children....

You right wing scum make me sick to my stomach...ENTITLEMENT??? How DARE you us that word you little fuck. These brave patriots worked 24/7 to look for survivors, and then the remains of human beings that perished that day. They tried to give grieving families closure. These heroes would have even done it YOU, someone who doesn't deserve that honor...FUCK YOU!
So...which party REALLY cares about 9/11 First Responders?

Is that the point?

Yeah, there was one party that cared for the 9/11 responders and for them only....along with the political points it could earn them and the billion dollars worth of great PR , sympathy, and votes it could create for them....

Then there was the party that not only cared for the 9/11 responders but also for the rest of the country's citizens and the folks that actually have to pay the taxes that give the responders and some of the rest of us the entitlements....the responsible party.....the party that knows there is no free lunch anymore...and wants to preserve whats left of the country for our grandchildren's children....

For 9+ years now the Republicans have used the tragedy of 9/11 to scare, badger, cajole, demand and criticize.

They have invoked it's images in ads used to demonize their opponents and to bolster their own opinions.

Except NOW...when it came time to help out those who rushed in to search for survivors, suddenly they couldn't be bothered.

Righties had to make sure the richest 2% got their tax break before they could turn their attention to those facing life threatening sickness, suffering and death.
For 9+ years now the Republicans have used the tragedy of 9/11 to scare, badger, cajole, demand and criticize.

They have invoked it's images in ads used to demonize their opponents and to bolster their own opinions.

Except NOW...when it came time to help out those who rushed in to search for survivors, suddenly they couldn't be bothered.

Righties had to make sure the richest 2% got their tax break before they could turn their attention to those facing life threatening sickness, suffering and death.

My God...these right wing slime balls need to add the final measure of terror to the event. They are not patriots, they are terrorists. Cut from the same cloth.
This thread is an awesome display of self-congradulatory masterbation. Our opponents are trying to block spending, so let's draft another bill for the 9/11 responders and then demonize them. Its like Mr. Smith come to life.
In Praise of 9/11 First Responders - Life Magazine images (you may have to hit the refresh button to activate)


Father Mychal Judge
Rescue workers carry mortally injured New York City Fire Department chaplain Mychal Judge, the spiritual adviser and trusted friend to countless New York firefighters, from the wreckage after he was killed by falling debris while administering last rites to another victim.

Luke 16:13-15

13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money).”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of man, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valuable in the eyes of man is detestable in God’s sight.
You right wing scum make me sick to my stomach...ENTITLEMENT??? How DARE you us that word you little fuck. These brave patriots worked 24/7 to look for survivors, and then the remains of human beings that perished that day. They tried to give grieving families closure. These heroes would have even done it YOU, someone who doesn't deserve that honor...FUCK YOU!

Why....Because the first responders ARE ENTITLED TO THESE BENEFITS your fuckin' pinhead, thats why...

You think "entitlements" is a dirty word...?!

Thats what makes you a pinhead, ignorance....SO FUCK YOU !
The measure passed by Congress and sent to President Barack Obama on Wednesday would provide up to $4.2 billion in new aid to survivors and responders.
The package provides $1.5 billion to monitor the health of rescue and cleanup workers and treat illnesses related to ground zero. It also reopens a victims' compensation fund with $2.7 billion.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was created by an Act of Congress, the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act (49 USC 40101)[1], shortly after 9/11 to compensate the victims of the attack (or their families) in exchange for their agreement not to sue the airline corporations involved. Kenneth Feinberg was appointed by Attorney General John Ashcroft to be Special Master of the fund. He worked for 33 months pro bono. He developed the regulations governing the administration of the fund and administered all aspects of the program.

It was up to Feinberg to make the decisions on how much each family of a 9/11 victim would receive. Feinberg had to estimate how much each victim would have earned in a full lifetime. If a family accepted the offer, it was not possible to appeal. Families unhappy with the offer were able to appeal in a nonadversarial, informal hearing to present their case however they wanted. Feinberg personally presided over more than 900 of the 1,600 hearings. At the end of the process $7 billion was awarded to 97% of the families; the average payout was $1.8 million.

I have friends and neighbors that are suffering form their own catastrophes and they don't get a pot to piss in this Christmas....where the fuck does it end...?...
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Why....Because the first responders ARE ENTITLED TO THESE BENEFITS your fuckin' pinhead, thats why...

You think "entitlements" is a dirty word...?!

Thats what makes you a pinhead, ignorance....SO FUCK YOU !

Only a political fucking HACK would support what Republicans did on this bill. You call it 'the responsible party''re right, they are that party responsible for the mess we're in. When they were in power they were responsible for spending without constraint, unpaid for programs like Medicare D, creating huge, bloated bureaucratic agencies like fatherland security, unpaid for wars that were not even included in the budget, the murder of thousands of innocent human beings, and torture.

When Germans did it they were HUNG...