So why am I likely voting for

klaatu, with all due respect, you are a fucking idiot.

I have no problem with someone who feels the GOP needs to be punished for the last 8 years, which is basically the position of people like Christopher Buckley and Klaatu. The question is whether it is more beneficial in the long run to do that or to elect McCain - either way you are taking a great leap of faith, assuming that McCain will not be Bush or Neoconic, or that Obama will not cause too much irreversable damage.

If Obama is elected, it will allow the GOP to reorganize a new coalition of disenchanted northern and western moderates/paleocons/libertarians for the forseeable future and thus enabling it to ditch neoconservatism and populism, and God willing the south as well. We were a great party when the south hated us and everyone else liked Ike, and we were far more conservative.
another castrated conservative that can't hold his ground when the going gets tough. Trying to convince everyone how open minded and moderate they are. Pretending to be an independent so they can regain credibility for future discussions.

who are you referring to Grind?
you are a fucking idiot too!


Idiocy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Idiocy is trying to draw parallels between two economic systems that have nothing to do with each other.

Dixie, you're a fucking idiot. You always have been and you always will be.
There is no doubt that Obama represents significant change from the way Bush & Co. have been taking us. But not all change is to the good. I remember a certain dynamic man, whose smile became almost an icon. He ran for president - and won - at a time when we were facing a recession economy, the market was in the doldrums, we in an energy crisis, unemployment and inflation were higher than normal and on the rise.

His policies included raising taxes on higher incomes while giving middle class a tax cut, "reexamining" (as he called it) trade policies, more regulation on energy and banking industries, etc. Though a change from the previous policies that generated the economic slump, the "change" made things worse instead of better. (not to mention the promised middle class tax cuts became middle class tax increases instead, plus the addition of the marriage penalty tax.)

Now we have another dynamic man, running on the promise of change during economic conditions even worse than those in 1976. But those policies, when examined closely, are not that much of a "change" from the policies proposed and used in the late 70's. The only thing Obama has not mentioned that Carter used is price freezes.

We need change. And McCain does not represent enough change, though neither does he truly represent more of the same as people like to spout. But Obama represents the WRONG kind of change.

We're caught in a strong current racing toward the falls. The Bushites want to keep paddling - but thankfully their time is done. McCain wants to throw out a sea anchor on a short rope. And Obama wants to pull out the 100HP outboard - but has it pointed in the wrong direction.

Idiocy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Idiocy is trying to draw parallels between two economic systems that have nothing to do with each other.

Dixie, you're a fucking idiot. You always have been and you always will be.

...And you've made the same empty argument over and over again....what does that make you again? Oh yeah, you said it!!
another castrated conservative that can't hold his ground when the going gets tough. Trying to convince everyone how open minded and moderate they are. Pretending to be an independent so they can regain credibility for future discussions.

You know Grind ... the issue here is idea's. Mccain is basically throwing hail Mary after hail Mary with little results. He is not presenting a vision for the future, only a repeat of the failed past and over reaching with the Carl Marx attacks.

At least Obama is talking (sure, it may only be talk) about issues, things we need to do .. like rebuilding our national infrastructure instead of Iraqs.
If we dont rebuild our roads, power grid and bridges ...who does? Technically We are so behind in roads, power grid and bridges when compared to many other Countries... its embarrassing.

As a nation we can do many things to get ourselves back on the right track and back on top... and of the two...only Obama seems hitting the right notes.

It amazes me that it is OK to spend billions upon billions of dollars rebuilding other countries infrastructures because of our Wars on this and Wars on that... but mention rebuilding our own... and the Political Neophytes .. the Wannabe Tycoons come out yelling Marxism. They see nothing wrong in War Profiteering.. but alot wrong in investing in ourselves.

Conservatism is good... but sometimes the times dictate new Direction.

Im twice your age Grind... Ive got grand children... been through alot in life. Lost a Brother in VietNam, I am a Cancer survivor. Ive earned my stripes and the right to think for myself.. I do not let ideologues do it for me.