Social Security is not going broke .. because it can't

I hope you are only charging your renters exactly the cost of your mortgage and nothing more. Because, well to do otherwise would be downright capitalistic and fucking wrong. Please don't tell me you are a greedy bastard looking to profit off of someone needing shelter

Nobody should ever make profit off of sheltering another human being. Nobody.
This kind of moronic stupidity cost you clowns the last two elections!
Let's look at this honestly. In 2037 I will be 87 or will more probably have been dead for some time. The first of the baby boomers will be 92 or more probably have been dead for some time. The numbers being forecast are junk science at best and more probably just more fear mongering from you know who. Radically longer lives? Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good point. I will be 73 and I was born the last year of the baby boom.
So, according to Gatorman, our life expectancy is still 60, because we couldn't possibly be living radically longer lives. Also, the crash year is now 2031, not 2037. Within the next few years it will be readjusted down into to 20s.
So, according to Gatorman, our life expectancy is still 60, because we couldn't possibly be living radically longer lives. Also, the crash year is now 2031, not 2037. Within the next few years it will be readjusted down into to 20s.

Raise the cap, it will start adjusting upwards immediately.
So, according to Gatorman, our life expectancy is still 60, because we couldn't possibly be living radically longer lives. Also, the crash year is now 2031, not 2037. Within the next few years it will be readjusted down into to 20s.

Don't put words in my mouth, dumbass.
You fool:

The trustees overseeing Social Security reported that the program’s trust fund will be depleted by 2033 — three years earlier than projected last year. After that, incoming Social Security tax revenue will cover only three-fourths of the benefits scheduled to be paid out through 2086, requiring Congress to either increase taxes or reduce benefits.
You said: "You have evidence of your claim whatsoever." Obviously I have lots of evidence, from GovCo itself. Now you're trying to move the goal posts.
You said: "You have evidence of your claim whatsoever." Obviously I have lots of evidence, from GovCo itself. Now you're trying to move the goal posts.

1. I clearly meant to say "no evidence whatsoever".
2. Now all of a sudden you trust the government?
1. I clearly meant to say "no evidence whatsoever".
2. Now all of a sudden you trust the government?

1. You stated what you stated; I delivered what you asked for and you have therefore lost the debate. Since you're a pussy I don't anticipate you admitting that.
2. Deflection. Nice try but when a crook tells you that he's guilty you tend to believe him.
1. You stated what you stated; I delivered what you asked for and you have therefore lost the debate. Since you're a pussy I don't anticipate you admitting that.
2. Deflection. Nice try but when a crook tells you that he's guilty you tend to believe him.

OK, you won. SS is going broke.
