Socialist Venezuela a Mess

We are moving to more Socialistic solutions of government ownership, are we not? Here we have a country in Venezuela that despite a record high oil price which gives them incredible revenue is in the shithole precisely because they've went down a Socialistic route of more government ownership and oversight.

And that has absolutely nothing to do with a bailout.

Sweden did not experience increased inflation. Whenever they sensibly re-regulated their banks, crime didn't go up.
"Inflation (of over 30% a year), rampant crime, electricity blackouts and deficient public services have all eroded support for his government. Mr Chávez, whose own popularity is holding up relatively well, seems unable to stop the rot.

Internationally, his standing has been affected by a number of scandals. Several top government officials have been tainted by serious corruption allegations in a trial currently under way in Miami. On September 12th Venezuela’s two most senior intelligence officers and a former interior minister were placed on a United States’ Treasury Department blacklist for allegedly collaborating with Colombian terrorists and drug-traffickers. More damning revelations are expected."

Bummer. I met some citizens from there at a international motocross event last fall in Maryland (33 nations at the once a year event, that is almost never in the USA). Seemed like nice normal people. To bad the commie liberials here in the USA are tearing this country down---or these good people or their children would have a place to go and live the life they want here--since they can't do it there very well.

USA--the last world sanctuary for ambitious people who want to live their own life.