Some basic facts on Gaza

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Seventeen years ago, Gaza was given to its Arab residents as a gift. It had porous borders, beaches, a port, unlimited potential.

Gazans decided to elect a jihadist militia which promotes the following

We will target civilians
We plan endless holy war
Allah wants Jews killed
Israel must be conquered and turned into a Muslim theocracy
If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence:

Hamas has caused the past sixteen years of Gaza’s downward spiral, all the violent deaths on both sides, and the current war.

Imagine what wonders the Muslims could have done with Gaza - if only they weren't more inclined toward jihad.
Guno צְבִי;5863507 said:
Seventeen years ago, Gaza was given to its Arab residents as a gift. It had porous borders, beaches, a port, unlimited potential.
Seventy-five years ago, Israel was given to the Jews as a gift. It was intended to prevent any future genocide of the Jewish Semites by anyone. Who knew that in one of history's greatest ironies, Jews would actually use lsrael as a platform to launch their own genocide of innocent Arab Semites, purely out of racist HATRED. Who would have predicted that Israelis would launch their own Holocaust against Arab Semites? Who would have thought that the world would stand by and applaud? So much for "Never Forget!"

Guno צְבִי;5863507 said:
Gazans decided to elect a jihadist militia which promotes the following: We will target civilians, We plan endless holy war, Allah wants Jews killed, Israel must be conquered and turned into a Muslim theocracy
Israelis fostered a racist culture that HATES Arab Semites and which promotes the following: We will target civilians, We nonetheless plan endless self-righteous virtue-signaling of victimhood, Adonai wants Arabs killed, Gaza must be destroyed and turned into a debris field for which decades will be needed to find all the bodies buried under rubble.

If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence, you were called "antisemitic" by the desperately dishonest propagandists of Team Israel who fight tooth and nail to successfully hijack that word. Israel has become the 4th Reich and is solely responsible for all the violent deaths of thousands of Arab Semite civilian noncombatants, and the current war in Gaza ... which should have been an invasion of Iran.

Imagine what wonders thousands of innocent children might have accomplished for humanity if only they had been allowed to remain alive and grow up, if only the IDF hadn't decided to become their Nazi executioners. Just imagine.
And then there's these bits of reality:

Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple

Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza's borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.
Israel has become the 4th Reich and is solely responsible for all the violent deaths of thousands of Arab Semite civilian noncombatants, and the current war in Gaza ... which should have been an invasion of Iran.

I think the rest of what you said made sense, but I'm not keen on this idea of an invasion of Iran. I have certainly heard that Iran played a key part in the Hamas attack of October 7th, but that's a far cry from advocating for an invasion of the country. If all it took was involvement in some foreign conflict to be a legitimate target for invasion, I imagine the U.S. would have been a target umpteen times by now :-p.
And then there's these bits of reality:

Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

So, why didn't the Hamas government of Gaza or the people living in Gaza exploit those to become filthy rich?

People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple

Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza's borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.

How did any of what you stated alter the election that put Hamas in power?
And then there's these bits of reality:

Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

So, why didn't the Hamas government of Gaza or the people living in Gaza exploit those to become filthy rich?

Israel's been exploiting Palestinian resources for some time now. Here's an article on this from 2021:

Palestine’s forgotten oil and gas resources : A fair distribution of oil and gas resources in the Levant Basin will be needed to achieve a lasting political and economic settlement between Israel and Palestine. | Aljazeera

People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple

Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza's borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.

How did any of what you stated alter the election that put Hamas in power?

I personally think the main issue is the platform Hamas was running on back then, as well as what Palestinians thought of their competition. Taichiliberal's articles gets into these things. Quoting from it:

Per the viral tweet by Kontorovich above, Hamas allegedly ran on a “kill-all-Jews” platform preceding its 2006 election victory.

Hamas’ 1988 charter contained anti-Semitic statements such as, "Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious," and this charter remained in place ahead of the 2006 elections. Israel and organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) say anti-Semitism was, and is, a major characteristic of Hamas. However, just a fortnight before the 2006 elections and, in part, to appeal to the mainstream Palestinian position of "building a state within the boundaries of the occupied territories," Hamas removed its call for the destruction of Israel from its election manifesto, according to The Guardian coverage from the time.


Palestinians were fed up with corruption among Fatah leadership, according to Lovatt and news reports from the time. Ami Ayalon, a former head of Israeli intelligence, told The New York Times in 2006: “When they chose Hamas, it is more because of the corruption and failure of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah than because of religion or terrorism.”

Al Jazeera also noted in 2006, “Hamas capitalized on widespread discontent with years of Fatah corruption and ineffectiveness. Much of its campaign focused on internal Palestinian issues, while playing down the conflict with Israel.”

According to a survey conducted months after the 2006 election, Palestinian voters wanted Hamas to adopt a reconciliatory approach toward Israel. While Hamas’ popularity overall had grown, voters wanted a “two-state solution [with] mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people in exchange for an Israeli recognition of Palestine as the state for the Palestinian people," according to the survey, which was administered by the independent West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCSPR).


Full article:
People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple |
Seventy-five years ago, Israel was given to the Jews as a gift. It was intended to prevent any future genocide of the Jewish Semites by anyone. Who knew that in one of history's greatest ironies, Jews would actually use lsrael as a platform to launch their own genocide of innocent Arab Semites, purely out of racist HATRED. Who would have predicted that Israelis would launch their own Holocaust against Arab Semites? Who would have thought that the world would stand by and applaud? So much for "Never Forget!"

Israelis fostered a racist culture that HATES Arab Semites and which promotes the following: We will target civilians, We nonetheless plan endless self-righteous virtue-signaling of victimhood, Adonai wants Arabs killed, Gaza must be destroyed and turned into a debris field for which decades will be needed to find all the bodies buried under rubble.

If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence, you were called "antisemitic" by the desperately dishonest propagandists of Team Israel who fight tooth and nail to successfully hijack that word. Israel has become the 4th Reich and is solely responsible for all the violent deaths of thousands of Arab Semite civilian noncombatants, and the current war in Gaza ... which should have been an invasion of Iran.

Imagine what wonders thousands of innocent children might have accomplished for humanity if only they had been allowed to remain alive and grow up, if only the IDF hadn't decided to become their Nazi executioners. Just imagine.

The attack came from Gaza, IBD. It is Hamas that uses civilians as shields. It is those civilians that brought Hamas to power and keep it there.
Israel is NOT committing genocide of Arabs.
The attack came from Gaza, IBD.

The attack on October 7, 2023 came from Gaza. It's one of the most recent attacks between the 2, not the first. Soon after it, Israel began a much longer and more brutal attack on Gaza. The ratio of deaths is around 10 to 1 now. Nor was it the first time that Israel has killed lots of Palestinians. Even a mainstream media outlet like CNN makes it abundantly clear that Israel kills Palestinians way more than Palestinians kill Isrealis:

Charts show a stark difference in the human cost of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts over the years | CNN

From what I've seen of their chart, over the years, Israel tends to kill 10 times more Palestinians over the years than Palestinians kill Israelis, sometimes more, sometimes less. 2009 was particularly bad- Israel only lost 11 people, but Gaza and the West Bank lost 1,066. That's almost a 100 to 1 ratio.
I have certainly heard that Iran played a key part in the Hamas attack of October 7th,
Stop. Incorrect wording. You should have written "Obviously, Hamas played a key part in Iran's attack on Israel on October 7th." I hope that helps put things more into proper perspective. It was Iran's attack and Hamas was the hired gun. If Israel is going to "go to war" over the attack, eliminating some Al Qassam militants in Gaza doesn't prevent Iran from attacking Israel again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that ... using other Hamas terrorists, or Hezbollah, or Al Q'aeda, or any others. But instead of invading Iran and launching a counterattack, the IDF is committing genocide on civilian noncombatants in Gaza. Once again, the IDF is not invading Iran for having attacked Israel; the IDF is killing children because they HATE Arabs.
Guno צְבִי;5863507 said:
Seventeen years ago, Gaza was given to its Arab residents as a gift. It had porous borders, beaches, a port, unlimited potential.

Gazans decided to elect a jihadist militia which promotes the following

We will target civilians
We plan endless holy war
Allah wants Jews killed
Israel must be conquered and turned into a Muslim theocracy
If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence:

Hamas has caused the past sixteen years of Gaza’s downward spiral, all the violent deaths on both sides, and the current war.

Imagine what wonders the Muslims could have done with Gaza - if only they weren't more inclined toward jihad.

The Truth detected on this post. :clap:
The attack came from Gaza, IBD.
The attack came special delivery from Iran. Hamas was simply driving the delivery truck.

It is Hamas that uses civilians as shields.
It's the IDF that illegally fires missiles into civilian populations. What the IDF has been doing constitutes illegal war crimes everywhere, and yet you and Team Israel are happy to excuse it. That is wrong.

Israel should stop their genocide immediately for the IDF's war crimes to be investigated. Any investigations that warrant tribunals should make all information available for completely fair trials, but the trials should take place if investigations warrant. Thereafter, Israel will be free to pursue all the Al Qassam terrorists and bring them to justice. Israel should never have gone the genocide/war crimes route.

It is those civilians that brought Hamas to power and keep it there.
That's the lamest rationalization for slaughtering innocent civilian noncombatants that I have heard. You well know that none of young children blasted by the IDF ever voted for Hamas or ever attacked Israel. According to all international laws of armed conflict, what Israel has done to civilian noncombatants warrants death by hanging. No lawful noncombatants somehow transform into combatants because of for whom they voted, and many of the dead did not vote for Hamas.

In any event, Hamas' use of human shields is insufficient to blame civilian noncombatants for the IDF's genocide, i.e. saying that they somehow deserve to be massacred.

Israel is NOT committing genocide of Arabs.
Yes, Israel is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semite civilians in Gaza. However, since you are confident that they are not, join me in calling for investigations into the matter. Let's put this matter to rest.
Seventy-five years ago, Israel was given to the Jews as a gift. It was intended to prevent any future genocide of the Jewish Semites by anyone. Who knew that in one of history's greatest ironies, Jews would actually use lsrael as a platform to launch their own genocide of innocent Arab Semites, purely out of racist HATRED. Who would have predicted that Israelis would launch their own Holocaust against Arab Semites? Who would have thought that the world would stand by and applaud? So much for "Never Forget!"

Israelis fostered a racist culture that HATES Arab Semites and which promotes the following: We will target civilians, We nonetheless plan endless self-righteous virtue-signaling of victimhood, Adonai wants Arabs killed, Gaza must be destroyed and turned into a debris field for which decades will be needed to find all the bodies buried under rubble.

If you did not protest the targeting of civilians, the call for genocide, the choice of impoverishing war over development and coexistence, you were called "antisemitic" by the desperately dishonest propagandists of Team Israel who fight tooth and nail to successfully hijack that word. Israel has become the 4th Reich and is solely responsible for all the violent deaths of thousands of Arab Semite civilian noncombatants, and the current war in Gaza ... which should have been an invasion of Iran.

Imagine what wonders thousands of innocent children might have accomplished for humanity if only they had been allowed to remain alive and grow up, if only the IDF hadn't decided to become their Nazi executioners. Just imagine.

The moronic terrorist propaganda. You give new meaning to the term "uneducated, dishonest moron." :palm:
And then there's these bits of reality:

Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple

Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza's borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.

Another ignoramus lacking any historic knowledge and posting predictable terrorist propaganda. The ONLY reason the border was closed to Gaza was due to the many terrorist attacks launched from Gaza by Hamas brainless wonder dunce. Egypt closed it's border as well. Funny how you terrorist sympathizers never whine about Egypt closing its borders. Or Jordan kicking the PLO out.

ALL of Jordan was part of the Palestine territories; why can't they give Arab Palestinians some land?

The answer is OBVIOUS. It's not about a Palestinian homeland, but rather, destruction of the Jewish State. Leftists are the dumbest most uneducated morons on the planet.
Israel's been exploiting Palestinian resources for some time now. Here's an article on this from 2021:

Palestine’s forgotten oil and gas resources : A fair distribution of oil and gas resources in the Levant Basin will be needed to achieve a lasting political and economic settlement between Israel and Palestine. | Aljazeera

I personally think the main issue is the platform Hamas was running on back then, as well as what Palestinians thought of their competition. Taichiliberal's articles gets into these things. Quoting from it:

Per the viral tweet by Kontorovich above, Hamas allegedly ran on a “kill-all-Jews” platform preceding its 2006 election victory.

Hamas’ 1988 charter contained anti-Semitic statements such as, "Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious," and this charter remained in place ahead of the 2006 elections. Israel and organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) say anti-Semitism was, and is, a major characteristic of Hamas. However, just a fortnight before the 2006 elections and, in part, to appeal to the mainstream Palestinian position of "building a state within the boundaries of the occupied territories," Hamas removed its call for the destruction of Israel from its election manifesto, according to The Guardian coverage from the time.


Palestinians were fed up with corruption among Fatah leadership, according to Lovatt and news reports from the time. Ami Ayalon, a former head of Israeli intelligence, told The New York Times in 2006: “When they chose Hamas, it is more because of the corruption and failure of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah than because of religion or terrorism.”

Al Jazeera also noted in 2006, “Hamas capitalized on widespread discontent with years of Fatah corruption and ineffectiveness. Much of its campaign focused on internal Palestinian issues, while playing down the conflict with Israel.”

According to a survey conducted months after the 2006 election, Palestinian voters wanted Hamas to adopt a reconciliatory approach toward Israel. While Hamas’ popularity overall had grown, voters wanted a “two-state solution [with] mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people in exchange for an Israeli recognition of Palestine as the state for the Palestinian people," according to the survey, which was administered by the independent West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCSPR).


Full article:
People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple |

:lolup: Moron quotes Al Jazeera. You really are that fucking dumb. :palm:
The attack on October 7, 2023 came from Gaza. It's one of the most recent attacks between the 2, not the first. Soon after it, Israel began a much longer and more brutal attack on Gaza. The ratio of deaths is around 10 to 1 now. Nor was it the first time that Israel has killed lots of Palestinians. Even a mainstream media outlet like CNN makes it abundantly clear that Israel kills Palestinians way more than Palestinians kill Isrealis:

Charts show a stark difference in the human cost of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts over the years | CNN

From what I've seen of their chart, over the years, Israel tends to kill 10 times more Palestinians over the years than Palestinians kill Israelis, sometimes more, sometimes less. 2009 was particularly bad- Israel only lost 11 people, but Gaza and the West Bank lost 1,066. That's almost a 100 to 1 ratio.

I am amused by this moronic hand wringing about civilian deaths. Hamas is the one putting them in harms way. Did we worry how many civilians died in WWII? Korea? Vietnam? The Guld War?

No. We only worried about victory and getting the bad guys. Of course, in moron land where leftists wallow, America is bad. Terrorists are good. :palm:
The attack came special delivery from Iran. Hamas was simply driving the delivery truck.

It's the IDF that illegally fires missiles into civilian populations. What the IDF has been doing constitutes illegal war crimes everywhere, and yet you and Team Israel are happy to excuse it. That is wrong.

Israel should stop their genocide immediately for the IDF's war crimes to be investigated. Any investigations that warrant tribunals should make all information available for completely fair trials, but the trials should take place if investigations warrant. Thereafter, Israel will be free to pursue all the Al Qassam terrorists and bring them to justice. Israel should never have gone the genocide/war crimes route.

That's the lamest rationalization for slaughtering innocent civilian noncombatants that I have heard. You well know that none of young children blasted by the IDF ever voted for Hamas or ever attacked Israel. According to all international laws of armed conflict, what Israel has done to civilian noncombatants warrants death by hanging. No lawful noncombatants somehow transform into combatants because of for whom they voted, and many of the dead did not vote for Hamas.

In any event, Hamas' use of human shields is insufficient to blame civilian noncombatants for the IDF's genocide, i.e. saying that they somehow deserve to be massacred.

Yes, Israel is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semite civilians in Gaza. However, since you are confident that they are not, join me in calling for investigations into the matter. Let's put this matter to rest.

The only one slaughtering innocent civilians is Hamas dumbass. Be smarter.
The attack came special delivery from Iran. Hamas was simply driving the delivery truck.

It's the IDF that illegally fires missiles into civilian populations. What the IDF has been doing constitutes illegal war crimes everywhere, and yet you and Team Israel are happy to excuse it. That is wrong.

Israel should stop their genocide immediately for the IDF's war crimes to be investigated. Any investigations that warrant tribunals should make all information available for completely fair trials, but the trials should take place if investigations warrant. Thereafter, Israel will be free to pursue all the Al Qassam terrorists and bring them to justice. Israel should never have gone the genocide/war crimes route.

That's the lamest rationalization for slaughtering innocent civilian noncombatants that I have heard. You well know that none of young children blasted by the IDF ever voted for Hamas or ever attacked Israel. According to all international laws of armed conflict, what Israel has done to civilian noncombatants warrants death by hanging. No lawful noncombatants somehow transform into combatants because of for whom they voted, and many of the dead did not vote for Hamas.

In any event, Hamas' use of human shields is insufficient to blame civilian noncombatants for the IDF's genocide, i.e. saying that they somehow deserve to be massacred.

Yes, Israel is perpetrating genocide on the Arab Semite civilians in Gaza. However, since you are confident that they are not, join me in calling for investigations into the matter. Let's put this matter to rest.

So they aren't guilty because they were just following orders right? That's a failed legal and moral tactic.

Then maybe Gaza needs to step up their legal game as well as their economic one. The whole terrorist "Death to Israel" thing isn't working...

I personally think the main issue is the platform Hamas was running on back then, as well as what Palestinians thought of their competition. Taichiliberal's articles gets into these things. Quoting from it:

Per the viral tweet by Kontorovich above, Hamas allegedly ran on a “kill-all-Jews” platform preceding its 2006 election victory.

Hamas’ 1988 charter contained anti-Semitic statements such as, "Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious," and this charter remained in place ahead of the 2006 elections. Israel and organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) say anti-Semitism was, and is, a major characteristic of Hamas. However, just a fortnight before the 2006 elections and, in part, to appeal to the mainstream Palestinian position of "building a state within the boundaries of the occupied territories," Hamas removed its call for the destruction of Israel from its election manifesto, according to The Guardian coverage from the time.


Palestinians were fed up with corruption among Fatah leadership, according to Lovatt and news reports from the time. Ami Ayalon, a former head of Israeli intelligence, told The New York Times in 2006: “When they chose Hamas, it is more because of the corruption and failure of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah than because of religion or terrorism.”

Al Jazeera also noted in 2006, “Hamas capitalized on widespread discontent with years of Fatah corruption and ineffectiveness. Much of its campaign focused on internal Palestinian issues, while playing down the conflict with Israel.”

According to a survey conducted months after the 2006 election, Palestinian voters wanted Hamas to adopt a reconciliatory approach toward Israel. While Hamas’ popularity overall had grown, voters wanted a “two-state solution [with] mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people in exchange for an Israeli recognition of Palestine as the state for the Palestinian people," according to the survey, which was administered by the independent West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCSPR).


Full article:
People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here's Why It Isn't That Simple |

Again, the whole terrorist thing isn't working for Gaza. Maybe time for a new strategy. Egypt got it after several wars with Israel and getting their ass beaten. Jordan figured it out after just one. Syria was getting there too.

The point is, maybe it's time the Arabs learned to live with the Jews and Israel rather than try and eradicate it. The whole 'Death to Israel' thing definitely isn't fucking working.