Some HISTORY, and some Possible Future.


New member
Here's a fun fact! When was the LAST time a Democrat has won, without winning West Virginia? I'll save you the trouble- It was LYNDON JOHNSON, and that's only because the Nation was in a Massive Uproar of Social Change(for the worse), Kennedy Assassination, etc. And Hillary BEAT Obama there, BY 40 PERCENT! Have ANY of you stopped to consider WHY the Media seems SO SET on making Hillary "give up"? Now that Obama's "Messiah" tefon has been pierced, and people are just STARTING to find out about him (just WAIT! I cannot divulge Secret Confidential Information yet), now that Obama's wheels are coming off the track, why insn't the Media calling for HIM to quit?

Have even ONE of you, whether Left, Right, or Center, stopped to consider WHY IT IS, the Media, and certain Influential Individuals, even OLD FREINDS of the Clintons, feel it SO IMPORTANT that this man, a one-term Senator with NO Experience at this level, NO Proven ability to handle this big of a job, a TON of Baggage and Skeletons, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-American Philosiphies from ALL his close associates, his "Mentors", freinds, wife, etc? Haven't ANY of you WONDERED?
WHY, such a strange thing would happen, at THIS point in History? Doesn’t it seem STRANGE, that Political EXPERTS, Media , the KENNEDYS, for God’s sake, LONG TIME FRIENDS THAT WERE GIVEN JOBS BY THE CLINTONS, would back someone, who at any OTHER time, would be considered a JOKE, a NUISANCE like Pat Paulsen, not even to get as serious a look as Ross Perot?
I'll give you a hint: It has to do with the recent Tornados, Floods and Hurricanes in America, the Typhoons, Monssons, Floods and Earthquakes in Asia. The TERRORISM, Food Shortages, Famines, Genocide in Dahrfur, AIDS Epidemic in Africa, the heating up of the HATRED against America and Israel across the Muslim world, the Pain and Suffering all across the Earth. It has to do with several religions, which all speak of Great Upheaval across the Earth. It has to DO with people WE elect as our “LEADERS”
Gematria is a system for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases. This system is used to gain insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas. Gematria can be used as an evidence to back up established Biblical doctrine, and to gain insight into Bible interpretations by looking for words and phrases with the same values. If you put the following title, "KING B. H. OBAMA JR." into this Sumerian/English Gematria calculator, it computes to "666"...

I'll give you a hint: It has to do with the recent Tornados, Floods and Hurricanes in America, the Typhoons, Monssons, Floods and Earthquakes in Asia. The TERRORISM, Food Shortages, Famines, Genocide in Dahrfur, AIDS Epidemic in Africa, the heating up of the HATRED against America and Israel across the Muslim world, the Pain and Suffering all across the Earth. It has to do with several religions, which all speak of Great Upheaval across the Earth.
It has to do with a Number. The Number of a Man, and the Number of a Beast.

Gematria is a system for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases. This system is used to gain insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas. Gematria can be used as an evidence to back up established Biblical doctrine, and to gain insight into Bible interpretations by looking for words and phrases with the same values.
If you put the following title, "KING B. H. OBAMA JR." into this Sumerian/English Gematria calculator, it computes to "666"...

“Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath,because he knows the time is short…Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixty six. “
*Revelations ch. XIII v.18*
Did you KNOW that on April 8, 2008, the world population officially reached 6.66 billion, 666 being the number of the Antichrist?

******************************************************************************************Predictions about the end of the world is nothing new. Ancient Gnostics, for example, predicted the arrival of God’s kingdom as early as the first century. Christians in Europe attacked pagan territories in the north to prepare for the end of the world in the first millennium.
The Shakers believed the world would end in 1792. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have set the end dates from 1914-1994.
“Any religious movement with an end-time prophecy is certain to attract followers,” says Anastas.
In the Philippines, a religious cult believed the world would end Dec. 31, 1999. Its members went inside a cave in Tagaytay wearing helmets and waited for the end that never came.
A few years before that, a retired military officer predicted the world would be destroyed and two-thirds of the population would perish. The other one-third would be taken by UFOs (unidentified flying objects) through a beam of light.
With all these failed prophecies, why is the Mayan calendar prediction attracting a growing following even in the scientific community? Is there something different about it?
Yes, according to experts.
John Major Jenkins says the Mayan lineage goes back to 2000 years. He shows that the ancient Maya “calendar priests” charted a 26,000-year astronomical cycle, called precession of the equinoxes, with the naked eye.
The Mayans always fascinated me. The amazing calendar they left behind traced the precise movements of the planets and the stars without using any instruments. It described the present earth cycle from Aug. 11, 3114 BC, to Dec. 21, 2012.
The 2012 end-date coincides with the “galactic alignment” of the winter solstice sun and the axis that modern astronomers draw to bisect the Milky Way, called the galactic equator.
Adrian Gilbert, in his book “The End of Time,” says, “Not only is the night of 21-22 December the longest in the year, but because of the precession of the equinoxes it corresponds with the day the sun stands exactly at one of the star-gate crossing-points of the elliptic with the median plane of the Milky Way.”
Gilbert says this means on Dec. 22, any person observing the sun will also be looking toward the core of the Milky Way, the place astronomers say has a black hole with a mass some three million times that of our sun
There is a prophecy of the French prophet Nostradamus, from 400 years ago in France, that I will quote here.THIS is Nostradamus’ Prophesy about this period, until 2012.
Century 9, Number 44

"All should leave Geneva.
Saturn turns from gold to iron,
The contrary positive ray (RAYPOZ) will exterminate everything,
there will be signs in the sky before this."

The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator may be initially turned on and do full testing in 2008. Located on the France-Switzerland border, near Geneva, it will be by far the most powerful particle accelerator ever built. Built to look for the Higgs particle, by colliding beams of protons, some scientists have expressed concern that a mini black hole or stranglet particle could be created, that could swallow the earth, black holes being small particles that suck into them any matter near them growing in size, and strangelet particles may consist of an unusual combination of fundamental particles and could fuse matter near them into a giant stranglet.

I know some of you Liberals "turn your nose up", at the Bible, because it calls your "lifestyle" a sin. But I suggest you try and "get Right with God", because SEVERAL Religions' Prophesies ALL are converging on this period of time, until2012, from the Floods, Famine, Tornados, Earthquakes, to the Mayan Calendar Ending, to the Hopi and Lakota Indian Prophesies, to scientists' warnings of Comets and Asteroids. Maybe it's just a "coincidence", that Obama's name spells out 666, when using the Biblical Code Gematria.
But just for giggles, get youself a copy of the Good Book(its usually free), and READ Revelations, Chapter 13, ESPECIALLY.
Did you KNOW that on April 8, 2008, the world population officially reached 6.66 billion, 666 being the number of the Antichrist?
Jollie, I’ve missed you! It’s too bad you came around now, two minutes earlier and I could have used this thread to ask my Damo Question of the Day.

I just had a fabulous salad and am thinking of going to get a starbucks honey latte.
You can call me a nutjob, but just READ some of the prophesies I put up here, and there's many MORE at ( Not all about Obama, of course, that was just one I threw in. But Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar, the Bible, Hopi Indians:- You better start getting RIGHT with GOD.
If you put the following title, "KING B. H. OBAMA JR." into this Sumerian/English Gematria calculator, it computes to "666"...

If there was a God, I'm sure this is how he would leave his instructions to us.
You can call me a nutjob, but just READ some of the prophesies I put up here, and there's many MORE at ( Not all about Obama, of course, that was just one I threw in. But Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar, the Bible, Hopi Indians:- You better start getting RIGHT with GOD.

Does getting right with God involve, in any way, forsaking masturbating?

Because it always has before, and that is where they lose me?
Have even ONE of you, whether Left, Right, or Center, stopped to consider WHY IT IS, the Media, and certain Influential Individuals, even OLD FREINDS of the Clintons, feel it SO IMPORTANT that this man, a one-term Senator with NO Experience at this level, NO Proven ability to handle this big of a job, a TON of Baggage and Skeletons, Anti-Capitalist and Anti-American Philosiphies from ALL his close associates, his "Mentors", freinds, wife, etc? Haven't ANY of you WONDERED?
WHY, such a strange thing would happen, at THIS point in History? Doesn’t it seem STRANGE, that Political EXPERTS, Media , the KENNEDYS, for God’s sake, LONG TIME FRIENDS THAT WERE GIVEN JOBS BY THE CLINTONS, would back someone, who at any OTHER time, would be considered a JOKE, a NUISANCE like Pat Paulsen, not even to get as serious a look as Ross Perot?

I'll give you a hint: It has to do with the recent Tornados, Floods and Hurricanes in America, the Typhoons, Monssons, Floods and Earthquakes in Asia. The TERRORISM, Food Shortages, Famines, Genocide in Dahrfur, AIDS Epidemic in Africa, the heating up of the HATRED against America and Israel across the Muslim world, the Pain and Suffering all across the Earth. It has to do with several religions, which all speak of Great Upheaval across the Earth.
It has to do with a Number. The Number of a Man, and the Number of a Beast.

Gematria is a system for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases. This system is used to gain insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas. Gematria can be used as an evidence to back up established Biblical doctrine, and to gain insight into Bible interpretations by looking for words and phrases with the same values.

If you put the following title, "KING B. H. OBAMA JR." into this Sumerian/English Gematria calculator, it computes to "666"...

Seriously, doesn't this whole THING semm STRANGE, and UNBELIEVABLE, almost as it were being DIRECTED FROM ANOTHER POWER?
Obama the Antichrist?

Is this a preview of the GOP's fall strategy?

Why not, I guess; what have they got to lose...
From Epicurus:
Originally Posted by jollie
I see nothing wrong with firing off a couple knuckle children, occasionally.

Aight I'm gonna go vomit now.
Haha, I've been waiting a week to use that line, I got it from the Hialrious but Morally Corrupting Peter Griffin, on "Family Guy". I figure the medicinal laughter cancels out the Morally Bankrupt subject matter. I often see many from THIS website as versions of "Meg". Watch the show, you'll see.

Oh, and to "uscitizen", who's probably, in reality, an Illegal Alien:
Originally Posted by Onceler
Obama the Antichrist?

Is this a preview of the GOP's fall strategy?

Why not, I guess; what have they got to lose...

From what I have observed locally it does sell to the rascist white Dems.
You mean like the 60 PERCENT of West Virginia, that just voted for Hillary? Yeah, you're right-keep insulting those rednecks, that's the way to do it!
I LOVE it. The ONLY way Democrats win, for the Majority of America, and the Majority of elections, is when Democrats run as CONSERVATIVES, like Bill Clinton did, and like these recent Dem winners in these Special Elections. Thank God, there's only a FEW isolated pockets, like Berkely, parts of Massachusetts, Wisconin, etc, where a DECLARED Liberal can win.
As LONG as Conservatives win, I don't care WHAT letter is after their name. The only PROBLEM is, MOST of the time, it's a LIE. And the voters are dumb enough to FALL for it, over and over.