Some Myth Busting Facts About Mott The Hoople's Redneck War In Vietnam.

philly rabbit

Verified User
Vietnam was the war that America wasn't allowed to win.

- Brent Bozell

We all know about the Hoople's politically correct version of the Vietnam war but here are some real facts about that long ago war in southeast Asia that you may not know.

Myth: The U.S. military lost the war because they were defeated by the superior forces of Ho Chi Minh's glorious people's army.

Fact: The U.S. military in all intent and purposes had the war won on the battlefield but were stabbed in the back by Democrats in congress who cut off funding for the South Vietnamese army following President Nixon's resignation over Watergate giving the communists in the north their final triumph.

Myth: The U.S. military in Vietnam was a collection of misfit draftees who were ignorant and uneducated and who were ill equipped to handle the terrain of Vietnam.

Fact: The U.S. military in country was the best equipped military in U.S. history up to that point.
The U.S. military was the best educated military in U.S. history up to that point having their ranks
filed with considerable numbers of college graduates both officers and enlisted men.

Myth: America's military had a high casualty rate due to the incompetency of the draftees who were forced to
fight there and their redneck officers who were as incompetent as their subordinates.

Fact: Seventy percent of all U.S. casualties were enlisted men and not draftees
Fact: John Kerry enlisted in the Navy, specifically requesting swiftboat duty because he thought it was the best way to avoid actual combat while having a military stint on his resume to enhance his political career.

Fact: When the swiftboat duties were changed to include inland river duty, Kerry did everything he could to get out of serving, and eventually did by invoking the little-used and completely voluntary 'three purple hearts and out' provision. Two of the awards were given for dubious injuries, and at least obe self-inflicted and dismissed by his immediate commander as 'a scratch, requiring nothing more than a band aid'.
Vietnam was the war that America wasn't allowed to win.

- Brent Bozell

We all know about the Hoople's politically correct version of the Vietnam war but here are some real facts about that long ago war in southeast Asia that you may not know.

Myth: The U.S. military lost the war because they were defeated by the superior forces of Ho Chi Minh's glorious people's army.

Fact: The U.S. military in all intent and purposes had the war won on the battlefield but were stabbed in the back by Democrats in congress who cut off funding for the South Vietnamese army following President Nixon's resignation over Watergate giving the communists in the north their final triumph.

Myth: The U.S. military in Vietnam was a collection of misfit draftees who were ignorant and uneducated and who were ill equipped to handle the terrain of Vietnam.

Fact: The U.S. military in country was the best equipped military in U.S. history up to that point.
The U.S. military was the best educated military in U.S. history up to that point having their ranks
filed with considerable numbers of college graduates both officers and enlisted men.

Myth: America's military had a high casualty rate due to the incompetency of the draftees who were forced to
fight there and their redneck officers who were as incompetent as their subordinates.

Fact: Seventy percent of all U.S. casualties were enlisted men and not draftees

Fact checked for accuracy = 100%

Great post.
That 70% figure is inflated, many people saw small number draws and enlisted before they were drafted. They didn't have many options and often could get better jobs if they just gave up the fight rather than wait for a draft.
Vietnam was the war that America wasn't allowed to win.

- Brent Bozell

We all know about the Hoople's politically correct version of the Vietnam war but here are some real facts about that long ago war in southeast Asia that you may not know.

Myth: The U.S. military lost the war because they were defeated by the superior forces of Ho Chi Minh's glorious people's army.

Fact: The U.S. military in all intent and purposes had the war won on the battlefield but were stabbed in the back by Democrats in congress who cut off funding for the South Vietnamese army following President Nixon's resignation over Watergate giving the communists in the north their final triumph.

Myth: The U.S. military in Vietnam was a collection of misfit draftees who were ignorant and uneducated and who were ill equipped to handle the terrain of Vietnam.

Fact: The U.S. military in country was the best equipped military in U.S. history up to that point.
The U.S. military was the best educated military in U.S. history up to that point having their ranks
filed with considerable numbers of college graduates both officers and enlisted men.

Myth: America's military had a high casualty rate due to the incompetency of the draftees who were forced to
fight there and their redneck officers who were as incompetent as their subordinates.

Fact: Seventy percent of all U.S. casualties were enlisted men and not draftees

Where did you hear any of this? And no, we lost because it was unwinnable.
We had the technology. We could have rebuilt it; faster, better, stronger.

Or something like that. some old foegy will correct me :p
Where did you hear any of this? And no, we lost because it was unwinnable.

It was not in winnable, but we lost our resolve. Since WWII we have lost what it takes to actually win a war. Really win a war.

It was winnable. We juste didn't want to do what it took
That 70% figure is inflated, many people saw small number draws and enlisted before they were drafted. They didn't have many options and often could get better jobs if they just gave up the fight rather than wait for a draft.

absolutely. there were lots of guys with low draft numbers who went down, took the ASVAB, and then went knocking on the doors of recruiters from the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard and got themselves plum rate/training packages there rather than wait for the draft board to turn them into ground pounding cannon fodder. Most of them would never had thought to join the armed forces otherwise.
Most educated military up to that point.
You just edged out gang members in education.
Close your bowl hole, Mr Chong. You never finished college (if you even went to college) and you're waaaaayyyyy too stoned and Democrat to deal with stocks, bonds or anything else that has to do with Wall Street. Just shut your face and get your ass in the soup line, where it belongs. ;)
It was not in winnable, but we lost our resolve. Since WWII we have lost what it takes to actually win a war. Really win a war.

It was winnable. We juste didn't want to do what it took

Liberals started the Vietnam war (American full involvement) then they escalated it (More American involvement) then they lost it (congress cutting of South Vietnam's life line)
Where did you hear any of this? And no, we lost because it was unwinnable.

There are two versions of American history - the politically correct version and the more historically accurate version and the Vietnam war was no exception.

And of course knowing you, you naturally subscribe to the former version.
what would victory have looked like in Vietnam? What would expect to be the long term consequences of victory?

Would we have hoped that Vietnam would have become a friendly trading partner with the USA? Well gosh... it looks like that happened. Victory!
what would victory have looked like in Vietnam? What would expect to be the long term consequences of victory?

Would we have hoped that Vietnam would have become a friendly trading partner with the USA? Well gosh... it looks like that happened. Victory!

So are you happy that America lost the war and the corporate suits are now making money off it?
I am happy the war ended when it did... I would have been infinitely happier if it had never begun. I thought the domino theory was stupid when it was first created and it's been proven stupid by history. I am happy that we now are trading partners with our former adversaries.
If we had handled Vietnam more competently, we could be looking at a situation like Korea, with an armistace and a closed-off regime in the North (although, hopefully that one would look more like Cuba than N Korea). Unfortunately, we had LBJ as president during the crucial years, and leading up to them, we had JFK messing things up.