Some Myth Busting Facts About Mott The Hoople's Redneck War In Vietnam.

There are two versions of American history - the politically correct version and the more historically accurate version and the Vietnam war was no exception.

And of course knowing you, you naturally subscribe to the former version.

Do you have source?

I'll put money down that you don't. Again.
I am happy the war ended when it did... I would have been infinitely happier if it had never begun. I thought the domino theory was stupid when it was first created and it's been proven stupid by history. I am happy that we now are trading partners with our former adversaries.

Two and a half million indo Chinese slaughtered by the communists in South Vietnam and Cambodia. Thousands of Vietnamese boat people many drowning at sea and without provisions desperately trying to flee from the liberal's heroes. Ho Chi Minh murdering a million of "his own people" after Vietnam was reunited as one people again. Anybody connected to the former South Vietnam government executed. All high ranking officers above the rank of captain executed. Former south Vietnamese government workers and military soldiers thrown into concentration / reeducation camps.

Liberals are happy - happy - happy America lost and secretly glad their side won. Liberals celebrate corporate whores moving in to profit off all the misery.

Happy - happy - happy liberals.
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That 70% figure is inflated, many people saw small number draws and enlisted before they were drafted. They didn't have many options and often could get better jobs if they just gave up the fight rather than wait for a draft.

Just what my hubby did.
Close your bowl hole, Mr Chong. You never finished college (if you even went to college) and you're waaaaayyyyy too stoned and Democrat to deal with stocks, bonds or anything else that has to do with Wall Street. Just shut your face and get your ass in the soup line, where it belongs. ;)

Put your head down jr programmer. I was making $100,000 at your age
If we had handled Vietnam more competently, we could be looking at a situation like Korea, with an armistace and a closed-off regime in the North (although, hopefully that one would look more like Cuba than N Korea). Unfortunately, we had LBJ as president during the crucial years, and leading up to them, we had JFK messing things up.

Liberals started - escalated - and ended that war making sure the right side won in the end.

The defunding of the South Vietnamese military was their attempt to blame Nixon for the war after Watergate. And it has to be understood that their were two liberal factors engaged with each other back then, the older traditional liberals and the so called new left radicals.