Some people try to rob 70 year old man, but the hero 70 year old is armed


on indefiniate mod break

Look how fast these criminal thugs run away the second he pulls a gun out. They are falling all over themselves. It's glorious.

This wouldn't happen in bijou's america, or howeys america. The takers would rather have you dead and robbed.

We should never take guns from upstanding citizens, like this hero in the video.

Anything - anything - to draw attention away from the ugly truth of your expressed sentiments yesterday. Too late, Grind.

Anything - anything - to draw attention away from the ugly truth of your expressed sentiments yesterday. Too late, Grind.

I have no desire to draw attention away from my statements yesterday or two days ago. I fully stand behind them all and embrace them fully.
I have no desire to draw attention to my statements yesterday or two days ago. I fully stand behind them all and embrace them fully.

Of course you don't want to draw attention to your statements of yesterday. They reveal your detached and distorted priorities. But by all means, stand behind them, embrace them, and accept the full weight of the perception of you they create.
Of course you don't want to draw attention to your statements of yesterday. They reveal your detached and distorted priorities. But by all means, stand behind them, embrace them, and accept the full weight of the perception of you they create.

it was a typo, I corrected it. I fully stand behind my statements, and have no desire to draw attention away from them. They are all true. Those that would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither. 20 dead kids is a drop in the bucket. Gun rights are more important than the lives of children.
it was a typo, I corrected it. I fully stand behind my statements. They are all true. Those that would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither. 20 dead kids is a drop in the bucket. Gun rights are more important than the lives of children.

Yeah, you've driven the point of your detachment solidly home.
Yeah, you've driven the point of your detachment solidly home.

how orwellian of you to think I am trying to draw attention away from my statements while also admitting that I have driven my point home time and time again.
If only you could get a woman to let you drive your point home time and time again.
in any case, lets celebrate criminals being chased away. That's a good thing, right? Why would the takers be upset about an upstanding citizen chasing away criminals? Can I get you takers on record to at least say this video is good and the guy is a hero?
in any case, lets celebrate criminals being chased away. That's a good thing, right? Why would the takers be upset about an upstanding citizen chasing away criminals? Can I get you takers on record to at least say this video is good and the guy is a hero?

You'll get nothing in the way of a meaningful discussion from those you denigrate with your 'prole' and 'taker' bullshit.
You'll get nothing in the way of a meaningful discussion from those you denigrate with your 'prole' and 'taker' bullshit.

when you try to take away rights, you are a taker bijou. Don't try to take stuff, and you won't be a taker.

You seem really mad though that this upstanding citizen chased away criminals. Just admit it was a good thing it happened, and I wont call you a taker anymore...
in this thread
when you try to take away rights, you are a taker bijou. Don't try to take stuff, and you won't be a taker.

You seem really mad though that this upstanding citizen chased away criminals. Just admit it was a good thing it happened, and I wont call you a taker anymore...
in this thread

I'll skip your spoiler. Call me a taker all you want; it reflects on you, not me.
You'll get nothing in the way of a meaningful discussion from those you denigrate with your 'prole' and 'taker' bullshit.

you never meaningfully discuss anything.

you would laugh that this guy had a gun and worked. you would never admit that him having a gun worked.
Yeah, just let our schoolchildren be murdered and our streets torn to shreds so that you can jack off to some sadistic piece of garbage videos on your stupid r/injusticeporn. We should take all of the guns and put bullets in the gun nuts head. Then we will have piece in our society. Death to the anti-humans!
The NRA is a terrorist organization, and thus not subject to constitutional rights. Gun nuts as well don't deserve rights. Rights are for humans, not animals.