Something good Bush has done


Villified User
I am sure there has to be something good Bush has done, without bungling it up.
I know he did increase our security somewhat after 911, but then he sort of bungled that with warantless wiretapping and promising a lot more than has been done.

On the Medicare pill bill he gave away a lot to the drug companies and fired the guy who gave the most correct estimate of the cost of the program. However it still might be his most successful venture.

NCLB, a somewhat good idea, but was not funded properly. And yes I know congress does the funding, but bush has control of congress, or at least had control.

The Iraq invasion, well that has been a total fiasco.

Fiscal conservatism, a total washout.

Catch OBL....

You see where I am coming from ? And yes I pretty much despise Bush, so I admit to being prejudiced on what he does.I am genuinely curious as to how others view his accompolishments.
You see where I am coming from ? And yes I pretty much despise Bush, so I admit to being prejudiced on what he does.I am genuinely curious as to how others view his accompolishments.

Honesty is a fine accomplishment all in it's own, not many will admit to this while discussing the issue. If any of his accomplishments are to be really considered worthy though I think will take time to come to light, well on the bigger issues anyway. There is still time left in his tenure to make changes that could have major impact for years to come.

While it's extremely hard to not be partisan on the issue while the man in question is still in office remember it comes down to more than the man himself. I can once again appreciate your honesty on this one knowing you directed this thread to my attention, so I will give you a few of the things I see as his downfalls.

He's a lousy speaker, this is a major obvious from most views.

His immigration policies have sucked thus far.

His major issue with security but letting it be no secret of the lack of effort on homeland security.

Foreign policy, the lack to engage to help a process.
Honesty is a fine accomplishment all in it's own, not many will admit to this while discussing the issue. If any of his accomplishments are to be really considered worthy though I think will take time to come to light, well on the bigger issues anyway. There is still time left in his tenure to make changes that could have major impact for years to come.

While it's extremely hard to not be partisan on the issue while the man in question is still in office remember it comes down to more than the man himself. I can once again appreciate your honesty on this one knowing you directed this thread to my attention, so I will give you a few of the things I see as his downfalls.

He's a lousy speaker, this is a major obvious from most views.

His immigration policies have sucked thus far.

His major issue with security but letting it be no secret of the lack of effort on homeland security.

Foreign policy, the lack to engage to help a process.
good mornin' Sir Evil,
Those are few pretty serious negatives...

Does his positives outweigh them?

good mornin' Sir Evil,
Those are few pretty serious negatives...

Does his positives outweigh them?


Good morning Care, I honestly say the verdict is still out on that one. I try to be supportive regardless of the candidate in question in most cases. I was pretty supportive of Clinton believe it or not, but again I think it's hard to call any period of tenure a success until there is a few good years to absorb what took place afterwards. I don't see how any short term changes be it 4 or 8 years can really be judged too quickly on it's future impacts, sometimes but often not.

Now given the circumstances I will give bush the benefit of the doubt, Things are a much different picture a few years previous to his taking the office, we are facing some pretty intense situations. Many wanna lay the blame square on him for terrorism, I ask when did 911 take place? I don't think he did too much prior to that to create the circumstances. I think in fact you would probably have to go back a few candidates bare minimum to even begin to ponder where it starts.

So in light of this I will pass a final judgement on the overall at a later point in time, but with these thoughts I think you can see I don't approve in his every move, I'm not totally for him nor against him at this point.
Good morning Care, I honestly say the verdict is still out on that one. I try to be supportive regardless of the candidate in question in most cases. I was pretty supportive of Clinton believe it or not, but again I think it's hard to call any period of tenure a success until there is a few good years to absorb what took place afterwards. I don't see how any short term changes be it 4 or 8 years can really be judged too quickly on it's future impacts, sometimes but often not.

Now given the circumstances I will give bush the benefit of the doubt, Things are a much different picture a few years previous to his taking the office, we are facing some pretty intense situations. Many wanna lay the blame square on him for terrorism, I ask when did 911 take place? I don't think he did too much prior to that to create the circumstances. I think in fact you would probably have to go back a few candidates bare minimum to even begin to ponder where it starts.

So in light of this I will pass a final judgement on the overall at a later point in time, but with these thoughts I think you can see I don't approve in his every move, I'm not totally for him nor against him at this point.

fair enough....

though, i really don't see the positives of his policies's possible that they will be read as positive somewhere down the road....but i doubt it! :D
Thanks for the replies, Evil I did not specifically target you, but it is in response to conversation we had last night. I am really looking for input from everyone amd genuinely looking for something positive Bush has done that can be agreed on is a good thing for this country.
But really nothing so far ? bummer for all of us :(
fair enough....

though, i really don't see the positives of his policies's possible that they will be read as positive somewhere down the road....but i doubt it! :D

Hi Care, can you see the positives of say the clinton admin. on foreign policy, and say there is no possible way that it played a hand in things? It is why I can't say that I see positive or negative of this administrations policies at the moment, but who knows, maybe more will be revealed then sooner.
Thanks for the replies, Evil I did not specifically target you, but it is in response to conversation we had last night. I am really looking for input from everyone amd genuinely looking for something positive Bush has done that can be agreed on is a good thing for this country.
But really nothing so far ? bummer for all of us :(
It is what I meant as I remember the question in last nights thread.

My way of seeing it is that we may not seen an instant impact of any decision for a time to come. wether you call it a negative, and I call it a positive do we really know now which is right? Look at it in these terms, right now we have the repubs doing one thing, the dems wanting darn near the opposite, we have some jumping sides, and some clearly further right or left on the issues we face today.
I think it telling of the times but more importantly, what is all the dissention do for me or you? do we need to be clearly on one side or the other? Humbug to who is right or wrong, it's the lesser of the evil we face today, and so long as we remain so divided on the issue or shall I say they, we will be heading for much darker times.
Okay I'll give it a go:

Things that I personally like that Bush has done:

1. At least temporarily getting rid of the Death Tax.
2. Closing more of the Marriage Penalty.
3. Giving NASA a better goal than just getting the Shuttles into space and retrofitting the space station.
4. Handled the Chinese Spy incident rather well.
5. Bush's FEMA handled the Mississippi floods well.
6. I would have liked the tax cuts, had spending been curtailed... but I guess I'll have to come up with a new number 6....
New 6. Bush pressed to repass the Voting Rights Act...
7. National Adoption Month
8. The Amber Alert Bill
9. HIV Funding in Africa...
10. The DO NOT CALL REGISTRY! (I think the only person on this site that doesn't like this is theDANO...)
11. Partial Birth Abortion Ban (2003)
12. Seven more NATO Allies.
13. National WWII Memorial.
14. First Black Woman Secretary of State and Full Cabinet Member...

That's about all I can remember at this moment in time...
I ahve to fully agree on the national call registry thing, although it is not perfect it is an improvement. I am still unsure if this was passed to override some states no call things that were more restrictive on the callers though ? Was it for us or the callers is my question I guess.

Amber alert nill gets a thumbs up too.

Several of the things you tout I of course disagree with :) As per usual.
Like the Rice thing. Good for the race and gender thning, wrong person though :)
I ahve to fully agree on the national call registry thing, although it is not perfect it is an improvement. I am still unsure if this was passed to override some states no call things that were more restrictive on the callers though ? Was it for us or the callers is my question I guess.

Amber alert nill gets a thumbs up too.

Several of the things you tout I of course disagree with :) As per usual.
Like the Rice thing. Good for the race and gender thning, wrong person though :)

I like Rice. She went to my Alma Mater...

Something good Bush has done

1) Response to Indonesian Tsunami

2) A qualified thumbs up on AIDS/HIV program to africa. Except that he spends to much of the money on ineffective "abstinence only" programs, and denies condoms to family planning clinics in africa who provide abortion counseling and services.
Something good Bush has done

1) Response to Indonesian Tsunami

2) A qualified thumbs up on AIDS/HIV program to africa. Except that he spends to much of the money on ineffective "abstinence only" programs, and denies condoms to family planning clinics in africa who provide abortion counseling and services.
Agreed Cypress.
I will go along with Damo's list .... I think he covered it well ...

But .. looking back I thought he was going to accomplish more than he has done ...

I think his response to 9/11 was good at first but the Iraq cluster f%$k did just that ... made things potentially worse. Yes .. thank God we have not yet had a repeat .. but the threat is still very real and we have given them more of a reason to do it again.

Unfortunately for Bush .. he had become President at an unenvious time in History ....having to deal with 9/11 and the phenomina of Natural Disasters in this Country .. we forget about all the Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados and other weird things that have happened on his watch... but it comes with the territory ... and it is something to think about when choosing the next President ...
I will go along with Damo's list .... I think he covered it well ...

But .. looking back I thought he was going to accomplish more than he has done ...

I think his response to 9/11 was good at first but the Iraq cluster f%$k did just that ... made things potentially worse. Yes .. thank God we have not yet had a repeat .. but the threat is still very real and we have given them more of a reason to do it again.

Unfortunately for Bush .. he had become President at an unenvious time in History ....having to deal with 9/11 and the phenomina of Natural Disasters in this Country .. we forget about all the Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados and other weird things that have happened on his watch... but it comes with the territory ... and it is something to think about when choosing the next President ...

I've since renegged on giving him credit for 9/11. Its been 5 years, no Osama, and Al Queda has spread to Iraq.
I've since renegged on giving him credit for 9/11. Its been 5 years, no Osama, and Al Queda has spread to Iraq.

LOL, Damn guy hasn't caught OBL yet, must be spending too much time on the ranch!

While I can understand your issue with the spread of al queda, what is the fascination with osama? Would you feel closure having a picture of him caught or something? is the capture of this one man going to signify the end of terrorism?
from damo's list:

Things that I personally like that Bush has done:

5. Bush's FEMA handled the Mississippi floods well.
6. Bush pressed to repass the Voting Rights Act...
7. National Adoption Month
8. The Amber Alert Bill
9. HIV Funding in Africa...
12. Seven more NATO Allies.
13. National WWII Memorial.

I'd go along with those.