Sonia Sotomayor has black teen shot for theft

The Daily Fail, I should have known.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s security detail shoots black teen

Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s security detail shoots black teen

I don't see anything in the article where Sotomayor called for him to be shot.
You're calling me out for criticizing the paper but not saying a word about volsrock's sensational lying thread title? He's saying she ordered an assassination ffs.

Sonia Sotomayor has black teen shot for theft​

Her security detail took him down, we certainly know that for sure. Volrock does tend to exaggerate sometimes, no doubt the truth will out soon enough.
Her security detail took him down, we certainly know that for sure. Volrock does tend to exaggerate sometimes, no doubt the truth will out soon enough.
What do you mean, "the truth?" You think Sotomayor told the cop to shoot the kid? Did you read this part in the Mail article? "The suspect exited the vehicle, approached one of the Marshals, and pointed a handgun at him in an apparent attempt to carjack him." It wasn't even Sotomayor's car!
Deflection. What does this have to do with the thread topic?

I guess you forgot trump's words on January 6.

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.
So no Pres has ever used the words fight or fighting....fucking IDIOT

Obama: 'Democracy will win if we fight for it'

President Obama: "I need you to keep on fighting"​


Obama's Word of the Day: "Fight"​

President Obama's word of the day is "fight." He used the words "fight" or "fighting" nine times in a brief speech to GM workers in Youngstown, Ohio.

Obama Says in A Speech If Neighbor Doesn’t Agree with You Fight with Your Neighbor
So no Pres has ever used the words fight or fighting....fucking IDIOT

Obama: 'Democracy will win if we fight for it'

President Obama: "I need you to keep on fighting"​


Obama's Word of the Day: "Fight"​

President Obama's word of the day is "fight." He used the words "fight" or "fighting" nine times in a brief speech to GM workers in Youngstown, Ohio.
No other President has sat on his fat ass watching the Capitol be taken over by an angry and violent mob.
No other President has sat on his fat ass watching the Capitol be taken over by an angry and violent mob.
Biden sat on his ass while many cities and a Police station etc burned down ...attacked by angry and violent mobs nationwide for weeks many killed and did NOTHING
So no Pres has ever used the words fight or fighting....fucking IDIOT

Obama: 'Democracy will win if we fight for it'

President Obama: "I need you to keep on fighting"​


Obama's Word of the Day: "Fight"​

President Obama's word of the day is "fight." He used the words "fight" or "fighting" nine times in a brief speech to GM workers in Youngstown, Ohio.
Sure, take trump's comments out of context to defend him.

First he said: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Then further along he says "And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
Biden sat on his ass while many cities and a Police station etc burned down were attacke by angry and violent mobs nationwide many killed and did NOTHING
That’s a lie, Biden has nothing to do with mobs attacking cities. Your stupidity keeps you from understanding how things work.
That’s a lie, Biden has nothing to do with mobs attacking cities. Your stupidity keeps you from understanding how things work.
Yes he does

Insurrection Act​

It was last invoked by President George H.W. Bush in 1992, when he ordered 4,500 troops to Los Angeles after rioting erupted in response to the acquittal of police officers charged with beating Rodney King.

Yes he does

Insurrection Act​

Lol, I guess you don’t recall that the Governor asked for help! Did any governors ask Biden for help?
It was last invoked by President George H.W. Bush in 1992, when he ordered 4,500 troops to Los Angeles after rioting erupted in response to the acquittal of police officers charged with beating Rodney King.


Insurrection Act​

It was last invoked by President George H.W. Bush in 1992, when he ordered 4,500 troops to Los Angeles after rioting erupted in response to the acquittal of police officers charged with beating Rodney King.

Biden could have done the same in the summer of BLM riots...but he did NOTHING

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

BLM riots were fucking nationwide civil disorder

(1) The term “civil disorder” means any public disturbance involving acts of violence by assemblages of three or more persons, which causes an immediate danger of or results in damage or injury to the property or person of any other individual.

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