Southern Politics


Here’s a great column about Reagan, the South, the Southern strategy and some unpleasant political realities for the Republicans. It’s Paul Krugman (who it turns out can’t be my future lover, but that’s another story) so I know it will get the righties all up in arms, but he can’t help being brilliant, why hate him for it? It’s like that old breck commercial, don’t hate him because he’s beautiful!

Republicans and Race

Over the past few weeks there have been a number of commentaries about Ronald Reagan’s legacy, specifically about whether he exploited the white backlash against the civil rights movement.
The controversy unfortunately obscures the larger point, which should be undeniable: the central role of this backlash in the rise of the modern conservative movement.

The centrality of race — and, in particular, of the switch of Southern whites from overwhelming support of Democrats to overwhelming support of Republicans — is obvious from voting data.
For example, everyone knows that white men have turned away from the Democrats over God, guns, national security and so on. But what everyone knows isn’t true once you exclude the South from the picture. As the political scientist Larry Bartels points out, in the 1952 presidential election 40 percent of non-Southern white men voted Democratic; in 2004, that figure was virtually unchanged, at 39 percent.

More than 40 years have passed since the Voting Rights Act, which Reagan described in 1980 as “humiliating to the South.” Yet Southern white voting behavior remains distinctive. Democrats decisively won the popular vote in last year’s House elections, but Southern whites voted Republican by almost two to one.

The G.O.P.’s own leaders admit that the great Southern white shift was the result of a deliberate political strategy. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization.” So declared Ken Mehlman, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, speaking in 2005.
And Ronald Reagan was among the “some” who tried to benefit from racial polarization.

True, he never used explicit racial rhetoric. Neither did Richard Nixon. As
Thomas and Mary Edsall put it in their classic 1991 book, “Chain Reaction: The impact of race, rights and taxes on American politics,” “Reagan paralleled Nixon’s success in constructing a politics and a strategy of governing that attacked policies targeted toward blacks and other minorities without reference to race — a conservative politics that had the effect of polarizing the electorate along racial lines.”

Thus, Reagan repeatedly told the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen — a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud. He never mentioned the woman’s race, but he didn’t have to.
There are many other examples of Reagan’s tacit race-baiting in the historical record. My colleague Bob Herbert described some of these examples in a recent column. Here’s one he didn’t mention: During the 1976 campaign Reagan often talked about how upset workers must be to see an able-bodied man using food stamps at the grocery store. In the South — but not in the North — the food-stamp user became a “strapping young buck” buying T-bone steaks.

Now, about the Philadelphia story: in December 1979 the Republican national committeeman from Mississippi wrote a letter urging that the party’s nominee speak at the Neshoba Country Fair, just outside the town where three civil rights workers had been murdered in 1964. It would, he wrote, help win over “George Wallace inclined voters.”
Sure enough, Reagan appeared, and declared his support for states’ rights — which everyone took to be a coded declaration of support for segregationist sentiments.

Full column:
Our former friend Dixie went into elaborate detail about why Reagan was against the Martin Luther King Holliday, why reagan was against the 1960s civil right legislation; and why reagan explicity chose Philadelphia Mississiippi to make a campaign statement. Evidently, there was no intent to stoke racial divisions or backlash. It was all on the up and up.

sarcasm off.
Oh yeeees---the republican democrat fight. it is ammusing. It is a soap opera--it is a distraction. It is like a bad divorce, where the kids suffer, and the majority of the people are the kids.

Wise up Darla
Southerners call that shit "heritage" and that will never change. How many hundreds of years has it been now since the south was the center of ungodly evil?

The problem for the good ol' boys is that southern demographics are changing and many states in the south will soon join Texas and will have minority majority populations. South Carolina and Georgia are next.

The strategy of follow the racists may ultimately be the death of the Republican Party .. that is if it doesn't kill itself first.

That southern "heritage" as symboled by, and along with, the confederate flag are headed for the garbage dump.
You'd think something as simple and obvious as taking the confederate flag out of the Mississippi flag would be easier.

It wasn't only defeated by a majority, it was defeated 35% to 65%. I mean, that's just plain embarrassing, because that's the same as the ratio between blacks and whites in the state.

It's the same whenever I saw an election for judge last year. A white person went up against a black person. The black person's ads were "I'm the most qualified for the position", and she was, of course, the only actual judge in the race running. The white persons campaign, I assume, was "HOLY FUCK I'M WHITE VOTE FOR ME", but she won pretty easily.... 65% to 35%.
You'd think something as simple and obvious as taking the confederate flag out of the Mississippi flag would be easier.

It wasn't only defeated by a majority, it was defeated 35% to 65%. I mean, that's just plain embarrassing, because that's the same as the ratio between blacks and whites in the state.

It's the same whenever I saw an election for judge last year. A white person went up against a black person. The black person's ads were "I'm the most qualified for the position", and she was, of course, the only actual judge in the race running. The white persons campaign, I assume, was "HOLY FUCK I'M WHITE VOTE FOR ME", but she won pretty easily.... 65% to 35%.

Mississippi isn't a real state .. and why those 35% stay in that buttfuck backwater state of ignorance is beyond me.
BLACK were are you from you ignorant moron.

And fuck you too .. but none of your psuedo-meaningless anger at me changes the reality of the sad and sorry ass state of Mississippi which lives at the bottom of every quality of life measure imaginable.

... you ignorant moron
I don't know the answer to that.
My point was racism is by far not limited to the south.
California is full of racist, and were ever the simpleton cracker hater Blackas is from has a bunch too.:clink:
I don't know the answer to that.
My point was racism is by far not limited to the south.
California is full of racist, and were ever the simpleton cracker hater Blackas is from has a bunch too.:clink:

Who said it was limited to the south?

And "cracker hater" .. that would be you.

Post a single racist statement that I've ever made ..

waiting ...
You talked all that shit about mississippi you fucking moron loser.
Oh, wait please tell me your a college kid so I can dismiss you calling an entire state of millions of people whatever lame ass name you called them.
Why would anybody care about "cracker"? Seriously. Why would you care if somebody called you a "cracker"?
You talked all that shit about mississippi you fucking moron loser.
Oh, wait please tell me your a college kid so I can dismiss you calling an entire state of millions of people whatever lame ass name you called them.

Fuck you and the Mississippi donkey you rode in on asswipe.

I have kids in college and I finished my degree a long ass time ago .. but don't let that stop you from dismissing any of my comments you choose to dismiss .. then stand back and see what effect your dismissal has on any fucking element on the entire planet. It won't mean a goddamn thing.

You're here as entertainment dummy, not as the standard of correctness.