spending our way out of recession

Since Obama wants to be the infrastructure president, I propose that we take this trillion dollar spending bill and train every man between the ages of 25 and 45 as a cop, then give them a cop job in their city of residence. That would practically eliminate unemployment and put lots more cops on the street. A liberals wet dream
Putting all your money into one thing isn't an efficient stimulus package at all. We don't want to go back to paying people to dig and fill up holes.
all of these people that are now working would be spending their money, right? and spending it on what the free market would prove successful. This prevents the propping up of dead and useless business models like the automotive manufacturers and their dead assed union laborers.

If you want a true trickle UP economy, give the money to the people in the form of jobs that serve the community. Not jobs that serve corporate interests. That would just make you a fascist. Right Asshat?
Why only cops?

We could use a few more good teachers out there. Firefighters? Tax Accountants? etc. etc. etc. Anything but more lawyers or more politicians. :cof1:

We worked hard to get where we are.
The literacy rate in the USA has actually dropped in the last 20 years.
16 nations or somesuch have higher literacy rates than we do.
The majority of kids graduating HS do not have the math skills required for college.
We worked hard to get where we are.
The literacy rate in the USA has actually dropped in the last 20 years.
16 nations or somesuch have higher literacy rates than we do.
The majority of kids graduating HS do not have the math skills required for college.

Send everyone from high school with a b average or better to college for free. That'd help the economy.
Send everyone from high school with a b average or better to college for free. That'd help the economy.

And a C or below to tech school.
in my "perfect" world a B would be required for access to college, free or not.

Long term it sure would help.
There is no quick fix for our porblems that will last any length of time. We must plan and work for the long term if we are to maintain any edge in the world.
And a C or below to tech school.
in my "perfect" world a B would be required for access to college, free or not.

Long term it sure would help.
There is no quick fix for our porblems that will last any length of time. We must plan and work for the long term if we are to maintain any edge in the world.

Holy crap, you mean it isn't??? That explains a few things I guess. (Remember that I went to university outside the US).
You think Bush was a B student?

Good point! We talked about this before, I think. There's some process in some of the Ivy Leagues where offspring of alumni (read, "rich alumni") have an almost free pass not only for admission but to go through and get a degree. Rumor had it that GWB took that route.
Not just Bush and ivy league alumni stuff a C student can get into state universities with no problem.

Kinda explains all these MBA's that did not see all this coming.
Good point! We talked about this before, I think. There's some process in some of the Ivy Leagues where offspring of alumni (read, "rich alumni") have an almost free pass not only for admission but to go through and get a degree. Rumor had it that GWB took that route.

The people who make a C average generally don't go to Ivy League schools. There's room in the market for pretty much everyone who wants to go to higher education; as long as you have the money. A government requirement that colleges can't accept students with a B or below GPA would make me or any other civil libertarian uncomfortable.
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Bush was a legacy admissions student. His ACT scores indicated an IQ of around 120; so he is actually smarter than the average American.

Kind of sad when you think about it. :(

IMHO, legacy admissions should be banned. It's affirmative action for rich white people.
Bush was a legacy admissions student. His ACT scores indicated an IQ of around 120; so he is actually smarter than the average American.

Kind of sad when you think about it. :(

IMHO, legacy admissions should be banned. It's affirmative action for rich white people.

Bush was a legacy admissions student. His ACT scores indicated an IQ of around 120; so he is actually smarter than the average American.

Kind of sad when you think about it. :(

IMHO, legacy admissions should be banned. It's affirmative action for rich white people.

How do you conclude IQ from ACT scores praytell?

Also, if legacy admissions go affirmative action should leave with it.