Spitzer's Hooker's MySpace

About 3/4ths of the men I know would sell their ass daily to women if women were as likely as guy to buy a piece.

Lets take a little poll here?

How many of you would have sex for thousands a dollar a pop if you could be picky about who you sold it too?

BB it was about you being paid not the other way arround.

Look you guys I know that most of you would have sex with someone with money if she was good enough looking to do after a night of drinking in at the local bar. I have lots of guy friends and I have seen what you guys will settle for in a pinch even when it costs you the price of a few drinks let alone if someone paid you thousands for a ride. Most men I know are inherently hoish.
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No, I don't feel sorry for her whatsoever. I just don't understand why you feel it necessary to call her "an overpriced priced peace of ass with no redeeming features" simply because she wants to be a lounge singer and was at one time homeless (presumably when she left home at 17 after being abused). What's the piling on all about? Why should she be attacked?
So now I am piling on and attacking because I have truthfully said what she is. A woman that cannot present any other redeeming qualities other than vaginal, anal and oral sex, for money, is a whore. And at 4000 dollars for 2 hours she is an over priced whore. Sorry if my calling her an "overpriced piece of ass with no redeeming features" bothers you, but that is what she was. I will save my sympathy for the woman that Ellliot Spitzer made stand next to him on TV and listen to his drivel about how he has betrayer her and his family and how he must now earn back the trust he shat upon. The Hooker knew what the job was when she took it.
About 3/4ths of the men I know would sell their ass daily to women if women were as likely as guy to buy a piece.

Lets take a little poll here?

How many of you would have sex for thousands a dollar a pop if you could be picky about who you sold it too?
Prostitution is by it's nature NOT PICKY. You are hired to screw the guy with the proper amount of money REGARDLESS of his looks, his weight even his hygiene. Being picky about who you sleep with is called a normal relationship.
Not me for sure...........

About 3/4ths of the men I know would sell their ass daily to women if women were as likely as guy to buy a piece.

Lets take a little poll here?

How many of you would have sex for thousands a dollar a pop if you could be picky about who you sold it too?

I worked hard for what I have..ain't no twenty seconds/minutes of extasy worth that..sorry Q!
Kinda says something about those who are familiar with it huh ?
It is advertised on sites that sell adult toys. Sorry if you are getting that kind of action any more but my girlfriend and I like to play when we have sex. I'm not ashamed of that and don't care who knows.
And why all this concern about the poor abused girl anyway. When someone kills a person and then says they came from an abusive home there is not this kind of sympathy.
And why all this concern about the poor abused girl anyway. When someone kills a person and then says they came from an abusive home there is not this kind of sympathy.

Again, there is no real concern about her. Just a concern about you and your hostility towards this woman (not "girl," asshole) for charging market rates for her services and not being a Victorian Courtesan.

And really, are you comparing the crime of murder, where there is, you know, an actual victim, with the crime of prostitution?

You're a bit on tilt today.
Now the bible says it is better to plant your seed in the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground. Damned sinful fleshlights!
Holy shit batman........

Now the bible says it is better to plant your seed in the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground. Damned sinful fleshlights!

Ya mean all of us that did that as twelve year olds...used fleshlights? OMG I am a sinner after all!:rolleyes: