spoiled children

And if voting for McCain is, in their opinion, the lesser of two evils, does that make them spoiled?

You state they are acting like spoiled children because they threaten to not vote for a democrat (by either voting for McCain, or abstaining.) If it is their honest opinion that McCain is the lesser evil, how is that acting like a spoiled child? Seems to be that you object to crossing party lines. If that is not the case, why is voting for McCain the actions of spoiled children?

And is abstaining from voting any different than posting a futile protest vote? Or are you saying that you, too, act like a spoiled child when you find no candidate worthy of your vote?


personally, i do not like mc's politics, but that does not mean that someone else will - the political differences between bo and hc are trivial compared to the differences between mc and bo or hc

abstaining as i detailed it only works when you know that your political subdivision's (in this case state) vote is a foregone conclusion

what i tried to make clear is that if the vote in your state is close, then vote for the candidate closest to your politics - if you cast a vote in an election but not for the p or vp your vote will still be counted

as for choosing between a dem and a rep is not a clear choice (meaning that you have not been paying attention) and you cannot make up your mind (rather than voting for someone whose politics vary widely from your own) is a totally different thing

the spoiled child aspect is when you choose not to vote for someone whose politics are close to your own to spite your own party registration - in other words, why be a member of a party whose politics vary widely from your own

personally, i do not like mc's politics, but that does not mean that someone else will - the political differences between bo and hc are trivial compared to the differences between mc and bo or hc

abstaining as i detailed it only works when you know that your political subdivision's (in this case state) vote is a foregone conclusion

what i tried to make clear is that if the vote in your state is close, then vote for the candidate closest to your politics - if you cast a vote in an election but not for the p or vp your vote will still be counted

as for choosing between a dem and a rep is not a clear choice (meaning that you have not been paying attention) and you cannot make up your mind (rather than voting for someone whose politics vary widely from your own) is a totally different thing

the spoiled child aspect is when you choose not to vote for someone whose politics are close to your own to spite your own party registration - in other words, why be a member of a party whose politics vary widely from your own

The differences and approach to politics beween Clinton and Obama are far more than trivial. You've bought the party line. Clinton is a plutocrat and war monger, Obama is neither. Those differences may be trivial to you, but not to millions of others .. which illustrates the problem with your "spoiled children" premise. You presume to decide what is acceptable politics for everybody else based on your own interpretation.

Additionally, many people, like myself, are voting for a particular candidate not a political party. Party line loyalty and "lessor of two evil thinking" in spite of bad politics is the very reason why Americans remain trapped in the two party quagmire.