Squad’ Backs Bill to Gut Police, End Prisons more nut hut democrat plans


Verified User
The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans
what would America be like if democrats elected more idiots like this bunch , blow hole joe is already caving into progressive democrats and being a puppet for them.

Democrats like these idiots and the idiots who elect them will destroy America if the get the chance .

what would America be like if democrats elected more idiots like this bunch , blow hole joe is already caving into progressive democrats and being a puppet for them.

Democrats like these idiots and the idiots who elect them will destroy America if the get the chance .


Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that the “Free Beacon” framed what those individuals actually said or proposed.

Amazing all these wingers can never post from even a semi legitimate source, there are plenty of recognized conservative sources out there, instead, we get endless garbage from the likes of the “Free Beacon.” Says it all
Amazing all these wingers can never post from even a semi legitimate source, there are plenty of recognized conservative sources out there, instead, we get endless garbage from the likes of the “Free Beacon.” Says it all

Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that the “Free Beacon” framed what those individuals actually said or proposed.

Amazing all these wingers can never post from even a semi legitimate source, there are plenty of recognized conservative sources out there, instead, we get endless garbage from the likes of the “Free Beacon.” Says it all

Amazing how easy it was to bait Archives and how fast the idiot took the bait. Do you really think I would only check out one link ?

And its obvious you didn't have a clue what was going on in your own party.
You have to love morons like archive who have no clue what their political party is doing and how radical they really are.

I guess being clueless and ignorant must run among many democrats. If you need more links dumb ass just ask, the information is readily available on the net for those smart enough to check before they run their mouth like you.
I have done this several times on the forum just to prove a point . Liberal fall for it every time . They are clueless .




I guess it's time to go buy a better shotgun... I wonder what an AA 12 is going for these days...


I think I'll mix some of these in with a variety of other fully lethal rounds...



That should scare the hell out of idiots like BLM or Antifa...
Bungler Biden's red flag order may put an end to your ability to do so legally.

You know he's got the USPS scanning websites like this one to ID people like you, right?

I live in Arizona and have the 'right' sort of ID to make it easy to get... I should stop by Tombstone Tactical or Legendary Guns and see... I was thinking about getting a single shot breechloading black powder in 40-60 Maynard in any case. I like black powder shooting. That crowd is far nicer and more congenial than the AR-15 bunch...
The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans

Amazing how easy it was to bait Archives and how fast the idiot took the bait. Do you really think I would only check out one link ?

And its obvious you didn't have a clue what was going on in your own party.
You have to love morons like archive who have no clue what their political party is doing and how radical they really are.

I guess being clueless and ignorant must run among many democrats. If you need more links dumb ass just ask, the information is readily available on the net for those smart enough to check before they run their mouth like you.
I have done this several times on the forum just to prove a point . Liberal fall for it every time . They are clueless .





What a joke, when criticizing for using half ass sources he returns in his defense with narratives off of blogs, too funny
The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans

Another option is that the Chinese already run America, and that they are driving us into the ground.

Buckle Up! This is going to hurt!
He'll just claim your other sources are biased, too.

Poor Anchovies.

Don’t have to, his own source discredits his “point,” “two House Democrats,” let’s repeat that, “two House Democrats,” and to get technical, it is only a third of the “squad,” not “the squad” as was projected in the topic post. And on top of that, even the source has to recognize that the “BREATHE Act is unlikely to gain traction in the House, so all that generalizing for nothing

There is a reason the poster had to employ shit sources to “document” his “point”
He'll just claim your other sources are biased, too.

Poor Anchovies.

Don’t have to, his own source discredits his “point,” “two House Democrats,” let’s repeat that, “two House Democrats,” and to get technical, it is only a third of the “squad,” not “the squad” as was projected in the topic post. And on top of that, even the source has to recognize that the “BREATHE Act is unlikely to gain traction in the House, so all that generalizing for nothing

There is a reason the poster had to employ shit sources to “document” his “point”