Squad’ Backs Bill to Gut Police, End Prisons more nut hut democrat plans

The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans

All the while thy have their own security force
no just think how stupid the squads plans are and the fact they are supported by millions of democrats many on this forum.
Now its obvious the squad and others like them in congress are morons and anti American , whats that say about the democrat morons who voted for them ?
The scary scary squad is a right-wing boogieman. They have no power. Pelosi had kept them down. They say things that trigger rightys but they cannot demand legislation.
Amazing all these wingers can never post from even a semi legitimate source, there are plenty of recognized conservative sources out there, instead, we get endless garbage from the likes of the “Free Beacon.” Says it all

"Semi legitimate source" ?

Like the ones that swore to you nightly that Trump colluded with Russia and would never finish his term?

That sort of legitimacy?
I guess it's time to go buy a better shotgun... I wonder what an AA 12 is going for these days...


I think I'll mix some of these in with a variety of other fully lethal rounds...



That should scare the hell out of idiots like BLM or Antifa...

sadly they are impossible to find and new ones are restricted
The scary scary squad is a right-wing boogieman. They have no power. Pelosi had kept them down. They say things that trigger rightys but they cannot demand legislation.

really they are congressional members and joes already sucking up to the progressive left and millions support them
The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans
I’d go further. All police and former policemen should be tried for the genocide of the black race.
The bill would also, an official summary states, funnel unspecified amounts of federal money into massive new grant programs, which would be spent on priorities like school curricula on "colonialism," pilot programs for a universal basic income, and reparations for prostitutes


yes a fine example of democrat stupidity, progressive liberals are complete morons and idiots anti Americans

So Bullet Bob is still having difficulty with the election results- HE STARTS CRYBABY THREADS EVERY DAY NOW OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

Can somebody toss this crybaby a KOTEX or something!