States ask US court to overturn health overhaul

But there would still be a problem because expanding medicare would still mean some people would not qualify. The goal is for everyone to be covered so Medicare would have to be expanded to cover everyone. In that case what would be the difference between that and a full government plan?

The difference? Yurt believes he thought of it, instead of him giving credit to the person who first coined the phrase...Keith Olbermann...LOL
But there would still be a problem because expanding medicare would still mean some people would not qualify. The goal is for everyone to be covered so Medicare would have to be expanded to cover everyone. In that case what would be the difference between that and a full government plan? idea for expanding medicare means that those who do not qualify would qualify....hence "expanding" medicare, instead of creating a new, cumbersome government agency. fix the one we have, expand it to include those who would be covered under the fatally flawed obamacare.

why create a new agency, when such an agency already exists and all you have to do is expand coverage? and X out forcing people to enter into a contract with a private company.
I see people realizing they have to work together, look after each other, as the economy worsens.

Here's a story of how one woman overcame obstacles, took "personal responsibility", struggled until she made it and then....(Excerpt) Brianna Karp entered the workforce at age ten, supporting her mother and sister throughout her teen years in Southern California. Although her young life was scarred by violence and abuse, Karp stayed focused on her dream of a steady job and a home of her own. By age twenty-two her dream became reality. Karp loved her job as an executive assistant and signed the lease on a tiny cottage near the beach.
And then the Great Recession hit.....(End)

Consider the uprisings in the middle east and elsewhere. The spreading of freedom and democracy and capitalism. Everyone entitled to grab all they can. More and more people chasing fewer and fewer resources.

Whether it happens on the other side of the world or at home logic dictates some form of "supervision" will be necessary. The people with little or nothing to lose will be the greater fighter because of that fact as we've seen the correlation with poverty and terrorism. The man trying to provide life's necessities for his family will have a more determined frame of mind than the man unable to afford a vacation.

We see the results of a "capitalist" ideology. From terrorism abroad to building more prisons at home. Only the proverbial blind can not see the direction things are going. History has shown, over and over, when the discrepancy between the Have's and Have-not's reach a certain point the Have's invariably lose.

I believe the majority of people are smart enough to realize that although we'll always have those who feel entitled to more than their share.

then by all means, apple, try to start enforcing socialism and forced communal living. see how far that gets everyone.