Steele Makes RNC Bid Official


Former Maryland Republican Senate candidate and GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele has officially declared his candidacy for Republican National Committee Chairman.

"I want this gig," Steele said this evening on Hannity & Colmes. "And, Alan, I'm coming at you, baby, I'm coming at you!"

Hannity said he would support Steele's candidacy and asked Steele if he would stand for conservatives as Chairman.

"I stand in the tradition of this party," Steele said. "I stand for the values we have fought for. The value of life, the value of the born and the unborn, the value of opportunity, the value of growth."

"It's time to step up and I plan to be that leader to move us forward," Steele said.

And I hope you remain the party of death, just so the GOP continues to have an adversary to vanquish.

Yeah, we'll keep starting unnecessary wars, proliferating guns to whomever we can, appose health care wherever we can, pollute the environment as much as we can because we hate regulation, and oppose abortion even when the mother is certain to die.

Then again, I think you guys have a lock on death. I'll stick with the real pro-life side of things.
Yeah, we'll keep starting unnecessary wars, proliferating guns to whomever we can, appose health care wherever we can, pollute the environment as much as we can because we hate regulation, and oppose abortion even when the mother is certain to die.

Then again, I think you guys have a lock on death. I'll stick with the real pro-life side of things.

The beauty is if you really are man enough to join the military I support you 100% and would do anything for you.
Yeah, we'll keep starting unnecessary wars, proliferating guns to whomever we can, appose health care wherever we can, pollute the environment as much as we can because we hate regulation, and oppose abortion even when the mother is certain to die.

Then again, I think you guys have a lock on death. I'll stick with the real pro-life side of things.

You mean like requesting military action in Darfur or Pakistan. And the proliferation of arms has gone on under both parties - even Carter authorized deals to Afghanistan. Other than that, the larger the government, the better - its time someone proved that the American Dream is a joke.
Great. Another single-issue moron running for leadership of the GOP.

And what a resume. The former, one-term, lieutenant governor of Maryland.

This is so funny, and really gives you an indication of just how long Republicans are going to wander in the wilderness. They get their ass kicked in an election that shows the changing demographics in this country, and they believe the answer is to reach down to their C team, in order to put a black face on their party.

And they really believe it'll work. :p

God, they are so sad.
I wouldn't underestimate Democrats propensity to shoot themselves in the foot. If they go back to being the party of the social welfare state I'll leave them so fast it will make your head spin.
Michael Steele, like most Uncle Tom black Republicans, is in power for no other reason than that the Republicans want to prove that they aren't what they are, the party of white people.
And what a resume. The former, one-term, lieutenant governor of Maryland.

This is so funny, and really gives you an indication of just how long Republicans are going to wander in the wilderness. They get their ass kicked in an election that shows the changing demographics in this country, and they believe the answer is to reach down to their C team, in order to put a black face on their party.

And they really believe it'll work. :p

God, they are so sad.

I don't think the committee chair position has really ever required that big of credentials. I mean, I don't know anything about Mike Duncan's background, and I don't think Terry McCulloch's credentials were that big either. Hell, Dean failed to get nominated and then became DNC chair...
Former Maryland Republican Senate candidate and GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele has officially declared his candidacy for Republican National Committee Chairman.

"I want this gig," Steele said this evening on Hannity & Colmes. "And, Alan, I'm coming at you, baby, I'm coming at you!"

Hannity said he would support Steele's candidacy and asked Steele if he would stand for conservatives as Chairman.

"I stand in the tradition of this party," Steele said. "I stand for the values we have fought for. The value of life, the value of the born and the unborn, the value of opportunity, the value of growth."

"It's time to step up and I plan to be that leader to move us forward," Steele said.


Hello Michael Obama.

Republicans should be begging him to take this post because if Ginghrich gets it, it's back to the stone age for the Republican Party.

I can hear it now, "Yes we can, Yes we can"

:) .. Oh, the irony

'dem times, dey is achangin' :)