Steele Makes RNC Bid Official

Hello Michael Obama.

Republicans should be begging him to take this post because if Ginghrich gets it, it's back to the stone age for the Republican Party.

I can hear it now, "Yes we can, Yes we can"

:) .. Oh, the irony

'dem times, dey is achangin' :)
So far, what I've seen from this guy, he promotes the social conservatism above actual conservatism. It may be just to get the position, but if that is what his aim is, well, Rs are doomed if they pick him.
So far, what I've seen from this guy, he promotes the social conservatism above actual conservatism. It may be just to get the position, but if that is what his aim is, well, Rs are doomed if they pick him.

I'll be blunt - they're interested because he's black and their southern strategy has come home to roost on them, as it was always destined to.

But I agree with you, this would be a fly in your ointment. Because other than this, I do think that the religious extremists who hijacked your party are on their way down and out, along with Sarah.
The narrow minded come in all shapes and sizes, it will be good to see Sarah and him together in Narrowville, it will keep them out of power till they grow up.
What have you seen? He is a fiscal AND social conservative. As a reminder of another fiscal AND social conservative;
I certainly hope so.

The problem that I see is those who promote social "conservatism" above other items I find far more important. I need an R controlled congress to continue cutting expenses to fight to keep more dollars in my pocket not religiously support somebody who spends like its Christmas all year long because they call themselves "compassionate conservative".
Yeah man welcome back. Are you ok with Obama being President?

Actually, I didn't care which corporate plutocrat was elected as president .. neither will be in control.

If McCain had won, we would have divided government, which I believe is best for America. McCain would have had to pass everything he wanted through an overwhelming democratic congress.

Obama's win will bring some superficial changes and might allow America to remake its face globally .. but I don't expect that Obama can or will be in position to maintain the goodwill he has been shown by the global community.

I hope that I am wrong about every damn thing I've said and I'll be shown to be an absolute idiot that doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about .. because at the core, I want what's best for this country.

However ... I don't think so
I certainly hope so.

The problem that I see is those who promote social "conservatism" above other items I find far more important. I need an R controlled congress to continue cutting expenses to fight to keep more dollars in my pocket not religiously support somebody who spends like its Christmas all year long because they call themselves "compassionate conservative".

Bush's faith did not dictate his spending. His desire to get war funding passed did. Think filibuster bargaining. It was wrong-headed. Add to that a republican congress that behaved like spend happy democrats. The GOP has had their ass handed to them. The message clear; "get back to fiscal conservative policy". This does not mean abandonment of social conservative positions, just realignment with traditional conservatism.
Bush's faith did not dictate his spending. His desire to get war funding passed did. Think filibuster bargaining. It was wrong-headed. Add to that a republican congress that behaved like spend happy democrats. The GOP has had their ass handed to them. The message clear; "get back to fiscal conservative policy". This does not mean abandonment of social conservative positions, just realignment with traditional conservatism.

I disagree. I think social conservatism limits the party by alienating more people.

Fiscal conservatism is where their power base exists.

And fiscal conservatism fits the job of government. Social conservatism does not.
I disagree. I think social conservatism limits the party by alienating more people.

Fiscal conservatism is where their power base exists.

And fiscal conservatism fits the job of government. Social conservatism does not.

The power base is spread between both facets. While it is true that not all fiscal conservatives within the party are social conservatives, most all social conservatives within the party are fiscal conservatives. This translates into the one cannot exist without the other. Much like there are different driving forces withing the democrat party, so too the republican party.
The power base is spread between both facets. While it is true that not all fiscal conservatives within the party are social conservatives, most all social conservatives within the party are fiscal conservatives. This translates into the one cannot exist without the other. Much like there are different driving forces withing the democrat party, so too the republican party.

And there are fiscal conservatives in every party.

And, as I said, taking care of OUR money is a duty of the government. Taking care of social issues is not.

The longer the social conservatives are allowed to speak for the republican party, the worse it will be for them.

The biggest complaints I have seen about the republicans is that their they abandoned fiscal conservative principles.

I haven't seen nearly as much fallout for abandoning social conservative principles.
I haven't seen nearly as much fallout for abandoning social conservative principles.

Just as an aside, I think this is why men like Romney and Guliani didn't come close to receiving the nomination and a virtual unknown like Huckabee made quite a showing. I also think it is why there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm by the base in supporting McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. History might show that He wasn't going to win with her but it was clear that he didn't have a prayer without her. That said, I could think of several others that would have energized the base as much as Palin without polarizing independents. In other words, there were better choices out there.
I disagree. I think social conservatism limits the party by alienating more people.

Fiscal conservatism is where their power base exists.

And fiscal conservatism fits the job of government. Social conservatism does not.
Exactly, and it is actually conservative. The creation of laws to limit personal liberties is a really bad fit for most conservatives.
And there are fiscal conservatives in every party.

And, as I said, taking care of OUR money is a duty of the government. Taking care of social issues is not.

The longer the social conservatives are allowed to speak for the republican party, the worse it will be for them.

The biggest complaints I have seen about the republicans is that their they abandoned fiscal conservative principles.

I haven't seen nearly as much fallout for abandoning social conservative principles.

All issues are "social" to some degree or another. Law, which is managed and instituted by public government agencies, oversees mans societal obligations. You cannot divorce social issues from mans governance of himself. Liberals wish to define the social issues to their benefit, and conservatives to theirs. Traditional perspectives on marriage and life have been a part of the GOP since it became necessary to defend them. If the GOP attempts to abandon them now they will never regain power
Former Maryland Republican Senate candidate and GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele has officially declared his candidacy for Republican National Committee Chairman.

"I want this gig," Steele said this evening on Hannity & Colmes. "And, Alan, I'm coming at you, baby, I'm coming at you!"

Hannity said he would support Steele's candidacy and asked Steele if he would stand for conservatives as Chairman.

"I stand in the tradition of this party," Steele said. "I stand for the values we have fought for. The value of life, the value of the born and the unborn, the value of opportunity, the value of growth."

"It's time to step up and I plan to be that leader to move us forward," Steele said.


He'd be awesome. :clink: