Stepping in to look around


Verified User
Hello all,

Some of you may know me from other forums out there. I have been an active political debate message board member for going on 10 years now.

I am a conservative, and please don't confuse that all the time with Republican.

Looking forward to checking out the threads.

Hello all,

Some of you may know me from other forums out there. I have been an active political debate message board member for going on 10 years now.

I am a conservative, and please don't confuse that all the time with Republican.

Looking forward to checking out the threads.


Welcome and watch were you step.
You really don't want to mess up your show by walking into a big steaming pile of Liberal dogma, that some of the left just drop where ever. :D
Welcome! I certainly hope you're more intelligent than some of the right wing nincompoops on here!

Are you a guy or a chick?
Welcome! I certainly hope you're more intelligent than some of the right wing nincompoops on here!

Are you a guy or a chick?

Just so you're aware, Howard; but most of the liberal loons on here, consider the phrase "nincompoop" to be racist in nature.
10-4! I'll keep that in mind....heh, heh....

It's just the ones that get their mind set on the idea that they're the only ones that are right, that you need to watch out for.
There are maybe at least two of them that are able to think for themselves. :D