Storm the Bastille

Nope,.....she's been dead for decades. VERY poor taste btw. Your mama comebacks are spoken by the lowest of the ignorant.
The fact you are too stupid to realize Mason is mentally ill, probably Bipolar, is one reason why you are a shitty boss, Fatboy.

You should be able to recognize people for what they are and determine who can be relied upon and who can't. Not just favor those who kiss your fat ass, son.
You say the dumbest shit.
No, that would be YOU.
No Nazis in America.
None. This is not Germany, and this is not WW2.
Rockwell founded the modern Njazt party in 1959.
It still exists in many states as Charlottesville should have shown you. You are a noise maker.
The so-called 'Nazi American Party' now refer to themselves as the Socialist Party.
Naziism is not socilaist.
Nazis are fascists. That is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. It is theft, like all socialism.
It is a marriage of corporations, the wealthy, and an extreme right-wing party.
Redefinition fallacy (corporation<->fascism, wealthy<->fascism). Buzzword fallacies.
The states created the Constitution. That was because the articles of Confederation were too weak and we needed a more central government to hold the country together. There is no logic in saying states can and would change it. That time is way past.
The States are the ONLY ones that have the authority to change or interpret the Constitution. They HAVE changed it from time to time too. The colonies created the confederation too. They are the only ones that could change it. They are the only one that could destroy it (and thus dissolve the confederation, which they DID).
The Dems, all of them, are absolutely not calling for Civil War,
Lie. Biden himself called for civil war. YOU have also called for civil on numerous occasions. So have other leftist twits. Democrats have also funded and supported attacks on U.S. cities.
Just like you just did, it is rightys who are pushing it.
Inversion fallacy. You are just describing yourself again. This is one of your favorite fallacies. You cannot get away with projecting YOUR problems on anybody else.
You have so much so wrong.
Inversion fallacy.
The fact you are too stupid to realize Mason is mentally ill, probably Bipolar, is one reason why you are a shitty boss, Fatboy.

You should be able to recognize people for what they are and determine who can be relied upon and who can't. Not just favor those who kiss your fat ass, son.

Anti democracy ass lipped traitors

The United States has never been a democracy.
It is DEMOCRATS that conducted the coup. It is DEMOCRATS the committed election fraud (and still do!). It is DEMOCRATS that discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. It is DEMOCRATS that shutdown the economy, causing the current economic depression.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now
Look how many MAGA morons downplayed, supported, or excused political violence.