'Straight-up Nazi'

Really fucktard? In what way?

Typical exchange with a democrat:

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren’t Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in an exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalists pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy

shut up you moron
Gross disrespect for the readers is not tolerated by me.

Suck My DICK if you dont like it.

That proverbial "serve the Pope or die" Freudian slip WW II Nazi concentration camp Mengele "Angel of Death" Christiananality pedophilia holy trinity choice of endure baptize thine eyes by urinations while they genocide pogrom ones parents as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of those burning Bush's Arab health care plan granted standing by Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" Nazi economics baptize thine World Trade Towers & Pentagon followed with that "man is God" "one nation under God with equal justice under law" suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming national religion patriot act.....