Stressed out Trump is binging on junk food

Why do you care? You hate him, so what he eats shouldn't be any concern of yours, now should it?
It is just moderately funny that Trump is so slovenly, gluttonous, and obese.

Going back at least to Eisenhower, our presidents have been reasonably fit - physically and mentally. Trump is just a weird outlier in that respect.

Apparently somebody does :palm:

It is just moderately funny that Trump is so slovenly, gluttonous, and obese.

Going back at least to Eisenhower, our presidents have been reasonably fit - physically and mentally. Trump is just a weird outlier in that respect.


...and someone else is hung up on Trump's appearance. Rather judgemental, aren't you, oh perfect one?
I don't hate Donald Trump! I actually feel sorry for him.

One of my closest friends acts exactly like him sometimes.

I don't feel sorry for him either. He made it to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, you can't be promoted to a better job than that.
I do feel the strength of this nation isn't what it was when I was younger, and certainly not what it was when my father was just out of the Navy
after WWII. But then, no one was burning & looting our cities, vandalizing monuments or becoming "offended" at every turn. The left has divided us.
I don't feel sorry for him either. He made it to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, you can't be promoted to a better job than that.
I do feel the strength of this nation isn't what it was when I was younger, and certainly not what it was when my father was just out of the Navy
after WWII. But then, no one was burning & looting our cities, vandalizing monuments or becoming "offended" at every turn. The left has divided us.

I know my dad. He was in the Navy and the Army. My dad would never allow someone like Donald Trump around him without standing up to him and calling him out for what he is. Knowing my dad, he would probably do much worse to someone like Donald Trump.

My dad did not allow people like Donald Trump to treat other people the way he does- NOT IN HIS PRESENCE!
Not taking the bait on that one.

My father, as manager of a division of the area's largest manufacturer (and myself as manager of a small machine shop) had to deal with people who disagreed with us. It's part of the job.
One of the best welder/fabricators I've ever worked with was a die-hard, tree-hugging liberal. He protested fracking at every opportunity (anong a siti;load of other things), even drove a damn Prius!
He retired at the same time I did (he was diagnosed with cancer, but is doing pretty well now). Our (previous) employer has yet to find anyone who can do either of our jobs, they have to contract out the large parts we made. I still stay in contact with him despite our differing political views.
Trump is devouring fast food — and aides are ‘lighting scented candles’ to cover up the stench

Donald Trump is a connoisseur of the finer things in life, from fast food banquets to high-efficiency toilets capable of flushing away his horrifying fast-food dumps. It’s not surprising, then, that a sad, post-election Trump would spend his time reorienting himself around the things that give him joy, like fine dining and being a nasty old baby who can’t help stinking up his room.

A source in the White House says Trump has been stewing over Biden’s win by planning ways to keep contesting the election results, all while eating mountains of fast food with his pals:

“Insiders described the atmosphere inside the West Wing as ‘manic, exuberant, energized, and toxic,’” the article says. “Some staff [are] lighting rose-scented candles in an attempt to soften the environment—and to combat the smell of fast food delivered to the President and his inner circle.”
This is too funny...;)