Study: False Statements Preceded War

The dems in congress are not eager to investigate the war buildup, because most ? of them supported it.
Of course they supported it. They were told over 500 lies to get them to support it. The question is had they been told the truth would that have been enough? Had Bush said there MAY have been some contact with al Qaeda 6 years prior to 9-11 and we don't have any other evidence of contact since then. Also they MAY have WMD's but right now Hans Blick says they don't have them. But they MIGHT be able to restart their programs. Would this have been enough to get the Congress to support going after Iraq when the people who organized the attack are in Afghanistan? I have said this before and I still believe it. Bush wanted a quick victory in the war on terror. He wanted people to believe there was going to be no problem kicking the shit out of the Islamic horde and so he chose Iraq. The defeat of Saddam and his Army was quick, but the peace was not easy and flower filled as Rumsfeld would have had us believe. And in the mean time we have allowed Al Qaeda to rebuild. And not getting Bin Laden, while not strategically important to us, is still seen as a victory on the part of Alo Qaeda. We have never gotten pay back for 9-11 and we probably never will because we have been chasing all the wrong people.
Of course, the leftists carefully omit explaining why they believe Bush knew the info was false when it was presented. He didn't, in fact - he went with the strong recommendations of his advisers on both sides of the aisle, the vast majority of whome supported the conclusions at the time, for good reason.

There were literally hundreds of reports saying that Saddam had WMDs, was collaborating with Al Qaeda, etc., and a half dozen saying maybe he didn't. Now the Bush-bashers are screaming that he "knew" the hundreds were wrong and the few were right... again, carefully omitting any explanation of how he could have known.

This has been pointed out to the leftist hysterics many times, of course. Looks like enough time has passed since the BUSH LIED crowd was last smacked down and sent packing, that they think people will have forgotten, and they can bring up all their old, discredited accusations again and pretend they have a legitimate argument. The result is the standard circle jerk we're seeing here, with leftists earnestly telling each other how right they are, and few bothering to re-debunk them for the nth time.

Standard tactic of the left. No wonder they hate the "new media", including the internet... it won't forget what they want it to forget.
YOu know that there is probably enough evidence from this group to begin impeachment procedings but this isn't about a blow job this is about war so a couple little white lies to get us on our way to getting rid of such a bad man like Saddam is ok.