Study Finds Surge in Alzheimer's Cases Caused By Covid Vaccines

Bret and Heather were among the first to expose all the lies told by Fauci. They're part of the reason I try to read all your posts. I come to JPP to get my news from you and Moon.
I have assembled a very high quality grapevine, and I have tons of time given that I am retired with few responsibilities, and learning along with sex drugs great food drinks and music are the only things that still get me off at this point.

The way Bret and Heather tell the story the journals used to have as editors great men who were expert in science with long reputations....truth tellers who could be counted on to do the right thing, and could be counted on to have horse sense for the truth. It was decided (when I dont know....60's?) that they had too much power......that the finding of truth should be placed with the greatest minds of the field of study, and thus peer review was born. For those too ignorant to understand game theory this sounded like a great idea, like it should work. It did not remotely work. Now the journals are corrupt, full of bullshit and lies and the trivial, and peer review is a means to keep the corruption going, to keep out the smart truth tellers who would challenge the called science has become we saw very clearly with "I am science" Fauci during the pandemic.....the Fauci and Crew who Atlas says refused to even look at the evidence as they were deciding recommendations for policy.
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"People who are getting multiple [COVID] vaccines, every time they get a vaccine, their immune system ages...and when their immune system ages, they're aging. So, basically, it accelerates your aging process."Senior Research Scientist at MIT Stephanie Seneff (
) describes for Michael Farris (
) how the COVID injections age the immune system, and therefore accelerate the aging process in general. Specifically, Seneff notes that "the spike protein becomes extremely toxic to the epithelial cells in the thymus gland," which, in turn, accelerates aging through a process referred to as "thymic involution." (Thymic involution is a genetically programmed aging process wherein the thymus, an organ in the chest that's key for lymphatic and endocrine systems, shrinks over time.) Partial transcription: "I think the vaccine causes accelerated aging of the immune system, and I've written about that. The vaccine ingredients can be carried to the thymus gland by the immune cells. They go back to the thymus carrying their cargo, and the cargo is the spike protein.And the spike protein becomes extremely toxic tothe epithelial cells in the thymus gland, which causes accelerated aging through what's called thymic involution. "And so people who are getting multiple vaccines, every time they get a vaccine, their immune system ages...and when their immune system ages, they're aging. So, basically, it accelerates your aging process."
There are many of we pure bloods left in this world,....thankfully. Our Adamic DNA is secure unlike the blood that flows thru the wicked.

Surge in Alzheimer’s Caused by Covid Shots, Major Study Finds​

A major new peer-reviewed study has found that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the surging numbers of people being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.

The study, published in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, was conducted by a team of eminent South Korean researchers.

The aim of the study was to identify links between the Covid mRNA injections and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The researchers, led by Professor Jee Hoon Roh of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Korea University College of Medicine in Seoul, analyzed the official government data for a total of 558,017 South Korean individuals.

You won't hear about this type of research done in the USA who's international pharmaceutical companies pretty much own the government and the media.
Total bullshit. The study concludes no such thing.
Peer review now generally functions as a means for those who have established their gravy trains to keep out competition and those who point out that they are lying.

Bret and Heather talk about this all the time.
"Bret and Heather" -- bwahahahaha! The world's foremost authorities on everything crackpot. :laugh:
The conclusion says ‘PRELIMINARY results show a POTENTIAL connection. Why are all Trump supporters inveterate liars?
Just aping their #LasciviousLiarInChief.

It's hilarious that MAGATs will take the word of paid RW talking heads over that of actual degreed scientists, isn't it?
I read the conclusion. You didn’t. Oops.
In the study’s paper, the researchers conclude that “COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines” caused a major surge in “incidences of AD and MCI.”
In the study’s paper, the researchers conclude that “COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines” caused a major surge in “incidences of AD and MCI.”
That is a lie. Bald faced lie.

“Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This warrants the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.”
Just aping their #LasciviousLiarInChief.

It's hilarious that MAGATs will take the word of paid RW talking heads over that of actual degreed scientists, isn't it?
He didn’t look at the study. Because he is lazy and stupid just like the rest of the mental midget MAGA morons.
He didn’t look at the study. Because he is lazy and stupid just like the rest of the mental midget MAGA morons.
They always seem so shocked when someone actually looks at their spurious links and then informs them that that is not what the article quoted actually said. It's like watching hamsters fight. Kind of cute, but sad too. :laugh:
That is a lie. Bald faced lie.

“Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This warrants the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.”
Tell me the truth. You either work for Pfizer or are a large shareholders.
Come on....truth up.