Stunning: 47% want govt to control viewpoints on radio, TV


New member
Not sure what to say about this one. That's unusual for me.

The 1st amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press, of course. And the main reason for that guarantee, was so that government could not punish you for saying certain things (except provably deliberate lies or slander)... and even that standard was to be relaxed for political speech, fortunately for Democrats and the BUSH LIED!! crowd.

And THAT was because the Framers knew well, the kind of abuse and chicanery govt routinely engaged in to suppress unfavorable viewpoints. The best solution they could see, was to flatly ban government from doing it.

Yet here we have a poll from a reputable group (Rasmussen Reports) that found fully half of the American public was just fine with the Federal government examining what viewpoints are being promoted over the airwaves, evaluating them for conservative/liberal or whatever, and ordering changes if they find anything they don't like.

Nearly one-third of the public wanted this for the internet also... and the article almost seemed to regard that as GOOD news.

I weep for my country at times like this. Rights will certainly vanish unless we are vigiliant in defending, or at least guarding, them. But here we have almost a majority who are willing to let them go.

A vague silver lining to this otherwise-black, thunderous cloud? This near-majority wants govt-controlled "fairness", not just on radio (the domain of Limbaugh, Hannity et. al.), but on television too. Apparently they want the leftist views of most mainstream newsreaders controlled ("balanced"), as well as the conservative views of the radio kings. That's one place the leftists who have been pushing the the Constitutional travesty of the "Fairness Doctrine", have NOT wanted to go: They intended government to reach in and control only talk radio where conservatives dominate, not television where liberals dominate.

Thanks for nothing, you 47%.


47% Favor Government Mandated Political Balance on Radio, TV

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nearly half of Americans (47%) believe the government should require all radio and television stations to offer equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary, but they draw the line at imposing that same requirement on the Internet. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say leave radio and TV alone, too.

At the same time, 71% say it is already possible for just about any political view to be heard in today’s media, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Twenty percent (20%) do not agree.

Fifty-seven percent (57%) say the government should not require websites and blog sites that offer political commentary to present opposing viewpoints. But 31% believe the Internet sites should be forced to balance their commentary.
What I find funny, is that with liberals running around saying the Republican party & conservatism is dead, they still can't launch a liberal radio station that anyone wants to listen to.

Democrats love to hid behind the 1st amendment when they are talking about some outlandish point of theirs, but as soon as someone starts questioning them that's the first thing they want to do, deny freedom of speech to the opposing view...
There will be two allowed viepoints: liberal statist fascism, or conservative statist fascism, which differ from each other in public rhetorical emphasis only.
47% Favor Government Mandated Political Balance on Radio, TV

I don't know why this would surprise you....Dims and libs have been pushing this crap for years, in one way or another......poll a blue state in any urban area and get and even greater percentage of scumbags to favor it.....
slowly take the guns and chip away at Constitutional rights little by little and presto chango.....a liberal Fascist state...Obama, Kennedy, Pelosi and the Clintons at the helm...
47% Favor Government Mandated Political Balance on Radio, TV

I don't know why this would surprise you....Dims and libs have been pushing this crap for years, in one way or another......poll a blue state in any urban area and get and even greater percentage of scumbags to favor it.....
slowly take the guns and chip away at Constitutional rights little by little and presto chango.....a liberal Fascist state...Obama, Kennedy, Pelosi and the Clintons at the helm...

Don't forget the Bushes!
If the Bush clan favored this shit, I would have included them.....

I know of no Conservatives that favor the so called "fairness doctrine".....

Its the left wingers that favor taking away our 2nd amendment rights, discrimination through affirmative action, the rights of US citizens for non citizens, limiting free speech by mandating "fairness", income redistribution, limited Marzism, expanded Socialism, etc.
If the Bush clan favored this shit, I would have included them.....

I know of no Conservatives that favor the so called "fairness doctrine".....
They do favor that shit. You were errant in your list.
Its the left wingers that favor taking away our 2nd amendment rights, discrimination through affirmative action, the rights of US citizens for non citizens, limiting free speech by mandating "fairness", income redistribution, limited Marzism, expanded Socialism, etc.

Many neocons are communists who just realize fascism is a more effective route to totalitarianism. Their propaganda is consistent with my claim.
They do favor that shit. You were errant in your list.

Many neocons are communists who just realize fascism is a more effective route to totalitarianism. Their propaganda is consistent with my claim.

Only in your dreams.....

One or three neocons that claim to be communists at the same time are far from "many".....actually I doubt there are any.....

get a clue....
What I find funny, is that with liberals running around saying the Republican party & conservatism is dead, they still can't launch a liberal radio station that anyone wants to listen to.

Democrats love to hid behind the 1st amendment when they are talking about some outlandish point of theirs, but as soon as someone starts questioning them that's the first thing they want to do, deny freedom of speech to the opposing view...

You know, conservatives are the people who will tell you straight to the face that democracy is irrelevant, but then will support the death penalty only by citing how popular it is.
like i have said many times, democracy sucks

a representative democracy sucks less and our former constitutional government sucks but is surviving so far

how about the rights latest bit about bo being the anti-christ

wtf is wrong with our electorate
You know, conservatives are the people who will tell you straight to the face that democracy is irrelevant, but then will support the death penalty only by citing how popular it is.
QFT. Or they will assert straight facedly that there is no such thing as crime when it comes to corporate operations and practices. These are the ones who hold themselves up as moral and religious, which is why I renounce popular morality and religion.
or conservative statist fascism,

No such thing.

Statist fascism is government control of lots of things.

As such, it's almost the exact opposite of conservatism, which calls for government control of only the bare minimum of things needed to preserve liberty and personal responsibility.

I also notice a few neophytes here referring to the Bush administration as "conservative", despite its exploding spending, new entitlements, government control of political speech, and bailouts of private mortgage screwups. People who don't look very closely at what they're talking about, tend to make that mistake.
No such thing.

Statist fascism is government control of lots of things.

As such, it's almost the exact opposite of conservatism, which calls for government control of only the bare minimum of things needed to preserve liberty and personal responsibility.
No bid contracts? 900$ hammer? Subsidies for questionable industries? Bailouts for fannie may? manipulating border policy to glut the labor market? Using the military to open new markets? You have a crack pipe actually in your brain.
I also notice a few neophytes here referring to the Bush administration as "conservative", despite its exploding spending, new entitlements, government control of political speech, and bailouts of private mortgage screwups. People who don't look very closely at what they're talking about, tend to make that mistake.

There are no small government conservatives left in government or politics.
No such thing.

Statist fascism is government control of lots of things.

As such, it's almost the exact opposite of conservatism, which calls for government control of only the bare minimum of things needed to preserve liberty and personal responsibility.

Name the bare minimum that you're referencing.
Democracy sucks?

Can you name one non-democracy in the world that you think is freer than any democracy?

it still sucks, just less than other governments

in a way all governments are democracies, people tend to get the government that they will put up with - until enough decide to revolt