Super Bowl Predictions

If the refs don't let the Patriots defensive backs maul the Falcon receivers it will be a good game. If they do the Pats will blow them out.
That'd be ok as long as they aren't allowed to ride them down the field like an excited dog on someone's leg.
I'm betting on the Falcons.

No interest in the dog and phony show. There is no way in hell that a contest among men playing a child's game can be worth 1500 bucks for the nose bleed seats. Way over hyped. But...I can't stand cheats...thus...Atlanta should win if there is any such thing as Karma.
No interest in the dog and phony show. There is no way in hell that a contest among men playing a child's game can be worth 1500 bucks for the nose bleed seats. Way over hyped.
I agree with Ralph ...
He is absolutely correct in this assessment and opinion...