Support Israel? After 8 Years Of Open Borders & Loading Countries With Muslims?!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Looks like a planned recipe for disaster that after 8 Years of loading Western Civilizations with Muslims from various countries under the guise of Syrian crisis and slandering citizens of those countries and xenophobes etc., how many of them who entered illegally and otherwise support Hamas? Oh right useful idiots don't care and proof is that they kept borders open illegally without screening which is also every indication that this was planned all along.

Oh right Israel has been at war with the muslims for how long, oh right centuries but all of a sudden now after 8 years of open borders our WEF useful idiots are claiming to stand with Israel.

Just remember muslims, it is the useful idiots and the WEF who have been screwing us all over globally while using useful idiots to play us against one another and again factual evidence that they have been conspiring on international levels are the same lies and deceptions they have been forcing upon several countries simultaneously in the precise same way over the past decade especially as of late on Western civilizations.

You want to end this war, first begin with the destruction of religion.

Let's take into consideration that the jews were evicted from about a hundred places including where they now call Israel twice on the old continent before the Germans stepped up and saved them from being slaughtered by the muslims. When the Germans got sick of the Jews pulling their religious garbage (just like a hundred times throughout the old continent before which is why they keep getting evicted and / or threatened to be slaughtered) and when no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers so began what they call the holocaust until the world stepped up and sent them back to Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Funny now how every country who refused to take jews in such mass numbers are being conspired against for divide and conquer by the World Economic forum of which upon looking through it's members and finding most of them are jews. Oh the USA get's spared no mercy, oh yeah first they got sucked into giving Israel Billions every year for decades now since the USA assisted with declaring Israel a state thus making USA citizens go into debt like a bunch of stupid slaves to Israel and all over jews religious garbage always leading to war and divide for centuries.

Oh right, just ignore that religious lies have been leading to war and divide for thousands of years (let alone centuries) and try and pass the blame on anything else because what it means to be religious is to value a factually proven foundation of filthy religious lies more than you value human life and again hence what it means to be religious. OH just keep ignoring the primary problem and keep escalating war and divide like a bunch of stupid idiots uncapable of learning after thousands of years. This is pathetic.

Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything. The religious are such easily brainwashed pathetic liars.

I strongly suspect that useful idiot Biden sent Iran billions knowing the (perhaps planned) possibility that they would arm Hezbollah who have been basically fighting Israel's advanced technology with stick and stones over the years. That Hezbollah would attack Israel (now that Western Civilizations have been loaded with muslims since the 2015 Syrian crisis used as a guise to flood countries from various countries around the world) and useful idiots announce they stand with Israel. That muslims loading into such countries that stand with Hamas are likely going to start going radically ballistic thus start attacking Western civs from within.

Here in North America Obama and Trudeau loaded countries with Muslims since 2015 under muslim terrorist threat and now that they are here the useful idiots are stirring the pot for the physical escalation of World War 3 which already started long ago with the WEF's planning and meddling around the world.

Looks to me like a very real set up of which is likely to follow with SHTF in Western civs if muslims are dumb enough to fall for WEF and useful idiot conspiring.

One other thing, we are all humans and if you stoop to being religious then that is on you. Humans are humans and do not revolve around some scum bags religion of which I notice that Jews go around labelling those not stooping to be Jewish with the vulgar sounding "gentile" rubbish which sounds to me allot more vulgar than the word genital. Again we are humans not gentiles that revolve around your religious garbage you sick religious freaks! Then they blubber and whine when people in retaliation of such a vulgar label refer to jews as kikes.

I love and care about everyone which is why I have been fighting for the destruction of religion for the past 23 years. That doesn't mean I like everyone, that doesn't mean that your actions do not disgust me and it certainly doesn't mean that your ignorance doesn't infuriate me. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy. Oh and remember that the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every single time. It stands to reason that the religious created the word truth because they couldn't pass off their lies as fact.

So what do you value, human life or lies? Religion has got to go, WEF has got to go and it's members thrown in prison and their wealth given back to the countries that they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades. Useful idiots need to be thrown in prison for following through with conspiracy against their own citizens and when they get our of prison in 25 years they had better hope we have turned things around otherwise when they get out they will not stand a chance in lieu of what they have been doing to the world as they eagerly stab everyone else in the back for their own selfish so called delusion of gain! Big tech needs to be released from WEF policies thus everyone banned for not going along with WEF rubbish over the years reinstated. Main stream idiot media fired and replaced with media that reports the news instead of some disgusting, filthy, radical, political agenda while throwing fellow citizens under the bus for selfish gain. Also like here in Canada the 2017 amendment to bill C-16 is used to force oppression on the public where they demand you lie for a group of sickos or lose your job, get fired, get slandered etc. because here in Canada that is when out professionals like scientists, teachers, doctors etc. either left their profession to maintain dignity and others turned their backs on their profession to keep their jobs and all those who had the decency to leave their profession replaced by compulsive obsessive lying deceiving leftist radicals along with unsuspecting immigrants coming to fill the positions. We need to remove such radical garbage from legislation as well remove useful idiot policies from governing institutions and remove flags of oppression (the LGBT's depiction of a rainbow which looks like a rotting skid mark in someone's underwear in lieu of what it represents) and rainbow street paintings which are also symbols of forced oppression in progress. WEF hate groups like LGBT, Antifa, BLM etc. all follow religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else and the WEF conspiring to divide and conquer several countries simultaneously love it because lies lead to war and divide as thousands of years of religious lies already leading to war and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day already proves beyond any shadow of doubt. Don't let them pass the blame, we know where the blame belongs!

Time for you people around the world to wake up! Time to hold useful idiots, WEF members, a bias main stream idiot media and selfish interest groups accountable for real, once and for all along with the destruction of religion for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet!



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
What is apparent, is that you are an IDIOT- if you think Israeli Intelligence just sat on a tip and let their own family members be killed! :palm:

You realize that the cockpits on El Al planes have two doors and both are armoured inside armoured bulkheads and both are locked from inside and once the plane leaves the gate the doors are never opened until the plane reaches its destination, right?
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What is apparent, is that you are an IDIOT- if you think Israeli Intelligence just sat on a tip and let their own family members be killed! :palm:

Who's to say Israeli intelligence didn't get their own families out of the way ...Honestly it wouldn't surprise me you easily brainwashed gullible idiot and here you are trying to call me the idiot to try and make a blame game out of it.

it is a small mind that blames religion for what man does

Man who is stupid enough to follow religious garbage = thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy and some people are gullible / dumb enough to follow.
And here we apparently have Hamas already calling for terror attacks ... gee that was a hard one to see coming (sarcasm) hence it looks like all a WEF set up and here we have blind farts like Geeko trying to act like oh they'd never do that ...

a simple mind blames religion when it is clear man is to blame

its like blaming water for the guy that drinks too much too fast

Or blaming McDonalds for being fat when they've been shoving big macs in their pie holes day after day and year after year.
Who's to say Israeli intelligence didn't get their own families out of the way ...Honestly it wouldn't surprise me you easily brainwashed gullible idiot and here you are trying to call me the idiot to try and make a blame game out of it.

Look Dave, it is tough to watch any innocent victims die at the hands of terrorists! We all share that sentiment.

And yes, you are asking the right questions when you are asking how this all slipped by intelligence- since the HAMAS was actively having Para-glider classes out in the open, and setting up fake villages to train in!

No, I do not think you are an idiot.

But let's not assume anything without proof! OK?

I mean, don't we have enough Conspiracy Theories already?

You realize that the cockpits on El Al planes have two doors and both are armoured inside armoured bulkheads and both are locked from inside and once the plane leaves the gate the doors are never opened until the plane reaches its destination, right?

I've never flown with them, but I'll take your word for that!

Probably not a bad idea as a standard for all airlines in today's hateful world!

Kissinger is right, open borders are a complete disaster for the West. I believe that my current sig nails it.

It will keep getting worse....civilization is being collapsed.....on purpose.
I've never flown with them, but I'll take your word for that!

Probably not a bad idea as a standard for all airlines in today's hateful world!


It's true if you take my word or not.

Jews live we with death since all their neighbors want them dead. Starting as fight with them is a bad idea
I hear you, we are more vulnerable than ever to terrorist attacks that can come from unknowns or "got aways" who crossed. We have captured folks from the terrorist lists at the border, the fact that we have so many "got aways" in the nation is disconcerting. Biden has left us undefended at the borders, invited and incentivized folks to cross illegally and only now suddenly realizes that he should have been building a barrier.

I have never seen a worse president for national security in my lifetime, and I lived through Carter who always made a more positive impact as an ex-President than he did as President.

Now, until we have some evidence all this is just an assumption, and until this pResident does something about it we aren't even looking for that evidence.
It's true if you take my word or not.

Jews live we with death since all their neighbors want them dead. Starting as fight with them is a bad idea

Yes, just as Palestinians do when they challenge their Hamas illegitimate government in any way! Starting a fight with them is a bad idea as well!

They are caught in the middle just trying to survive. They would never have asked for this! They fear the Israelis as much as they fear HAMAS!
Yes, just as Palestinians do when they challenge their Hamas illegitimate government in any way! Starting a fight with them is a bad idea as well!

They are caught in the middle just trying to survive. They would never have asked for this! They fear the Israelis as much as they fear HAMAS!

Palestinians voted Hamas into power. I have little sympathy for them
Palestinians voted Hamas into power. I have little sympathy for them

Bullshit! You got any more jokes:laugh:

Which is no surprise, as you are incapable of sympathy or empathy for anyone!

You are just a miserable OLD FART who wants everyone to be as miserable as you! FUCK OFF ASSHOLE! :laugh:
Look Dave, it is tough to watch any innocent victims die at the hands of terrorists! We all share that sentiment.

And yes, you are asking the right questions when you are asking how this all slipped by intelligence- since the HAMAS was actively having Para-glider classes out in the open, and setting up fake villages to train in!

No, I do not think you are an idiot.

But let's not assume anything without proof! OK?

I mean, don't we have enough Conspiracy Theories already?


Lets look at the larger picture, countries loaded with muslims by useful idiots for 8 years illegally and otherwise and now this to turn those muslims against those countries from within = world economic forum attempting to get western civs to become slaves fighting their filthy religious wars for them like we are that stupid and gullible and to do this it is tangible that they sacrifice a few of their own to get the ball rolling.
I hear you, we are more vulnerable than ever to terrorist attacks that can come from unknowns or "got aways" who crossed. We have captured folks from the terrorist lists at the border, the fact that we have so many "got aways" in the nation is disconcerting. Biden has left us undefended at the borders, invited and incentivized folks to cross illegally and only now suddenly realizes that he should have been building a barrier.

I have never seen a worse president for national security in my lifetime, and I lived through Carter who always made a more positive impact as an ex-President than he did as President.

Now, until we have some evidence all this is just an assumption, and until this president does something about it we aren't even looking for that evidence.

It is no assumption that useful idiots have been loading our countries with muslims for the WEF under the guise of the Syrian crisis for 8 years illegally and otherwise. It is no assumption that useful idiots claiming to side with Israel now that countries are loaded with muslims will lead to conflict within those countries. It is no assumption that this is quite obviously a planned set up to get the world to fight their filthy religious Jewish wars for them with years of prepping western civs with WEF / useful idiot rhetoric exposing such. You die for their sick and filthy religious lies and will you still want people to call it an assumption? Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.