Support the troops!


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These figures are staggering:

Mental health injuries scar 300,000 U.S. troops
Only half of vets have sought help for depression, post-traumatic stress

WASHINGTON - Some 300,000 U.S. troops are suffering from major depression or post-traumatic stress from serving in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 320,000 received brain injuries, a new study estimates.

Bring 'em on!
People get bummed out or depressed when they fight in wars. That's news.

Or at least it's apparently news to various liberal demagogues. Look at them trying to present it a a "new" reason to end the war, as if nobdy knew it would happen before we went in.

These people are so transparent.
"People get bummed out or depressed when they fight in wars. That's news."

Yeah - they especially get bummed out or depressed when they have to serve multiple tours. And I heard they get a little bummed when the rationale for their being there has changed about a half dozen times, and there is no clear exit strategy, as their CIC promised them there would be. I also heard they get a little sad when their CIC asks almost no sacrifice of the rest of the country when they're risking their lives every day, and people don't even want to read about them in the news anymore or think about casualties because they are so tired of the war.

That's all a big bummer for them....
TBI is a big issue in this war because more troops exposed to blasts and such live because of armored vehicles and body armor.
but the brain is a delicate thing and the impact damages it.

They have even dishonorably discharged some because of the TBI effects.
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These figures are staggering:

Mental health injuries scar 300,000 U.S. troops
Only half of vets have sought help for depression, post-traumatic stress

WASHINGTON - Some 300,000 U.S. troops are suffering from major depression or post-traumatic stress from serving in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 320,000 received brain injuries, a new study estimates.

Bring 'em on!

It’s so interesting that you made this post, because I just returned from lunch, and I went to the bank and in the parking lot was a guy in fatigues holding a sign “Vietnam Vet will work for food”. And he was missing an eye, and there was something wrong with his feet when he tried to walk. Honestly it could make you cry. Anyway, it started me thinking, what does “Support the troops” mean to Americans? I wish that I knew.

And something interesting that I noticed is that women were stopping their cars to give him money, not men. I don’t know why that is.

Of course, I didn’t. I acted like a typical commie anti-American terrorist supporting codepinker. I threw a f’ing beer bottle at him and screamed “Baby Killer” out my window.
"Of course, I didn’t. I acted like a typical commie anti-American terrorist supporting codepinker. I threw a f’ing beer bottle at him and screamed “Baby Killer” out my window."

That's pretty good - best laugh I've had today.

Makes ya think, though. I think the way Vietnam vets were treated when they got back led to the current popular definition of "supporting the troops", which is a bit overboard, almost like the nation is trying to overcompensate in the other direction. Now, we aren't supporting them by merely singing their praises & honoring their service; we have to blindly agree with & praise the woeful decision of a woeful flunkie who never fought, never went abroad before becoming President and was determined to go to war no matter what happened. If we don't, we're traitors, and certainly not "supporting the troops."

Bummer that those guys are still begging, though; I used to see them all the time in NYC. I thought vets got some sort of monthly check from the gov't? It's probably nowhere near enough in this area. That's one thing I wholeheartedly support; making sure that vets never have to be in that situation.
There was a very informative show on PBS close to a year ago abouty TBI.

Some will make good voters since they cannot remember what happened yesterday.

I don't even see as many chinese magnetic ribbons on the cars lately.
"Of course, I didn’t. I acted like a typical commie anti-American terrorist supporting codepinker. I threw a f’ing beer bottle at him and screamed “Baby Killer” out my window."

That's pretty good - best laugh I've had today.

Makes ya think, though. I think the way Vietnam vets were treated when they got back led to the current popular definition of "supporting the troops", which is a bit overboard, almost like the nation is trying to overcompensate in the other direction. Now, we aren't supporting them by merely singing their praises & honoring their service; we have to blindly agree with & praise the woeful decision of a woeful flunkie who never fought, never went abroad before becoming President and was determined to go to war no matter what happened. If we don't, we're traitors, and certainly not "supporting the troops."

Bummer that those guys are still begging, though; I used to see them all the time in NYC. I thought vets got some sort of monthly check from the gov't? It's probably nowhere near enough in this area. That's one thing I wholeheartedly support; making sure that vets never have to be in that situation.

In San Francisco I've seen different people occupy the same street corner with the same sign. I don't want anyone on the streets but I hope people use the Homeless Vet signs because they think it will help and they are not real vets.
"Of course, I didn’t. I acted like a typical commie anti-American terrorist supporting codepinker. I threw a f’ing beer bottle at him and screamed “Baby Killer” out my window."

That's pretty good - best laugh I've had today.

Makes ya think, though. I think the way Vietnam vets were treated when they got back led to the current popular definition of "supporting the troops", which is a bit overboard, almost like the nation is trying to overcompensate in the other direction. Now, we aren't supporting them by merely singing their praises & honoring their service; we have to blindly agree with & praise the woeful decision of a woeful flunkie who never fought, never went abroad before becoming President and was determined to go to war no matter what happened. If we don't, we're traitors, and certainly not "supporting the troops."

Bummer that those guys are still begging, though; I used to see them all the time in NYC. I thought vets got some sort of monthly check from the gov't? It's probably nowhere near enough in this area. That's one thing I wholeheartedly support; making sure that vets never have to be in that situation.

I don’t know, I thought they could get a monthly check too if they are disabled. I thought that maybe he wasn’t actually wounded in Vietnam. I think that if he is there again next week, I might ask him about that. He did not seem mental or dangerous or anything. I mean, he was no BB. It would probably be safe to ask him a couple of questions. Sometimes guys like that appreciate being asked a question, because even people who give them money don’t want to actually talk to them.
In San Francisco I've seen different people occupy the same street corner with the same sign. I don't want anyone on the streets but I hope people use the Homeless Vet signs because they think it will help and they are not real vets.

Well, contrary to what Bill O’Reilly claimed, there are homeless Iraq Veterans on the streets today. So, we can hope all that we want Cawacko, but some of them are for real. I’m sure there are some fake vets mixed in there, I’m not naïve, but plenty of them are on the up and up and are really veterans.
Well, contrary to what Bill O’Reilly claimed, there are homeless Iraq Veterans on the streets today. So, we can hope all that we want Cawacko, but some of them are for real. I’m sure there are some fake vets mixed in there, I’m not naïve, but plenty of them are on the up and up and are really veterans.

I don't watch O'Reilley so I have no idea what he said. The homeless I come across most with the Vets signs are in their 50's and 60's which is not to say they couldn't have fought in Iraq but I would guess are probably Vietnam vets.
Bill O'Reilly was pretty funny (tragically so) on this topic. In railing against Edwards, he said something to the effect of "we have put it out there on this show a few times for homeless veterans to get in touch with us, and we haven't gotten 1 call."

Think about that.
without a doubt I support the troops, I just think that we should be supporting them while they are at home