Survival Of The Fittest!


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"Survival of the fittest" is an old phrase, not new at all. My question..........

Do you believe in survival of the fittest on human scale?

Of course it was made for the food chain. Why not take it a step further (R)ight?
"Survival of the fittest" is an old phrase, not new at all. My question..........

Do you believe in survival of the fittest on human scale?

Of course it was made for the food chain. Why not take it a step further (R)ight?

Where the fuck did you ever get the idea that humans weren’t already part of the ”food chain” moron? Duh!!! Ah, actually, we’re like at the TOP of the food chain idiot!

You better stick to your delirious terror and anxiety of Fox News Goober. At least that shit is humorous.
"Survival of the fittest" is an old phrase, not new at all. My question..........

Do you believe in survival of the fittest on human scale?

Of course it was made for the food chain. Why not take it a step further (R)ight?

I think "survival of the fittest" is what we're avoiding with civilization. We didn't like having nasty, brutish, short lives where the nastiest people "win". And given our medical technology (and depending how you define "fittest") we can definitely say that people are surviving who aren't the fittest.

Read an interesting article years ago, with a theory re autism - basically, that people who were somewhat autistic used to not get married and thus didn't propagate their genes; but that the rise of computers gave these somewhat autistic people good jobs and social standing, so now they were getting married, having kids, and that's why there's more autism lately.

No idea if that's at all true, but it does show that "fittest" varies over time and depends on the circumstances.

Anyway, I'm glad we have compassion and take care of each other.

I am sorry that so many think of humans as "above" other species and thus think we have the "right" to kill them (aside from basic food needs) and to ruin their environment with impunity. Global climate change is showing us nature may not care about OUR definition of "fitness"
I completely believe in survival of the fittest. Means these losers are a dying breed!




Thankfully, liberals (particularly gays) are of superior intelligence, so we'll be around til the end.
Capitalism isn't about survival of the fittest. No, when a parent's financial standing is one of the best ways of determining persons' success, "fitness" has nothing to do with it.

And we're a developed species. When someone's fighting for their life in the Darwinian sense, we can easily end that struggle - survival of the fittest is no longer a meaningful human concept.
Capitalism isn't about survival of the fittest. No, when a parent's financial standing is one of the best ways of determining persons' success, "fitness" has nothing to do with it.

And we're a developed species. When someone's fighting for their life in the Darwinian sense, we can easily end that struggle - survival of the fittest is no longer a meaningful human concept.

Horseshit! Today “survival of the fittest” is a political term relating to who is best positioned politically to bribe the most fucking votes from the fucking idiots.
Horseshit! Today “survival of the fittest” is a political term relating to who is best positioned politically to bribe the most fucking votes from the fucking idiots.

And what's pissing you off the most is that the tried and true tactic isn't working much anymore for your side.

People don't believe it anymore. It started during the Enron thing and has expanded ever.since.
Horseshit! Today “survival of the fittest” is a political term relating to who is best positioned politically to bribe the most fucking votes from the fucking idiots.

Or CHEAT people out of their votes.

the republican party is all about BIG money and cheating because their ideas are historically failed ideas.

Why do they embrace historically failed ideas even in light of the complete failure of Bush who used their historically failed ideas and caused havock?

Because those ideas are NOT designed to make a better world for all.

The ideas the republican party touts are designed to create an Boom and Bust society which aids the wealthy in consolidating the wealth in this country to them.

look at the results of your ideas folks.

the Austrian idiot out look that the market is magic and just let the survival of the fittest solve all our economic problems and it will all be cured automatically by the unfettered market is bought and paid for bullshit by the wealthy.

some dupes love to be duped
You vile, evil obese liberal, why do you hate autistic people?
I guess the miserable need to hate someone!!
Autistic people get laid, ugly, fat, smelly lardasses don't.

sorry to hear you never get laid.

dude its why Im always telling you

Fuck you very much
ahhhh how cute he called me a cunt.

Dude get you sex from someone else.

I think you misunderstand the meaning of FUCK you very much
survival of the fittest is the natural order of life. to deny it is to deny reality. that doesn't mean that as a society we can't relax the standards, if anything to at least cull the lazy assed bottom feeders that suck society of life.
That is the whole Austrian stupidity thingy.

Unfetter the markets and allow them to work naturally.

then every thing will be on the automatic setting and all will be bliss.

The problem is we have had a time in history when the markets were unfettered.

It created the consolidation of wealth into the hands of kings.

Its what MADE kings and queens folks.

Tell me why we don't run the world with Kings and Queens anymore if it was so great?
survival of the fittest is the natural order of life. to deny it is to deny reality. that doesn't mean that as a society we can't relax the standards, if anything to at least cull the lazy assed bottom feeders that suck society of life.

On all the evidence or survival, ants are superior to Darwinist strutters and Yank racists by a longshot. 'Superiority' is a meaningless notion here. Species and individuals survive who fit the changing circumstances, that's all.
And what's pissing you off the most is that the tried and true tactic isn't working much anymore for your side.

People don't believe it anymore. It started during the Enron thing and has expanded ever.since.

What the fuck are you talking about Goober?
Or CHEAT people out of their votes.

Cheating folks out of their votes is illegal. Where’s Tim Geithner and Obama’s Justice Department and the prosecutions of them bastard criminal vote cheating Republicans Goober?
I think "survival of the fittest" is what we're avoiding with civilization. We didn't like having nasty, brutish, short lives where the nastiest people "win". And given our medical technology (and depending how you define "fittest") we can definitely say that people are surviving who aren't the fittest.

Read an interesting article years ago, with a theory re autism - basically, that people who were somewhat autistic used to not get married and thus didn't propagate their genes; but that the rise of computers gave these somewhat autistic people good jobs and social standing, so now they were getting married, having kids, and that's why there's more autism lately.

No idea if that's at all true, but it does show that "fittest" varies over time and depends on the circumstances.

Anyway, I'm glad we have compassion and take care of each other.

I am sorry that so many think of humans as "above" other species and thus think we have the "right" to kill them (aside from basic food needs) and to ruin their environment with impunity. Global climate change is showing us nature may not care about OUR definition of "fitness"

There's more autism because of more toxins in our water, food, products, etc.
Survival Of The Fittest on a national scale makes a strong nation.

When a national/federal government uses the poor to justify the taking of money to take care of the poor, a nation becomes weak. It makes people poor, people who would normally not be dependent find themselves dependent on all kinds of things that they normally wouldn't be.