Survival Of The Fittest!

I'll venture a guess that I've already "survived" longer than you and I haven't done it by supporting any fucking corrupt political party. I've done it in spite of the fucking corrupt political parties!

You have survived by the grace of the people living around you.

how any idiot can claim the "did it all myself" in a society so entwined as we have today is beyond the pale
what makes you think your example guy doesn't survive by cooperation?

jesus you live in a make believe world

Could you rephrase your statement, so I can actually understand.

Accept the part about jesus. I understood that.
I'll venture a guess that I've already "survived" longer than you and I haven't done it by supporting any fucking corrupt political party. I've done it in spite of the fucking corrupt political parties!

You've done it by cursing and swearing perhaps, but certainly not by being fit for anything that matters. I am 300 years old, and wearing well, kid.

I'm sorry. I cannot read Classic Liberal's posts anymore.

They always remind me of a grouchy, senile old bigoted man shaking his fists in the air screaming and then I laugh uncontrollably.
Could you rephrase your statement, so I can actually understand.

Accept the part about jesus. I understood that.

I will type it slowly for you.

the plumber in your example owes his business success to the community around him.

without that community he has NO job.

He didn't do it alone he had to have a society in which to operate his plumbing business fool
I will type it slowly for you.

the plumber in your example owes his business success to the community around him.

without that community he has NO job.

He didn't do it alone he had to have a society in which to operate his plumbing business fool

See, that wasn't so hard.

But he is a capitalist. Wouldn't you say?

Providing a service that has a demand?
So the A/C & Heating small business self employed one man show capitalist business owner is a thief.

Why do you hate people trying to feed their families who don't work for someone else?

You know,,,, a capitalist.

A man who works for himself is middle class. Most people work for OTHER people, who steal about half of what they earn, as you know. 'Liberty' my American Elbow!
A man who works for himself is middle class. Most people work for OTHER people, who steal about half of what they earn, as you know. 'Liberty' my American Elbow!

Most middle and lower class actually MAKE what the top % profits. The top % have no clue how to manufacture what they are making profit on. This is fact. They simply had the money to invest because they weren't born to two black crackheads *sry for the profiling concept*
Where the fuck did you ever get the idea that humans weren’t already part of the ”food chain” moron? Duh!!! Ah, actually, we’re like at the TOP of the food chain idiot!

You better stick to your delirious terror and anxiety of Fox News Goober. At least that shit is humorous.

I didn't think too many Right idiots would bite on this topic. Because "Survival of the Fittest" shouldn't include Humanity.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

basic stuff here people. Thanks for playing .........
I hunt, fish and the like. I am similar to the Indians when I take life as in "Only take what you need from the Earth" Unlike, big Corporate coal/oil etc.

To assume that certain classes of humans are more "fit" than others is basic ignorance. We are the dominant chain. But using "Survival of the Fittest" on a human level makes you weak minded and an absolute non-thinker.