Swallowing semen reduces breast cancer according to study


New member
You know what this means girls, if you want to be healthy then don't spit it out.

n a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio and swallowed the ejaculatory fluid, over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not.

https://web.mit.edu/zoz/Public/CNN-Fellatio.htm#:~:text=In a study of over,than those who had not.
Men get breast cancer, too, sooooooo

Good point!

From the link:

"I think it removes the last shade of doubt that fellatio is actually a healthy act," said Dr. A.J. Kramer of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who was not involved in the research. "I am surprised by these findings, but am also excited that the researchers may have discovered a relatively easy way to lower the occurrence of breast cancer in women."
My ears perked up when a little while back I got told that an embryo is more likely to get fertilized if the woman cums.
Breast feeding is such a wonderful high

It’s one thing in life you dudes just miss out on

It’s a beautiful feeling through your entire body and brain

I never tell many about how awesome it was

Some women can’t breast feed for a number of reasons

I always fear making them feel bad and that they missed out on something

But truthfully it was one of the best experiences I ever had being human

I have Dolly Parton sized boobs

I took a lot of shit for it in my pre child life

After breast feeding I appreciated my boobs more

Any size is perfectly good for breast feeding

But for me it made me love my breasts after years of being kinda pissed that they were so big

After breast feeding I could better face the asshole comments men gave me all my life