
Imagine if he called Hillary "sweetie". It isn't a habit... At least not with people he thinks of as equals it isn't.

That being said, it really is not that big of a deal. He'll be more careful and this will blow over.
It was a stupid thing to say. He has since called her personally and left her a phone message answering her question and apolgizing for calling her sweetie.
And he lied: "I do it sometimes with all kinds of people."

If McCain brushed off a female reporter you'd be howling for his blood.

What a hypocrite you are.

Drama queen alert!

There is false outrage on both sides, but the right has mastered it. They're like the Michael Jordan of false outrage.
Everyone says stupid shit from time to time.

The best judge of Barack's character, pertaining to respect for women, is his wife. She knows better than any hack on this board, if Obama is a misognistic asshole. There's no way an accomplished, educated, and powerful woman like that is going to put up with a misogynist.

I'm quite sure Obama doesn't use McCain-language like trollop, or c*nt. Particularly on his wife. Michelle Obama would deck him, and rightly so, if he called her a c*nt. Of that I'm certain.
Politician's wives are hardly the measure of a politician's character.

The problem we are seeing with Obama, while none of them significant by themselves, are the direct result of Obama's lack of experience. While on the one hand it gives us a politician who does not have his abilities fine honed to smile and spout trite meaningless phrases like others politicians, on the other he has a tendency for making verbal faux pas that could wind up giving his opponents more ammo in the "elitist" charges. First we have him stating people are "clinging to their guns or religion" which was a very unwise thing to say, nor did his later explanation do much to alieve the situation. He seems to be unaware that there are people who believe issues like gun control and freedom of religion are more important than the economy, and has the arrogance to indicate that the only reason for being concerned with such issues is despair over the issue HE deems as the important one.

Now calling a reporter "sweetie"? I mean, what the HECK?!? That is about as arrogant and stupid as they come. Not even Bush is that dumb. And while he may have apologized later, the act of calling a reporter "sweetie" who asked an unexpected question DOES indicate an attitude that Obama had better get pulled in under his hat and kept in tight reign.
"Now calling a reporter "sweetie"? I mean, what the HECK?!? That is about as arrogant and stupid as they come. Not even Bush is that dumb. And while he may have apologized later, the act of calling a reporter "sweetie" who asked an unexpected question DOES indicate an attitude that Obama had better get pulled in under his hat and kept in tight reign."

Give me a fucking break. "Not even Bush is that dumb?" The guy who massaged the German Chancellor's shoulders? The guy who said OBGYN's should be free to "practice their love?"

The false outrage over this on the right is over-the-top, times 10.
What is worse - calling a reporter "sweetie" or referring to another world leader as "Yo, Blair"?
Politician's wives are hardly the measure of a politician's character.

The problem we are seeing with Obama, while none of them significant by themselves, are the direct result of Obama's lack of experience. While on the one hand it gives us a politician who does not have his abilities fine honed to smile and spout trite meaningless phrases like others politicians, on the other he has a tendency for making verbal faux pas that could wind up giving his opponents more ammo in the "elitist" charges. First we have him stating people are "clinging to their guns or religion" which was a very unwise thing to say, nor did his later explanation do much to alieve the situation. He seems to be unaware that there are people who believe issues like gun control and freedom of religion are more important than the economy, and has the arrogance to indicate that the only reason for being concerned with such issues is despair over the issue HE deems as the important one.

Now calling a reporter "sweetie"? I mean, what the HECK?!? That is about as arrogant and stupid as they come. Not even Bush is that dumb. And while he may have apologized later, the act of calling a reporter "sweetie" who asked an unexpected question DOES indicate an attitude that Obama had better get pulled in under his hat and kept in tight reign.

Actually Bush massaged the German Chanceller and she publically recoiled in horror, so I don't know what you mean by "not even bush". I also personally witnessed Bush being interviewed by a highly attractive BBC reporter, and at one point, he turned red, shifted around in his seat in a manner I am, somewhat familar with (and it doesn't indicate, "you remind me of my sister), and then mumbled to her, on camera, "you really have beautiful eyes, I mean, just beautiful" So really, what are you talking about? Are you just making up stuff again?

This is all a bunch of nonsense. He didn't say it in a condescending way. I thought it showed that he was a down to earth guy, far more down to earth than many would have us believe. I don't think he had anything to apologize for.

That would be it for me, i'm afraid. I could have seen him as a potential President if he's opted for a "darling" or, at a push, "sugarplum". However, "sweetie" is a step too far.

I think i'd rather opt for "obliterating" Iran. I have a conscience, even if you people don't.

Politician's wives are hardly the measure of a politician's character.

The problem we are seeing with Obama, while none of them significant by themselves, are the direct result of Obama's lack of experience. While on the one hand it gives us a politician who does not have his abilities fine honed to smile and spout trite meaningless phrases like others politicians, on the other he has a tendency for making verbal faux pas that could wind up giving his opponents more ammo in the "elitist" charges. First we have him stating people are "clinging to their guns or religion" which was a very unwise thing to say, nor did his later explanation do much to alieve the situation. He seems to be unaware that there are people who believe issues like gun control and freedom of religion are more important than the economy, and has the arrogance to indicate that the only reason for being concerned with such issues is despair over the issue HE deems as the important one.

Now calling a reporter "sweetie"? I mean, what the HECK?!? That is about as arrogant and stupid as they come. Not even Bush is that dumb. And while he may have apologized later, the act of calling a reporter "sweetie" who asked an unexpected question DOES indicate an attitude that Obama had better get pulled in under his hat and kept in tight reign.

Oh good God, I'm nominating this post for best faux outrage on jpp of the year.

Will you guys give it up? I've never seen such desparation and flailing around for something - anything - to distract from 8 years of failed republican policies. You've tried the "black racist church" angle on obama. It's not going to save McCain. Laughably trying to paint this incident as evidence of Obama being a bumbling misogynist is laughable. Especially, as others have noted, Bush has been giving unrequested and unwarranted massages to female world leaders.

I don't think a woman like Michelle Obama is going to put up with a misogynist. The fact that he was lucky enough to marry her, tells me all I need to know about his respect and social skills towards women.
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