Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, what you've done is a violation of the rules by altering the orginal word content of someone's post. If you don't have the intellectual capacity/honesty to debate the issue rationally and factually, then don't post.

Thanks for proving my point, Mac.
Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's dumb is your persistence in trying to rewrite recent history and ignore what you don't like.

FACT: In 2008, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to roll back the high-end cuts, but a Democratic Senate balked at muscling through that change. After making huge gains in the November 2010 midterm elections, Republicans announced they would block all legislation in the lame-duck session that followed until all the cuts were extended. - NY Times

Not my "contention" you idiot! A matter of fact and history that can be corroborated by the WSJ, Businessweek, etc.

As for your clip....Obama explains what his plan was/is....your 2.5% growth claim has no date or reference or documentation. In short, you're just as insipidly stubborn as ever, Mac

The part I bolded is the only thing that the NYTimes got right in that pap....Look, you and I both know, if we are being intellectually honest that is, that Obama's entire Presidency has been anchored on the "I WON" meme. We can tell that by him today rolling out the exact same rhetoric he was spewing before he caved in '10. Obama talks a big game about compromise, but that is a funny word for libs. They think that compromise means do things our way.

And here is a sterling example of willful ignorance and denial by neocon/teabagger flunkies. I've highlighted what Mac just can't deal with, that while Democratic Senators may have balked but they were NOT against letting the tax cuts expire, the ENTIRE GOP (Hous & Senate) vowed to STOP gov't until they got their way. BIG difference that only the intellectually dishonest like MAc would pretend didn't happen or is not significant.

Demo's held congress since '06, and all three branches from '08, to '10 when they lost the house. Since then any valid compromise has been tabled by Harry 'a little birdy told me' Reid. And blaming it on everything from ATM's and Mall kiosks, to it being Repub's fault. NOT ONCE has Obama in 4 years taken responsibility for a damned thing. He is a dishonest pussy.

And again, Mac fails to mention that the Democrats NEVER had the majority vote in the Senate during the time periods mentioned, of which the GOP exploited with an unprecedented use of the filibuster. Typical neocon/teabagger intellectual dishonesty that is the core of their revisionism.

Now, he is starting up the class warfare, and raise taxes on the rich crap for his election because he can't run on his failure of a record. So let's just drop the crap can we?

Oh my God, is Mac really this bum as to parrot the absurd Rov/Norquist mantra fed through Drudge? How in the hell is making the people who have financially screwed HIM pay their fair share of taxes is "class warfare". The "class" YOU are defending Mac, have outsourced, downsized and off-shored without a piss of a concern for YOU. Grow the fuck up and deal with it, will ya please?