Taxpayers face heavy losses on auto bailout

so it's your opinion that if a business becomes 'too big to fail', then the taxpayers should be beholden to pay it's cost of not failing? If that's the case, we've gone way beyond anything this country was supposed to be and might as well just rip up the constitution and the US Code.

Honestly, I wish there wasn't even a concept of "too big to fail." It's a failing of this country that anything DID get too big to fail.

I'm just addressing the reality. To me, letting GM fail at that time would have been pennywise, pound foolish; or, to use another cliche, cutting off our nose to spite our face.
Honestly, I wish there wasn't even a concept of "too big to fail." It's a failing of this country that anything DID get too big to fail.

I'm just addressing the reality. To me, letting GM fail at that time would have been pennywise, pound foolish; or, to use another cliche, cutting off our nose to spite our face.

The reality is we can let it fail and society would recover and be Stronger and healthier.

All that face and nose bullshit is just a poorly chosen metaphor.
one of these days it's probably going to shock the shit out of you when you realize that the dems and the repubs are just two sides of the same coin and they both have fucked us out of those billions. will you still be pointing fingers at Bush after that?

What's the deal with Republicans trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for voting for the worst president in modern history, not just once but twice?

Iran isn't "in the past" you hack. We're still paying for your decision to help Bush lie us into war.

As for me, I'd rather spend 40 billion to save a key american manufacturing industry and good paying union jobs, than spend two trillion dollars to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us. If manufacturing and union jobs bail on this country we are totally fucked.

Republicans obviously feel the exact opposite.
What's the deal with Republicans trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for voting for the worst president in modern history, not just once but twice?

Iran isn't "in the past" you hack. We're still paying for your decision to help Bush lie us into war.

As for me, I'd rather spend 40 billion to save a key american manufacturing industry and good paying union jobs, than spend two trillion dollars to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us. If manufacturing and union jobs bail on this country we are totally fucked.

Republicans obviously feel the exact opposite.

Approximately 1 trillion dollars. You are only allowed to talk about projected costs when discussing Obama. Got it?
What's the deal with Republicans trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for voting for the worst president in modern history, not just once but twice?

Iran isn't "in the past" you hack. We're still paying for your decision to help Bush lie us into war.

As for me, I'd rather spend 40 billion to save a key american manufacturing industry and good paying union jobs, than spend two trillion dollars to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us. If manufacturing and union jobs bail on this country we are totally fucked.

Republicans obviously feel the exact opposite.

Smarterthanyou is not a republican, you queef. Secondly. This is good money after bad business. Foolishness writ large. And it's fascism. Texbook fascism.
$23 bill is peanuts compared to how much the economy would have lost if GM had gone under; absolutely peanuts.

I have noticed that there are many who have a difficult time making the connection between GM's failure and their own life. You'll just have to trust me: you're wrong if you think it wouldn't have mattered to you.

Yes, our whole economy rested on the fate of a shitty car maker.

I don't suppose you have anyway of providing evidence to prove any of this?

How about you go through the steps that would have occurred for us hadwe not bailed them out. I'm interested is what you think connects the entire economy to GM
Yes, our whole economy rested on the fate of a shitty car maker.

I don't suppose you have anyway of providing evidence to prove any of this?

How about you go through the steps that would have occurred for us hadwe not bailed them out. I'm interested is what you think connects the entire economy to GM

Bush seemed to think it did and so did many of your elected representatives. ie Republicans.

After all he is the one that set up the bailout.
Another laughable Obama Dem. fuck-up....

A vehicle at 15 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 800 gallons a year of gasoline.

A vehicle at 25 mpg and 12,000 miles per year uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average clunker transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles –– so that's 224 million gallons / year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil. 5 million barrels of oil is about ¼ of one day's US consumption. And, 5 million barrels of oil costs about $350 million dollars at $75/bbl.

So, we all contributed to spending $3 billion to save $350 million.

How good a deal was that ???

But just think, they'll probably do a great job with health care.

More liberal logic unveiled...:cool:
What's the deal with Republicans trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for voting for the worst president in modern history, not just once but twice?
whats the deal with some liberals in here who can't get it through their thick ass skulls that I'm not a republican. does it jack your world that much that more than left and right exist?

Iran isn't "in the past" you hack. We're still paying for your decision to help Bush lie us into war.
who said anything about iran?

As for me, I'd rather spend 40 billion to save a key american manufacturing industry and good paying union jobs, than spend two trillion dollars to invade a nation that wasn't a threat to us. If manufacturing and union jobs bail on this country we are totally fucked.
did we save it? would 80 billion have saved it? 180 billion? no, no amount of money gift given to GM would have saved it because their business model sucked. Union jobs and salaries were part of that shitty business model.

Republicans obviously feel the exact opposite.
republicans might, but i'm not a republican. This LIBERTARIAN thinks that we threw away 23 billion dollars on a company that was going to fail regardless, oh look, it did.