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Lehman hires Jeb Bush as private equity advisorNEW YORK,

Aug 30 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers has hired Jeb Bush, brother of the President of the United States, as an advisor to its private equity business, a source familiar with the situation said.
Lehman hired another relative of U.S. President George W. Bush last year--George Walker, a second cousin, who heads up the bank's asset management business.
Jeb Bush is the former governor of Florida.
Lehman Brothers declined to comment.
Lehman hires Jeb Bush as private equity advisorNEW YORK,

Aug 30 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers has hired Jeb Bush, brother of the President of the United States, as an advisor to its private equity business, a source familiar with the situation said.
Lehman hired another relative of U.S. President George W. Bush last year--George Walker, a second cousin, who heads up the bank's asset management business.
Jeb Bush is the former governor of Florida.
Lehman Brothers declined to comment.

Lehman filed chapter 11... the government refused to bail them out.
Depends on if McCain actually wins and then how things go for a McCain/Palin administration. If he wins and things go OK then I can see her running, if not in 2012 in 2016. It's not that much of a stretch to me.
I know you're kind of kidding, but objectively, do you see Palin as having a Presidential future?
I was mostly joking, but yeah. I can see her popularity increasing and running. Just as I believe that Powell would have beat Bush like a redheaded stepchild in the Primary if he had run.
I was mostly joking, but yeah. I can see her popularity increasing and running. Just as I believe that Powell would have beat Bush like a redheaded stepchild in the Primary if he had run.

WTF does Palin have to do with Powell??

You are so weird since you came out of the closet.
WTF does Palin have to do with Powell??

You are so weird since you came out of the closet.
I'm speaking to popularity when I compare the two.

I'm reasonably sure I even mentioned the word in the post to point out that it is what I was speaking about. Also, he and I go around about Powell, he believes that Powell stood no chance with the religious righties, I contend that his popularity overwhelmed their objections.

Are you upset I haven't taken any of your bait today? Is that what this is about?
I don't see it; she's got 'flash in the pan' written all over her. Her unscripted stuff has been pretty lame, and her past is probably going to bite her, unless the media snoozes. This whole thing seems borne of a desperate need to match what Obama was able to generate when he first came on the scene, but w/ Palin, there is no there, there.

I could be wrong, but after learning more about her, I'd be truly alarmed if she were ever to become President.
I doubt that Palin or her running mate will survive the economic problems.
if they do I will be very dissapointed in america.
Darla, right now to Republicans Palin is their universe.
To many of them, she's the thang. To me, she's either a phenomenon of herself in politics or a flash in the pan, either way it isn't making a difference in who I'll be voting for/against.