Tea Party Politics


New member
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.

The billionaire Koch brothers: Tea Party puppetmasters?
The New Yorker makes a case that a pair of wealthy brothers is the force behind the Tea Party movement.
Here, 5 key assertions from a new article...


David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, said, “What they don’t say is that, in part, this (Tea Party) is a grassroots citizens’ movement brought to you by a bunch of oil billionaires.”

The Tea party is definitely not about the constitution or the bill of rights. It's about making money and controlling govt. for rich international investors at the expense of the U.S.
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


We never left the Constitution or Bill of Rights. We just learned from our mistakes along the way. At points, we got a little out of control "fixing mistakes"
You don't shut down the Government to get limited Government. Shutting down the Government is not what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were made to do.

The founders would call this move an act of treason and it is tyranny.
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You don't shut down the Government to get limited Government. Shutting down the Government is not what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were made to do.

The founders would call this move an act of tyranny.

I believe it's treason.
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


Their mistake, they let the crazies infiltrate and take over the original movement.
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.

Welcome Deleroche!

Be warned though, many here are terrified of the teaparty.

That being said, the teaparty movement was started by Ron Paul. He inspired the first protests, and then social conservatives (who would trade liberty for security in a heart beat) joined in and now the republican establishment seems to take credit for it.

Go check out Ron Paul TV.
Welcome Deleroche!

Be warned though, many here are terrified of the teaparty.

That being said, the teaparty movement was started by Ron Paul. He inspired the first protests, and then social conservatives (who would trade liberty for security in a heart beat) joined in and now the republican establishment seems to take credit for it.

Go check out Ron Paul TV.

... and if you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you.
welcome. limited gov't in what sense? Libertarians are more anti-war then tea party...Washington's Farewell Address specificaly warned against "foreign alliances"

Tea Party was co-opted by Freedomworks; it might have had a decent idea at first - i'm all for Original Intent (where possible) read of the Constitution.

But the Constitution, and ESPECIALLY the founders wanted compromise - why they set up the 3 co-equal branches of US government.

It was assumed patriotism would trump partisanship; what has happened is the reverse.
Its especially assinine to shut down the govt over something you cant even do and you know you cant do, stop obamacare. It was signed into law went through several court challenges and finally the right leaning Scotus UPHELD it and all the teaparty house has done since getting in office is try to repeal it 44 times and now shut the govt down over it, absurd
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


Okay, now that you have heard from all the shrill circus monkeys from the left who engage in the same tired liberal canards, let's deal with some facts and corrections.

First; what makes you think that TEA Partiers are hated by Republicans? I would argue that it is only a few inside the beltway Republican leaders whose time in Washington has run its course and see their jobs now, and rightfully so, at risk. I'd be interested to see where you are getting your impressions; most likely, in the media.

Secondly, the irrational hatred coming from Democrats is predictable and expected. The TEA party movement represents a very real threat to the status quo that has developed between old time Republicans and Democrats that has led to the "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" politics that has led to this massive growth of Government.

Republicans, having historically been the minority, developed a relationship with big spending party Democrats who will throw party Republicans a bone now and then just to get along.

The new TEA Party Republicans who are now actually representing their Constituents are a threat to this good'ol boy long term relationship. They are even a greater threat when they willfully ignore the dire warnings of the media elitists and their inside the beltway pundits." How dare these young upstarts disrupt the applecart and massive network of power brokers we have worked all theses decades to ensure".

You are 100% correct in your assessment that returning Government to its Constitutional basis is a good thing. The TEA party movement, I believe, is helping move us in that direction as can be witnessed by the visceral reaction to them. That is a good sign.

What is happening right now with the Governments shutdown is the Constitution in action and exactly how it was designed by the brilliant men who created her.

I hope this shed some light over the shrill closed minded cries from the forums dimwit class.

In closing, here some other things we need to fight for to acheive a true Republic for the people and not the sheeple;
1) term limits of three terms for the house and two for the Senate with no crossover.
2) abolish the current tax code and supplant it with a Fair (consumption) Tax
3) eliminate all Government subsidizing
4) eliminate the Departments of Education, Housing, Energy and Agriculture.

Welcome to the forum!
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


You answered your own question. Welcome to the board
welcome. limited gov't in what sense? Libertarians are more anti-war then tea party...Washington's Farewell Address specificaly warned against "foreign alliances"

Tea Party was co-opted by Freedomworks; it might have had a decent idea at first - i'm all for Original Intent (where possible) read of the Constitution.

But the Constitution, and ESPECIALLY the founders wanted compromise - why they set up the 3 co-equal branches of US government.

It was assumed patriotism would trump partisanship; what has happened is the reverse.

Good point. Libertarians have the best foreign policy. Democrats/Libertarians have the best social policies. Democrats have the best Commerce policies. And the Tea Party has the best goal for taxation, minimized in the balance of the other policies.

(I can hear the stampede of "I don't agree" coming lol)
Its especially assinine to shut down the govt over something you cant even do and you know you cant do, stop obamacare. It was signed into law went through several court challenges and finally the right leaning Scotus UPHELD it and all the teaparty house has done since getting in office is try to repeal it 44 times and now shut the govt down over it, absurd

Correct. Even I don't agree with Obamacare and agree with this. People don't believe me when I say that because "how in the world can someone agree with one Left Winger idea and agree with a republicans too?"

Obamacare is an awesome idea. But what happens in a shutdown power struggle if they use it as a pawn eventually? Or if the Corporate Right manipulates it for profit. Of course that would only be the case with single payer which is the way better idea.

To end Obamacare you either let it fail naturally or you spread the word and get votes and win elections. The Pen is mightier than the Shutdown.
welcome. limited gov't in what sense? Libertarians are more anti-war then tea party...Washington's Farewell Address specificaly warned against "foreign alliances"

Tea Party was co-opted by Freedomworks; it might have had a decent idea at first - i'm all for Original Intent (where possible) read of the Constitution.

But the Constitution, and ESPECIALLY the founders wanted compromise - why they set up the 3 co-equal branches of US government.

It was assumed patriotism would trump partisanship; what has happened is the reverse.

You are incorrect about why they formed three branches. It wasn't for compromise. Where did you get that? It was to prevent unchecked power
You are incorrect about why they formed three branches. It wasn't for compromise. Where did you get that? It was to prevent unchecked power

Only 3 parties huh? I know you just stepped outside the box but it's time for you to do it again. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Tea Party, Constitutionalist, Green Party, Anti-Party and more possibly
Only 3 parties huh? I know you just stepped outside the box but it's time for you to do it again. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Tea Party, Constitutionalist, Green Party, Anti-Party and more possibly

Where did I say "3 parties"?

I said three branches. As in branches of government as in responding to the post.

Are you that big of a douche tip that you don't even read before you respond?

You have been PWND