Tea Party Politics

Shutting the country down and holding it's people hostage for profits seems like treason or at least terrorism to me.

by the way, great debating skills

Yeah dimwit; those Republicans have those sleeve bands and eyeshades on in their dimly lit offices counting all them profits.
Jesus; now we know where the short bus does all their drop offs; right here at JPP.

Yes, you truly are THAT stupid.

Correct. Even I don't agree with Obamacare and agree with this. People don't believe me when I say that because "how in the world can someone agree with one Left Winger idea and agree with a republicans too?"

Obamacare is an awesome idea. But what happens in a shutdown power struggle if they use it as a pawn eventually? Or if the Corporate Right manipulates it for profit. Of course that would only be the case with single payer which is the way better idea.

To end Obamacare you either let it fail naturally or you spread the word and get votes and win elections. The Pen is mightier than the Shutdown.

We think alike I was dead set against obamacare the way it was passed and it was a big pile then and its a big pile now. Having said that this do nothing house has done nothing but try to abolish or defund something they CANT DO and they know they cant do. They have done nothing for the mass of americans or the country. They are total fail.
Shutting the country down and holding it's people hostage for profits seems like treason or at least terrorism to me.

by the way, great debating skills

Yes, they certainly don't compare to your obviously superior skills however. And you were so gracious to showcase them in the tournament....oh.

And sorry, but you are retarded in every sense of the word. TREASON is a crime where someone helps an enemy of our nation. Since all of Congress is claiming to support our nation, it could only be treason if if we were at war with the American people.

So yes, you're dumber than the explosive diarrhea I just had.
Thank you for the insightful and informative post. You would be correct in your assertion that my thinking of Republican disgust with the Tea Party came from the MSM. I, for one, feel that they are on the right track, government shut down or not (even thought the 'sky is falling' rhetoric is getting old). I think you bring some valid arguments in your closing points, I would also add that we should get back to the states having more control over themselves instead of the 'almighty' federal government. Which, from my understanding was the original intention of the Constitution in the first place.
Thank you for the insightful and informative post. You would be correct in your assertion that my thinking of Republican disgust with the Tea Party came from the MSM. I, for one, feel that they are on the right track, government shut down or not (even thought the 'sky is falling' rhetoric is getting old). I think you bring some valid arguments in your closing points, I would also add that we should get back to the states having more control over themselves instead of the 'almighty' federal government. Which, from my understanding was the original intention of the Constitution in the first place.

this is a Democracy and the VAST majority of Americans think your ideas are foolish.

face reality
Thank you for the insightful and informative post. You would be correct in your assertion that my thinking of Republican disgust with the Tea Party came from the MSM. I, for one, feel that they are on the right track, government shut down or not (even thought the 'sky is falling' rhetoric is getting old). I think you bring some valid arguments in your closing points, I would also add that we should get back to the states having more control over themselves instead of the 'almighty' federal government. Which, from my understanding was the original intention of the Constitution in the first place.

It's reassuring that there are still a few people the planet who still think and use their brains.

Look for a thread I'm going to start on the Fair Tax. The time is now.
this is a Democracy and the VAST majority of Americans think your ideas are foolish.

face reality

You need a signature Desh; "because I say so.". And right below this "Yes, I am a rabid partisan asshat".

It would explain the utter nonsense you post on this forum for those who are unfamiliar with your vulgar rants and explain that the only thing you spew here is your incredibly uninformed opinions that are typically based on lies with an extreme leftist partisan viewpoint.

Carry on.
Fair tax is hillarious teabagger nonsense

Thread trolling again dimwit?

They let you out of that gated trailer community again? Or did your second cousin wife kick you out?

So why don't you share with the forum why the Fair Tax doesn't make any sense and how the current tax is superior? Or better yet, your better idea to reform the abomination called the tax code?
You need a signature Desh; "because I say so.". And right below this "Yes, I am a rabid partisan asshat".

It would explain the utter nonsense you post on this forum for those who are unfamiliar with your vulgar rants and explain that the only thing you spew here is your incredibly uninformed opinions that are typically based on lies with an extreme leftist partisan viewpoint.

Carry on.
Pot meet kettle
She is
So are you
Thread trolling again dimwit?

They let you out of that gated trailer community again? Or did your second cousin wife kick you out?

So why don't you share with the forum why the Fair Tax doesn't make any sense and how the current tax is superior? Or better yet, your better idea to reform the abomination called the tax code?
Typical teabagger trash talk, get to work janitor
Thread trolling again dimwit?

They let you out of that gated trailer community again? Or did your second cousin wife kick you out?

So why don't you share with the forum why the Fair Tax doesn't make any sense and how the current tax is superior? Or better yet, your better idea to reform the abomination called the tax code?
I just explained how good the middle class Is doing while you showed your financial ineptness in getting the 72t calculation totally wrong.
You angry teabagger
Hello all,

I'm a new user and I had a question that I was hoping I could have answered, which is, why is the Tea Party so hated among both Democrats and Republicans? It seems to me that returning to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the basis on which we pass laws and run our country, in my opinion, seems like a very smart move, considering the direction our once great country has been going these past decades. Hoping someone could shed some light on this.


this Democracy doesn't agree with you.

that makes you wrong
this Democracy doesn't agree with you.

that makes you wrong

Another incredibly stupid comment.

I find your level of ignorance incredibly repugnant. It makes me wonder; what could happen in someone's life that could turn them into such a vile, repugnant, ignorant asshole?
Deliberate sabotage of the US economy. (2011-present)

The Republican Congress has made no bones about it: They are deliberately and fanatically blocking any measure to improve the economic situation in this country or mitigate the suffering Americans experience due to the recession they inflicted on us, just so they can blame a Democratic President and benefit politically from harming their own country. They have said as much, openly and proudly. The GOP is a party of traitors, period.

Mitch McConnell has told his conference that ‘We’re not doing anything, we won’t make a single move between now and the election, because any move could be risky, and all of the shit is sliding down on President Obama.’
So, they’re not going to do anything, they’ve talked about this very clearly among themselves.
The Republicans aren’t going to make a single move between now and the election, because anything they do carries with it the “risk” that the economy improves.

Is that “treason?”

Hey wingnuts...
What do you call it when a small group of men plot to destroy the American economy for political gain? I call it treason.

I know your attention span is about 30 seconds but try to pay attention for 7 minutes...