Teen accused of firing 26 shots from AR-15 at car is released on bail

If someone in a maga hat fired a AR-15 just once on January 6th do u think he would have been set free without bail?
If the story you quoted is true, I don't think that that shooter should have been set free either.
NOBODY is defending that shooter.
Why do you go on about it?
If the story you quoted is true, I don't think that that shooter should have been set free either.
NOBODY is defending that shooter.
Why do you go on about it?
Have u heard anyone on the left...CNN MSNBC CBS etc slamming the fact he was set free by this Judge

But they sure slammed the idiot for a week that yelled Nigger at the basketball team.... priorities I guess
This is why anti gun nuts are FUCKING WORTHLESS and should STFU

They scream about gun deaths and the NRA etc etc

But when a nut takes a AR-15 and fires it 26 times into public..and is immediately set free..they dont care! its OK
Remember, their outrage and their being offended is selective.
Well when this POS takes an AR-15 again at fires it into a Mall etc killing 25...u will here about nationwide

What u wont here about in the left MSM is the fact he was caught firing one before and set free...and the Mall shooting could have been prevented by keeping the POS locked up

This POS should be locked up for at least 40 years.. And not able to get his hands on another AR-15, that works better than any gun law!
We won't hear about it if the shooter is black or a tranny
Have u heard anyone on the left...CNN MSNBC CBS etc slamming the fact he was set free by this Judge

But they sure slammed the idiot for a week that yelled Nigger at the basketball team.... priorities I guess
We must keep in mind that the narrative is more important than the crime.
I don't know that judge from Adam.
Why would you ask me?
not one get tough on gun laws lib here has stated that someone who fires a AR-15 26 times at a car should be kept locked up...not one

White House: Behavior at University of Mississippi is 'Undignified and Racist'​

But NOTHING on the shooting and the shooter being set free

White guy making monkey noises is far worse I guess
A “woke” Washington, DC, judge is facing backlash after he opted to cut loose an 18-year-old accused of firing more than two dozen rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people.

Why Libs...Why

this POS WILL KILL SOMEONE ..whoops blame the NRA

Here is a chance to prevent that by keeping him locked up...and what do they do? release him
NYP, you know there is more to the story than what the poster is offering
Context, something your sources seldom if ever include

So in your world there can be a reason for setting free a nutcase that fired an AR-15 26 times into the public

There has been an emergency order put in place to reverse this idiot Judge...that u think the story has been taken out of context
